These guys are millionaires and can't afford $5 tooth whitening strips

these guys are millionaires and can't afford $5 tooth whitening strips

when you're a millionaire you're past giving a shit about the whiteness of your teeth since a bourgeoisie as fuck prostitute is just a phone call away and getting married won't exactly be difficult when you have all that money

>damaging your teeth for $5


>these guys are millionaires

This. Dentin is naturally yellowish.

Maybe for you Cletus

If you drink soda then most forms of dental hygiene and whitening are pretty much wasted effort.

>pocketing +25k/month of patreon + merch money
>all equipment payed for, so no costs besides the property they're housed in
They have money, more than average.

>Needing to give a fuck about how you look

Yellow toothed bong here.
If you drink enough coke as a kid, you can dissolve away your enamel (the white part ), leaving behind horrible yellow teeth that no amount of bleaching will whiten.
That's what I did by the way.

Your post is stupid because you assume that marriage is a desirable end goal.

These guys are millionaires exactly because they don't spend on the superfluous.

Whitening strips need to be reapplied constantly over weeks, even then they still fade, and any with decent strength cost like 50 bucks a box

Why do americans think that healthier teeth are necessarily pearly white?

marriage is one of those things that people like to strive for regardless of how desirable or enjoyable it really is. having a house, kids, nice car, hot trophy wife etc keeps up the illusion of success and happiness to make up for their horrible yellow teeth and weak hairline

Stop working at McDonald's

Probably because they were mostly poor or black. Rich people historically have bad teeth because they had access to sugar.

This might be the most genuinely autistic post I've seen today.

You there. What country are you from?

Why is "payed" suddenly what everyone is typing, instead of "paid?"

I can't've been the only person to notice this.

Just brush your teeth, pig.

Just Gen Z illiteracy

I drink a shitload of black coffee every day and my teeth aren't that yellow, obviously not everyone has the same teeth but he probably isn't cleaning them enough.

Not that guy but it's true, if you don't wash properly sugar among other carbs will remain in your teeth and guess what the bacteria that causes caries feed on?

>Not that guy
You're as autistic as him, at the very least.

Don't skip social studies you may learn something.


>these guys are millionaires

>ACTUALLY, did you know being fat and having rotting teeth was a sign of royalty 300 years ago
Seems like you're trying to defend your poor life choices

Yeah it's not like I'm not majoring in dentistry or anything and I don't know shit about that topic, I'm just a fucking retard spewing lies, right? Fuck off.

>He still doesn't get it
Holy shit



You are a very stupid person for thinking that.

>these guys are millionaires

I doubt that. The only videos that get huge views are their star wars reviews.


>trying to be attractive in Milwaukee

>$19,000 / month in patreon money split three ways
>YouTube revenue split three ways
>Costs of paying occasional guests, renting space to shoot and work, backup storage and other computing solutions

I mean they're probably living comfortable middle class lives but at most they make is $100,000 each per year before taxes and personal expenses. Hardly enough money to qualify as "millionaires"

They make $230,460/year on patreon with their current pledges. That's between at least Jay, Mike, and Rich. Jack and Beardfat probably get a cut as well, and a lot of that money is going towards expenses.

They are not millionaires.

Does Rich even get big cut of the dosh considering he is not as knowledgeable about cinema like Mike and Jay.

Rich gets paid hourly. Mike and Jay make salary.

Jack and Rich get separate money from Pre Rec though, both their Twitch and Youtube

Plus RLM sells stuff like merch and has monetised youtube vids, and Pre Rec has regular donations like every stream

but they are indeed not millionares.

That's not the point, you idiot. The autistic user said only blacks and poors care about white teeth because in the last only the rich and white had access to sugar. That is clearly no the case today, in fact it's probably the opposite as rich people have access to good dental care and probably won't be chugging gallons of soda and candy because they can't afford healthier food.

Jack is occasionally a contract employee on very specific projects, like editing/vfx on Space Cop.

This is true, the bacteria that cause cavities only can live on refined sugar. Cavities werent an issue for early man, slaves who were only ever given brown sugar, and poor people.

>these guys are
ahahaha these guys are








I'll spell it out for you, Aspie. Your fact is not why your post is autistic.

>majoring in dentistry
no one majors in dentistry. you go to dental school after after you've graduated college. majors are for college. when you get there, let us know.

user what is this weird feeling near the gum line on this one tooth? It's not pain but it's almost sort of itchy. When I look at it close in the mirror with good light I don't see jack shit.

Thank you and god bless.

I work at a bar in Milwaukee called Bar Louie. It's a chain so it's pretty shitty, but Mike shows up from time to time. He always gets really hammered and normally we have to 86 him, but the other night he was acting particularly strange. He came in and was buying everybody rounds. Now, I have to say, this is very much not like him. If anything he's normally trying to scam free drinks off of people. On top of that, he took out some cigars and gave them to a bunch of people. I asked him a couple of times what was up with him that night, but it's kind of loud in there so all I heard was something about "patron." Like he kept saying something like "This is a patron's money," or something. I'm not sure who gave him all that cash, but by the end of the night he was literally, I shit you not, lighting his cigar with a burnt $100 bill. To top it all off, before he left, he literally made it rain. Just to show off. Needless to say, whoever this "patron" is has made Mike very rich!

Not the dentist, but does is it constant? Because I get a similar feeling every once in a while where it doesn't rally hurt but I feel like picking at the gum or in between the two teeth where the feeling is.

Not him, but no, you don't. Not everywhere is america, and the world doesn't work like your little back yard does. I also guarantee I make more money than most people by being a dentist after only 5 years of *gasp* free college than most americucks, but enjoy your delusion I guess

Add cream to your coffee nigger

>he comes here for film discussion

Typically when you're from a non-english speaking country you have better spelling.

People who learn english by typing vs. by talking.

Don't forget the gobment

>mfw not a single overly-defensive, Bar Louie white knight FUCK has successfully refuted this tantalizing tale, especially not the last sentence.

I think you have problems with your maths, lad.

I was baffled when I first learned that natives had trouble differentiating between "they're" and "their".

Whitening strips are a meme, they weaken your teeth.


>That's what I did by the way.
No, you didn't. If you dissolved your enamel your teeth would decay away.

they're septillionaires you lowballing douche