She's just so stupid

She's just so stupid.

Why is Trump allowing her to be his official spokeswoman? For fuck's sake...

Other urls found in this thread:

And Obungo didn't create ISIS either, right?

>"Remember, we weren't even in Afghanistan by this time. Barack Obama went into Afghanistan, creating another problem," Pierson said.

Obama said Afghanistan was the "good war" and refused to pull out. In fact he doubled down on the occupation and more US soldiers died under him than under Bush

are you like 5 years old? Do you not remember this?
he certainly "created" it through his policies

This was her first mistake, she's been great since the beginning. Don't know why this happened.

She's right though.

The war in Afghanistan had shifted to Iraq and the Obama administration decided to ramp up the efforts in Afghanistan and spend less energy in Iraq.

he literally did

there was a troop "surge" for no fucking reason

Afghanistan is worse off than ever

from back when VICE was relevant

pls read the fucking thread

Obama said Afghanistan was "The Good War"

>Obama pulled out, thus creating ISIS!
>In fact, he doubled down on the occupation

Well which is it? Why do cuckservatives insist on rewriting history?

>Why is Trump allowing her to be his official spokeswoman
She probably gives decent hand-jobs.

Do you really think Trump wants an actual intelligent woman (or man?) around him? That would be too much of a threat.

Honestly, Obama made no real decisions about the the war. The surge dates and pullout dates had been set during the Bush administration and he just followed them.

Is the truth hurting your feelings liberal retard?

>Oh no! He came back at me with facts, better call him names :^)

Fuck off, adults are talking.

Except Pierson didn't say that, she said.
>Barack Obama went into Afghanistan

She's fuckin' retarded and so are you if you defend this human garbage.

>Obama pulled out, thus creating ISIS!

Of Iraq and Afghanistan

And that wasn't what led to the creation of ISIS (not directly). Obama funding terrorists to overthrow Assad in SYRIA (not Iraq) led to the eventual rise of ISIS, the only reason ISIS could fester in Iraq was because Malicki (then president of Iraq) was a vicious anti Sunni partisan that alienated Northern (Sunni) Iraq and lent credence to Al-Qaeda (ISIS was just an Al Qaeda branch before Al Baghdadi decided he wanted to declare a caliphate)

Since their "president" hated them and didn't even pretend to be impartial they rebelled. I'm not justifying that but those are the real causes.

The president has full control over any policy when he comes on board and can rewrite anything he wants especially since Iraq was just a puppet state at the time just like Afghanistan is now. The "government" is jsut full of the corrupt tribal leaders most willing to work with the US.

also Bush had no plans for a "surge" in Afghanistan, that was solely Obama's doing because again he said it was the "good war"

he did go into Afghanistan, dumbass

he increased troop levels and fighting. That's an objective documented certifiable fact.

Trump is a business man, in business when you hire someone to do a job you're just ticking boxes and the person that sticks out the most ie "aesthetics" is what usually gets them hired since everything on their resume is probably made up. Since this person lied to get in the position that they're in they're paid considerably much less than a person with experience they'll go the extra mile to not fuck up unlike a person with credentials that can just go and look for another job. In the off chance the person is so incompetent at their job then you can let go of the person and like a scapegoat be praised for finding a "solution" to the problem and blame HR for not looking into her record better and her immediate supervisor for not training her properly.

So Obama went into Afghanistan? We weren't there pre-2009?

What kind of shithead "businessman" hires a retard?


Stfu stupid

>Of Iraq and Afghanistan

I meant NOT Afghanistan

He increased troop levels you fucking moron

he called Afghanistan "the good war" when it was a complete unnecessary failure and a war of choice in every respect.

>Fuck off, adults are talking.
You sound more like a teen then an adult with that kind of insult, Steve

>Obama went into Afgnanistan

Just stop.

Then why did Trump's official spokesperson say Obama went into Afghanistan and that we weren't there before him?

She's 100% when not taken out of context. Congrats, youve been spun by the media spinners.

Taken out of context?

>"Remember, we weren't even in Afghanistan by this time. Barack Obama went into Afghanistan, creating another problem," Pierson said.

Do you have brain problems? In what context is the above statement true? The Olympics are still going on, let's see you compete for mental gymnastics.

>Fuck off, adults are talking
>She's fuckin' retarded and so are you if you defend this human garbage

wew lad. Somebody get this hothead outta here

>Obama went into Afgnanistan
Never even said that nice projecting, Steve.

So then Obama didn't end any War, it was all Bush's Mission Accomplished?

Isis solidified in Iraq and Syria. Not Afghanistan.

When she says 'we werent even in afganistan by this time' she meant that the us had barely anyone there. Then when she says obama went in, she means that he ramped up the amount of troops by a lot.

Which is all true, if you look here , and here This isnt mental gymastics, it's called metaphorical language, something 5th graders are capable of grasping but apparantly liberals arent. But only when dealing with republicans...

Shill threads everywhere.

Btw trump will win and you have no ability to make people on Sup Forums vote for crooked hillary. This is trump territory and every hillary supporter here is a shill.

Then why are you here? Did you not even bother reading the OP?

He followed the timetable as I understand it, so that's not too far off from the truth. I'd need to look into the specifics more.

Sure, but they're in Afghanistan as well. One of (if not The) leader was just killed there (again, by Obama), and I'm arguing that Trump's spokesperson is retarded for saying Obama went into Afghanistan, that we weren't there before him. That's a incorrect statement, black or white.

>I need to clarify someone who's entire job is being a spokesperson

Holy shit. So you have Trump making dumbass comments that his spokesperson has to clarify, and now you have his supporters who have to clarify his spokesperson's comments. This is great.

>Then why are you here? Did you not even bother reading the OP?
I did read the OP it's just that you were to salty to make me care about it.

>we weren't there before him

no one said that.

This is just more bullshit media spin over a non issue.

A well known fact "Obama increased troop presence in Afghanistan" is being conflated as a claim that we were never there to begin with.

we weren't in Afghanistan in any serious capacity

It was Obama that brought troop levels up to 100,000

> Just two weeks before General McChrystal warned of failure at the end of August, Mr. Obama described Afghanistan as a “war of necessity.” When he announced his new strategy last week, those words were nowhere to be found. Instead, while recommitting to the war on Al Qaeda, he made clear that the larger struggle for Afghanistan had to be balanced against the cost in blood and treasure and brought to an end.

You know why we don't hear about Afghanistan anymore? Because the surge was a complete failure.

>He followed the timetable as I understand it

Just saying that everyone celebrates Obama ending Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

Of course now that it's all fucked up, they claim Obama had nothing to do with it and it was Bush's SoFA.

None of this needs to be clarified. Actual individual people have no problem understanding what Trump and his staff mean.

Its an age old kike trick to pretend to be dumb to misrepresent what someone has said. Like when hillary is asked if she wiped her servers and she says "you mean with a cloth?"

When the whole liberal media acts together they can basically turn anything Trump says into anything they want with the right manipulation.

>You know why we don't hear about Afghanistan anymore? Because the surge was a complete failure.

More died under Obama in a year or two than all of Bush's term.

Now the Taliban are back and an even bigger threat.

We were supposed to pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq under Obama. We never did. He prolonged the war, despite all of his campaign promises to stop "meddling in the middle east."

In fact he inflamed the situation more by toppling Libya and attempting to topple Syria. After the Bush administration we had the opportunity for a clean break from Afghanistan and Iraq; Obama kept us there. All of these wars are his.

You can't claim they're Bush's wars. Bush left office 8 years ago.

It hasn't been the same since Obama founded ISIS

>One of (if not The) leader was just killed there


how are you this fucking uninformed?

Osama was a guest of the Afghanistan government but fled soon afterwards and was in Pakistan during his assassination.

The taliban today is little more than a ragtag group of disunified militias fighting off what they see as an occupation government.

>no one said that.


That's the entire point of this thread. It's in the OP. You're trolling. No one is this retarded.

>He increased troop levels you fucking moron

absolutely not what she said and you look like a fucking idiot trying to defend her statement.

Uh, no one's talking about Osama, bud. Keep up

But Obama did kill him too, which Republicans never like to admit.

>The poor faggot that pulled the short straw over at CTR has to argue the point with autistic Sup Forumstards about the meaning of "Obama's Afghanistan"

Just give up. You're not going to win. Go find a new thread to shill.

Holy shit that transcript is wonderful. Trump never hesitates to eat his own. I'm convinced he'd call his children names if they spoke against him.

>he fell for the Osama meme

Hehe dumb goy

>The taliban today is little more than a ragtag group of disunified militias

>Now the Taliban are back and an even bigger threat.

These are Trump supporters, ladies and gentlemen.

>with his bad policies that's why ISIS came about


even in that interview he clarified himself and people still talk shit

>No one is this retarded

You literally just said Bin Laden was head of the Taliban.

Take your obliviousness about foreign policy somewhere else
It's clearly what she's referencing.

>important in Afghanistan

seriously how are you this fucking stupid?

he completely clarified himself and you still whine and bitch

>he created ISIS with his policies

wow it's fucking nothing

The guy who doesn't think Osama is the leader is correct

>Lock 3 people in a basement with a child
>Leave a note that says the child has the key out of the basement sewn into his thigh
>The 3 people tear apart the kid's leg getting the key

>Get sued anyway because you created a scenario that led to the bodily harm of a minor

Whether or not you directly did something, creating an environment that would lead any reasonable human being to believe some such scenario may play out.. you are culpable in whatever the outcome may be. That's why getaway drivers get charged with murder when smash & grabs go south.

watch the fucking VICE documentary

the Taliban is only "stronger than before" in relation to the weak puppet state in Kabul

They have no real army or centralized government, and are certainly no threat to the US.

These people are goat herders, but are actually motivated to fight for "their land" (since Afghanistan is very demographically diverse there are lots of opposing religious and ethnic interests) as opposed to the soldiers in Kabul who are motivated solely by a mercenary desire for money.

also that still wouldn't mean there is a centralized Taliban leadership they have local groups.

you kill one of these guys and another replaces him it's like the boss of the cartel getting busted. All that happens is the next guy steps up.

Within a week the Trump campaign has not said

>Obama withdrew from Iraq, which allowed ISIS to grow
but rather
>Obama founded ISIS

Then, instead of saying

>Obama increased the number of troops in Afghanistan
they said
>We weren't even in Afghanistan until Obama decided to go in

And the Trump community will do mental backflips until these comments make sense for them. Truly unreal.

I thought Trumptards hated Vice? I'm liberal as fuck and even I do.

Why is Vice and liberal media ok when it fits your narrative?

>Obama withdrew from Iraq, which allowed ISIS to grow

He did clarify by saying this the next day but the media conveniently ignored it in their headlines

>Trump: It was his bad policies that caused ISIS

that literally what he said in the interview

Vice was good in like 2013 when they cared about serious issues like foreign policy

now it's shit

he clarified in that interview


wow, like, I dunno, like, are you really, I can't even, disrespeccing, a negro!!? and a women?

dat so be problemblamatic!

I can't you don't, liek, even, I dunno, JEEEEZ

could you liek BE less of a homophobe?

Phew, it gets dumber by the day huh. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES

Hillary Clinton

Aw yeah.

Now as for the spokeswoman, is this the level of bullshit the campaign is running on internally inside the Trump camp? Sweet Jehova.

Nobody speaks for everyone, vice certainly is a hit and miss depending on the topics but this is one of their best

Except this is still untrue. ISIS was an organised group in 2004. It is far more accurate to say that Bush founded ISIS, even though this would still be untrue. It would be even more accurate to say that Reagan founded Al Qaeda, even though this would still be untrue.


euphoric eric
damaged don jr
immersed ivanka
butthurt byron
turbulent trippany

hindsight is 20/20

Does his retarded statement mean nothing if he takes it back the next day? If so, then why doesn't Clinton's?

He contradicts himself in that transcript in the span of less than one paragraph and five minutes

>"You meant Obama leaving and creating the vacuum is what led to ISIS"
"No! I meant he's the founder of ISIS"
>"I know what you're arguing...."
"You're not"


"I mean with his bad policies"

I think I got whiplash

>we weren't in Afghanistan in any serious capacity

We had over 30k troops in Afghanistan when Obama came into office.

For reference, there are ~30k ISIL fighters in Syria. Would you say that they're "not in Syria in any serious capacity"?

one does so all does?

such nufaggetry

>hindsight is 20/20
nod if da mirro is nod be reel

your a fagget

ISIS was an organized group before the Iraq invasion just a different name. 2004 was when they joined AL qaeda Today's ISIS is certainly different from 2004 or 2006s. If you really want just go back in time and blame the whoever divided up the Ottoman empire the way they did

And we had 160k+ in Iraq at the same time

>ISIS was an organised group in 2004

ISIS was a part of Al-Qaeda in Iraq until al Bagdadi declared a caliphate severing ties with Al-Qaeda

But even then ISIS would not have been a problem if Obama hadn't been arming terrorists to overthrow Assad

>Reagan founded Al Qaeda,

Actually it was Carter with Brzezinski that began the "arm radical islamists to fight for our foreign policy goals" idea which was mostly dropped by the time Bush I came around.

Neither Clinton nor Bush II went around arming radical muslims (unless you count the Saudis of course), that's a tactic Obama brought back.

I'm not sure how much clarification you need

I'm just repeating what Obama said

in 2008 he said Afghanistan wasn't being treated seriously by the Bush administration which is why he more than tripled troop numbers.

Don't like it? Complain to his speech writers.

So because we had more troops in Iraq than Afghanistan, that means we had effectively no troops in Afghanistan? Is that seriously the argument that you're making?

I'm saying our involvement was jack shit

Obama did not consider it an adequate number of troops for his foreign policy goals in the country

so yes that's not a "serious" number

He completely owned the war in 2009 with the troop surge which by 2012 was already confirmed a failure.

Having a low or unserious number is not the same as "not even (being) in".

If Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders or any other leftist had said, "We weren't even in Afghanistan (between 2001 and 2008)", they'd be skewered.

she's trying to use Trump's tactics but she can't
exaggerating the truth doesn't work unless you build your entire persona around it
but she's some unknown woman so everything she says will be taken literally by everyone
calling it Obama's war can be defended but saying Obama started it is objectively false

What? No!

I can definitely post Vice as a legit source and no one would call me a shill or CTR.

>but she's some unknown
The police know her pretty well

Well Obama created Afghanistan. So yes it was his "war"

>But Obama did kill him too, which Republicans never like to admit.
Bullshit, Obama didn't pull the trigger on Osama.

>Having a low or unserious number is not the same as "not even (being) in".

I'm sorry if any use of idiomatic language upsets your autism

>they'd be skewered.

no they wouldn't, no one would give a shit, no one cared when Shillary defended her wall street corruption by bringing up 9/11 except a few bernouts.

It doesn't matter either way if she had just said Obama was responsible for the surge these comments would be ignored anyway and we would all go back to pretending the Afghan War never happened.

Maybe if you watched the documentary you would realize why VICE has become clickbait shit compared to what it used to be.

But you won't because in reality you don't care at all about foreign policy you just pretend to care because of an irrelevant offhand "gotcha" quote you want to spin for political points.

>ISIS would not have been a problem if Obama hadn't been arming terrorists to overthrow Assad
Bullshit. They took over Iraq without picking up the weapons in Syria. Obama helped boost their assets, sure, but it was the instability in Iraq and Syria that allowed them to flourish as a group. Instability in Iraq ought to be blamed on Bush, and instability in Syria ought to be blamed on Assad.

And he wasn't in Afghanistan

sort of defeats the purpose of invading Afghanistan to begin with

>She's just so stupid.
how sexists of you

>They took over Iraq without picking up the weapons in Syria

Obama had been arming them since 2011-2012

they didn't take over Iraq until mid 2013, you'd have to be retarded to think that arming and funding terrorists doesn't help them

>instability in Iraq and Syria that allowed them to flourish as a group.

The instability was created by the US and gulf states funding terrorists to overthrow Assad and then those same terrorists invading Iraq.

Yes you can blame Bush for taking out Saddam and making Iraq weak and corrupt, but hey you think Assad is "le evil bad guy" too so you're really in no position to talk.

And it was Obama that sided with Maliki a partisan pro Shia politician that did everything he could to piss off the Sunni

>blame Assad

for what? Fighting terrorists?

your bullshit neocon narratives don't work on people that actually are aware about even 1% of what's going on in the middle east.

She looks mexican...why is she supporting trump?

she's a black person who uses tons of makeup, hair product, and skin lightener to "look" white

Even if she was just being hyperbolic, and I'm hoping she was, it was posed in such a way that could easily be interpreted as an outrageous bout of ignorance. And in doing so, she's doing more harm than good.

She should have said, "We were barely in Afghanistan" or "We weren't even in Afghanistan... in any serious capacity." Instead, she decided to invite ridicule for both herself and Trump.

And that's the point: It was a stupid thing to say. What possible good could come of this? There are no conservatives praising her comments. All she managed to acquire was a bit of negative coverage.

>I'm liberal as fuck


>more soldiers died in two years of obama than eight years of bush

Holy shit Trump, just point out how he funded Syrian rebels during 2011-2013 and move on. STOP SAYING FOUNDED. STAWP.

You think Iraq and Afghanistan are the same nations? Truly an American at heart

is that lisa ann?

High quality b8