What the fuck is it with the French and punctuation...

What the fuck is it with the French and punctuation? Ever noticed how all the frogs on here write spaces before their commas, use those preposterous "arrow" quotation marks, and generally type like they have fucking polio? Can any Frenchfag here explain this phenomenon?

That's just how we learnt it

Tu rages, le Hollandais ? Ton « pays » n'en est même pas un.

" " has always been written « and » in French until keyboards came along.
Comma and dots have one space after them.
Other punctuation signs have one before and one after.
It looks way cleaner that way.

say it in dutch so we can laugh at youre disgusting language

The French are white niggers

it's the 'tism

Wat hebt ge godverdomme over mij gezegd, gij vuile teef? Ik zal u laten weten dat ik ben afgestudeerd als de top van de para-commando's, ik betrokken ben geweest bij vele geheime aanvallen op Al Qaida, en dat ik meer dan 300 bevestigde doden tel. Ik ben getraind in gorilla oorlogsvoering en ik ben de beste sluipschutter van het Belgische leger. Gij zijt niets anders voor mij, dan gewoon een ander doelwit. Ik zal u godverdomme vernietigen met een precisie die nooit eerder gezien is, let op mijn woorden. Denkt ge dat ge kunt wegkomen met die stront, op het internet? Ik denk het niet, mongool. Op dit eigenlijke moment heb ik mijn geheime spionnennetwerk gecontacteerd over heel Europa, en ook uw IP laten traceren. En nu kunt ge u maar beter voorbereiden op de storm, gij made. De storm die het kleine zielig hoopje vernietigt dat gij uw leven noemt. Ge zijt godverdomme dood, stuk onbenul. Ik kan overal zijn, op elk moment. Ik kan u doden op meer dan 700 manieren, alleen al met mijn blote handen. Ik ben niet alleen getraind in ongewapende gevechten, maar ik heb ook toegang tot het volledige arsenaal van de para's, en ik zal het op vol vermogen gebruiken om uw miserabele kont van het continent te vagen, gij stuk hondestront. Als ge maar wist wat voor een vergelding uw 'slimme' opmerking zou teweeg brengen, dan hadt ge misschien uw bakkes gehouden. Maar ge kont het niet, ge deedt het niet, en nu zult ge de prijs betalen, gij godverdomse idioot. Ik zal u volledig onderschijten met mijn furie, en ge zult er in verdrinken. Ge zijt godverdomme dood, klootzak.

Frenchies are rebels. It's called punk-tuation.

lol have you noticed that the holland flag is just french flag sideways pretty embarrassing

see, disgusting

It freaks me out, m8. Bloody weirdos.

Fuck off m8


yes we all know fr*nch is disgusting

French is the sexiest language.

when you say we, do you aggregate other country with your point of view ? because you're so fucking irrelevant you shouldn't talk for them.

I agree that «» looks better than ". But putting a space before signs doesn't look cleaner at all, just stupid.

Stop bullying pls

it is cleaner tho.
how can this be stupid when it literally helps understanding.

Explain how it's cleaner.

it's a fail!
it's a fail !

>« and »

Not really. Why not put it before periods and commas anyway if it's so much cleaner?

Because we have such a thing as half-height punctuation marks and full-height punctuation marks.
In our typography we are supposed to put a space before full height punctuation marks.

because commas and dots are fucking tiny, you could miss exclamation point with a l or a i tho, using a space clearly definite it isn't part of the word.

Why is the exclamation mark all on its own like that? It looks like it's exclaiming thin air and not the sentence it came after. This is not how you should treat punctuation marks.

"?" could be missed with a "Z", and we put a lot of z in the end of our verbs

and this is not how you should treat french language, look i have to lower my intelect to write this sentence, literally nigger tier the language, but it's the only one you know so i have to lower my standards to be a bit understood.

imagine being this autistic

imagine being belgian

I do when I write in french but I don't when I write in english. I even use the english quotations mark when I write in english while I usually use the french one. Concerning the way we do it: do you stick your interrogation mark to your text when you write with hands?

Imagine being so autistic that autistic rules about punctuation in a language you don't even speak makes you upset.

>this is a language

I'm sorry, sissy wh*toid boi, but we're proud BLACK niggers.

Other way around, my Norwegian friend

It bugs the shit out of me

There's a few more symbols than other alphabet systems, it's not that complicated.

have you never met a typographer ?

Because it reads better. It bothers me that it's attached in other languages, as it's less legible.

Commas and such are only one sign. A question mark is actually two signs, so it is treated like a word in print and needs to be separated like any other multi-sign character : ; ! ? = % « »