Why are blonde-haired blue-eyed people so worthless?

Why are blonde-haired blue-eyed people so worthless?

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>literally just a bunch of old white cucks
Why are whites so worthless?

Can you name 5 blonde-haired blue-eyed people who have contributed to humanity in a meaningful way?

Protip: you can't

All of your god tier pictures are of people not of this century except for that hack, no talent tesla and hubble
Also Jesus had Blond hair and blue eyes retard

Can you name 5 Serbs who have contributed to humanity in a meaningful way?

Protip: you can't

>Also Jesus had Blond hair and blue eyes retard
Really? Jesus was a fucking sandnigger

Jesus was a super saiyan.

fucking idiot

>'shit tier'

I was starting to agree with you until that. kill yourself

you didn't even try to hide your bluepill.

U mad bro? Edison is a cuck and pedophile and bell didn't invent the telphone but that italian dude Marconi or some shit. Get fucked fatty America is one huge lie

Amending this; 5 may have been too many.

Can you name 3 blonde-haired blue-eyed people who have contributed to humanity in a meaningful way?

>philosophers, painters and musicians
>useful to society

Writing a book about your ideas on life should not qualify you for an important human being.

I agree with this I don't think blondes have made significant contributions to humanity

I love making muslims mad

Werner Heisenberg, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Emmanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhaur, Max Planck, Maurice Wilkens, and Svante Arrhenius were all blonde or at least described as being blonde by people who knew them.

Tycho Brache was actually pretty blonde, just a semi-strawberry blonde. Most of the paintings of him being more redheaded than blonde is due to fadding colors because of age. However, Brache was decribed by the people that knew him for having very blonde hair.

Ernest Ruthfried and Issac Newton were both blonde, but their hair darkened with age. And Maurice Wilkens hair went dark before going gray.

Part of the problem with talking about the hair color of accomplished men is that blonde hair fades with age. A lot of people do not become famous until middle age. Their hair likely darkened consiberable by then.

Actually Satoshi Kanazawi made a point about this in his book "Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters". The sterotype about blondes being stupid and youthful is because most natural blondes tend to be truly blonde when they are young. Most natural blondes' hair fades with age. Blondes seem stupid and childish, because blondes are blonde when people are at their most stupid and childish phase of their life.

Also Niels Abel was actually blonde too.He was described being blonde by his contemparies. However, the picture of him fadded over time which makes his hair look dark.

Which that is another problem with looking for accomplished blondes. Yellow and gold are colors that fade pretty easily with time. You really can not trust paintings to tell you what hair color a person actually had in the past. Personal accounts from the people that knew these men are much better than paintings.

Tfw between God-tier and High-tier

Excellent work. This really gets my cerebrum fluid circumnavigating.

Blonde chad machines make blonde babies with their dicks.
Some of them grow up into blonde cuties who motivate browneyes to achieve enough to bree with them.
I was gonna work on quantum computing, but then I found out what it was like to have two girls trying to suck me off at once.

Having kids soon with my female and her family's money. Its been a good run.

btw i paid for college with my sperm. If i traveled around donating, i could have bought a house. Disclosure from one of the doctors?

A lot of married women will buy from clinics because if they're gong to have one or two kids, the want good ones.

>it's a 'I have brown eyes and want to hide my insecurities about my whiteness' episode

I don't think childhood blondes should be considered blonde I had dark blonde hair when I was child that did not make me a blonde.

This sounds so much like a WE WUZ post it's baffling

>mfw OP is so retarded even a norwegian can rek him

Just your daily reminder that every Turk, I mean Serb wants that Nordic gold.

>did not make me a blonde
Yes, yes it did. You were a natural blonde and it eventually darkened.

That's shit everyone has blonde hair when they're kids

They just want that scandinavian gold.

Just look at her.

He said CHILDHOOD, not fucking toodler.

Nice effortpost

You know the reason you are shit haired and shit eyed is because our arabic/kurdish raiders raped your ancestors right?

Just fuck my shit up I don't know what to say

nice damage control NIDF(nordic internet defense force).

There's a difference?

>Part of the problem with talking about the hair color of accomplished men is that blonde hair fades with age.

By that rather far fetched standard, I'm blonde too, as are 80% of the people in Europe.


Gvinig you Tycho Brache, though, he looks blonde and blue-eyed as fuck.


>no Euler
Blonde blue-eyed masterrace reporting
That is clearly lighter colored hair

Euler, Poincare, Dirac, Leibniz, Kant, Nietzsche, Ramanujan, (Einshtein), (Godel), (Feynman), Trump, Preet Bharara, Buddha, Archimedes, Socrates, Charlie Parker, (Kubrick), Van Gogh, (Wittgenstein - Hitlers high school nemesis), ...


There's kind of a difference, don't you think?

And the reason our IQ average declined is because too many uneducated, illiterade sandniggers came.

Also Mozart, Kierkegaard..

I tend to agree though, that the completely blonde, blue eyed phenotype are not of the most creative, brilliant stock. Or maybe it's because they account for a tiny percentage of the world population.

Dark blonde (light brown) with light eyes master race.

>That is clearly lighter colored hair

Dude I get the same color in black and white pictures and I'm sure as shit not blonde.

>implying tesla is not the God of virginity and autism

Most moder christians admit to this. Nigs are trying to spread we wuz kungs shit onto jesus though.

That's the light's reflection off of your greaseball hair, you fucking wop.

>There's kind of a difference, don't you think?



But seriously, no.

Paris Hilton
The port jackson killer

nah I got nothing

>fair brown hair blue eyes master-race.

how is having mud tier hair and eyes "god tier"? you look like an inbred slackjaw faggot.

Blonde hair green eyes master race steamrolling through.

I have dark hair in black/white photos when in reality I have sandy hair. It's a shitty way of measuring.

ISIS is that you

I stand corrected.

ugh, ash brown hair, dark brown eyes.
mom has grey and dad has hazel eyes.
what the fuck went wrong..


Where would the people with fair hair and brown eyes be on this chart then?

Europe's IQ rounds 100.
Italy has the highest with 102 and Serbia has the lowest with 89? That's weird.

>tfw blonde hair blue eyes

kill me end the suffering

>blue eyes
>blond hair
>god tier woman

No offense ruskie bro but that women looks shes high on drugs

>Ernest Ruthfried and Issac Newton were both blonde, but their hair darkened with age.
>but their hair darkened with age.

Kill yourself.

Jesus was not a "sand-nigger", he was white. David is described as having a ruddy complexion in the Bible (same way vikings were described by Ibn Fadlan, on the Rus merchants at Itil, 922. See greentext for direct quote). Ruddy is synonymous with white. Jesus came from David's lineage, consequently making him ruddy (i.e. white) as well. David couldn't have been an ashkenazi jew seeing as they didn't exist at the time.

>I have seen the Rus as they came on their merchant journeys and encamped by the Itil. I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms, blond and ruddy;

Sorry, but Jesus was without a doubt white.

it actually means having a red color, not white

4 waterpolo players

>Sorry, but Jesus was without a doubt white.

So David was a devil?

It refers to having a reddish/rosy complexion. You know, having such pale skin that the blood is shown through it? An example is when you blush, or have your head in a downward position for a period of time.

Deal with it Turk

I have photos of myself as a toddler, I had curvy blonde hairs until age 6 or 7.
I guess I'm a snownigger now.

This cuck doesn't even know that blond turns into brown for most men. If you're germanic and have blue eyes you were probably born a blonde.

lmao, you know that jesus was a fucking arab right? historically and factually speaking

Like I said. This is biblical doctrine. Want me to fetch the exact verse?

>My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.
t. Song of Solomon 5:10

How do you explain that quote? Why does it say "white and ruddy"? Sounds like the definition of a ginger to me (i.e. a white person).

Also if you're trying to point out with that picture of yours that jews can look white, then no. Ashkenazi jews (i.e. the white-looking jews) did not exist during the time of David. Try again.


pick one

Sorry, but no. Jesus was white.

See This is literally biblical doctrine. Just because Jesus was born in the middle-east that doesn't prove he was of arab descent. They will probably say the same about George Washington 100 years from now, when only spics live in America. I guess that proves that he was a spic.

The entire area surrounding the mediterrenean were inhabited by white settlers 2000 years ago. Do you think the Romans were shitskins too?

Put Elliot Rodger in the top

I'm just saying that the Bible teaches. Seeing as there's no other evidence for Jesus ethnicity, this is what we go by. The Bible is supposedly the word of God, so if Jesus existed, and he is who the Bible says he is, then he was white.

Simple really.

Fuck Atatürk looks sexy. Goddamnit he must have gotten loads of pussy.

blondes are overrated

t. god-tier brown hair brown eye ubermench

Why do you people still worship Hitler even when he was going to treat you like a second class citizen?

Can't you see it's Hillary?

He would? Did the anglos tell you that?

I'm not a Med, but this divide and shill pseudohistory is fucking gay and retarded.

I have natural blond hair and brown eyes. Where am I on this spectrum?

>shit tier
spot the newfag

Makes alot of sense, Yugoslavia became mongrelized so they're at least trying to correct the record

Something inbetween shitty and good? Decent? Also I never saw a person with blonde hair and brown eyes

Hair and eyes color doesn't matter, the only important thing is white skin.

Why are Serbians so worthless?

Has sweden ever produced a genius like Tesla?

Why are Romanians so worthless?

kill that fucking thing with fire

I always have to laugh when I see a picture of Descartes, thanks Sup Forums.

>Why are X so worthless?
>says as he relizes sweden is a second rate culture and there are no genius blonde people

>Why are blonde-haired blue-eyed people so worthless?

Mostly due to Marxism.


Sweden - Romania 19 - 1

Only IQ matter.

>muh science papers
It only takes someone of mediocre intelligence to write a research paper. And depending on the field many of them cand be outright false (as in poorly researched).
I think this video talks about that youtube.com/watch?v=XrGRP2mu0GA.
The only people who go into research at my university are those too stupid to get a real job and want to be payed by the state. Considering the ammount of social justice bullshit going on in Sweden I bet most of the papers are about stupid femminim crap.

Point is, I can't think of a blonde person who was a genious. I guess blondes are more like women, tend to be of average intelligence but not so much retards or geniuses.

Everyone mentioned here is more relevant than Tesla Even the Swedish biologist Carl Linnaeus is 3 times more relevant.

Fuck off gyppo.


>It only takes someone of mediocre intelligence to write a research paper.
What are you saying? We have more smart people than Romania? Does that indicate that we're a master race?
>Point is, I can't think of a blonde person who was a genious.
Isaac Newton. Case closed.

>Tellurium was discovered in the Habsburg Empire, in 1782 by Franz-Joseph Müller von Reichenstein


Nope but remember Germans first.

>Carl Linnaeus - formalised the modern system of naming organisms
that would have been done anyway, you can't compare him to Tesla
>Isaac Newton - blonde