That's katana. Her sword traps the souls of its victims

>that's katana. Her sword traps the souls of its victims
Who wrote this shit?

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Side note: I really liked the movie

>Who wrote this shit?
Mike W. Barr.

Why would Asians make a sword like that when they don't have souls?

To slay Gaijin, you moron.

I'm pretty sure they just stole that from Naruto senpai.

I mean that's what the sword does and that's her name

I'm pretty sure she's older than the entire Naruto series and the idea of a soul-stealing sword isn't even THAT unique dumbass.

Naruto is pretty old though senpai.

Why is she even in the skwad?
>Trying to avenge dead husbando
>Not even in prison

Who's better at Soul stealing? Katana or Ragman?

Susanoo can eat souls now? Literally can't keep track of all the bullshit sharingan upgrades.

Michael Moorcock wrote the first soul stealing sword in mainstream modern fiction. That was in 1977.

I think the very first comes from the Epic of Gilgamesh though.

Then how'd her husband get trapped in it?

I thought she was Batman's spy, or was that cut out of the final cut

They never said her husband was Asian, you racist.

>'This is Kuntanah, she's got ma back'
>Abandons Flagg in his time of need to chill in a bar with people she hates

I'd say I didn't get the point of her character, but I'd hardly call her a character either.

>Michael Moorcock wrote the first soul stealing sword in mainstream modern fiction. That was in 1977.
I'm pretty sure they just retconned it in after that episode of Naruto came out and everyone was like WOW ODA WHY DIDN"T I THINK OF THIS FIRST (except they thought that in Asian not English)

>I think the very first comes from the Epic of Gilgamesh though.
Also retconned

I want to play Katana in a vydia game.

Unfortunately no video game has ever had Katana the character in it nor a katana as a weapon.

Naming some Katana cause she uses a katana is like naming someone Mac cause he uses a Mac-10.

The joke doesn't get funnier when you repeat it so fast, dude.

She had his back for the mission he asked her to do.
Turns it the mission was a lie and was a complete lost cause. The power houses of the unit she was working with quit.
All that's left is Flagg, Clint Eastwood's son's character and some nameless mooks.
As if she'd want to stay.

it wasn me

Or Boomerang cause he uses boomerangs. Or Knuckles cause he uses his fists.

wtf i hate naruto now because of your absolutely terrible posts congratulations you baited me

Barr gave her that name because bedsides the obvious connection he liked the " K" sound and it ended in a feminie a

Besides classic comic naming convention is that you should be able to match a name to a character with no other information

Don't hate Naruto senpai he just lived in a homophobic world you can't fault him for that

All the hamfisted explanatory dialogue was pissing me off

That's what happens though. The Soultaker sword takes souls

I'm their native tongue, it is known as "Gaijinbane"

Her husband was Japanese

She had his back up until it turned out he was the villain.

Did anyone notice every character looked like they were on the verge of tears

It's could have been written better though.

I wonder if there's a guy that waifued Katana and let her kill him with her sword and pretends she's talking to him whenever she talks to her sword for her husband.

>I would advise not getting killed by her
>I would advise not getting killed
>Don't get killed
Is this some kind of Michael Bay script writing? I mean, fuck, who would say something like that?

It was a threat, you fuck.

Would have been nice if they'd explained what the fuck she was doing there.
Like, was Waller gonna give her the location of the guy who actually killed her husband?

>A piece of advice anyone goes by on a day to day basis
If I advised you to not eat raw meat, would that be a threat?


Was meant to reply to

Well it is a suicide mission for a suicide squad.

Yakuza trying to run guns through Tokyo, the Squad is chasing said guns so she's helping them find said guns.

In the comics anyway. I dunno if they're up to that story in any of the SS Storytimes out and around.

Since when the fuck did a suicide mission actually become a suicide mission for a fucking suicide squad in a mediocre suicide film that almost made me commit suicide?
>Goes to watch a suicide film based around a suicide squad going on a "suicide" mission
>Only two fuck boys die. One before anything actually happened (Died trying to fuck off from a suicide mission, the irony), and the other actually went with it.
>mfw watches a two hour suicide mission and no one commits suicide

Well, the line was obviously the set up for a punch line about how ridiculous how her powers are, but the joke Harley delivered was fucking terrible.

A reply to

Everyone in that movie seemed to give zero shits that the existence of souls has just been proven.

He's saying that you shouldn't get on her bad side not just because she'd kill you, but also because then your soul would be trapped in a sword for all eternity.

Still a shitty line though.

What was the point of Slipknot?

Well obviously Flagg's advice about not getting killed was taken to heart.

What the fuck even is a soul?

To show you Waller means business.

Well, ancient Shintô Buddhist faithfuls believed that not only animals had souls, but also plants and everything else from nature. They also believed that if a craftsman dedicated himself to a piece he was creating, and putted a lot of energy into it, it would gain a kind of "soul" (more like an aura).

There is where all the "folded over a thousand times" culture comes from.

So if she absorbs your soul is it stuck there forever, or is it like ragman where you can earn your way into the afterlife?

Your conscience, given the way she speaks to her husband.

Something that gets stuck in Katana's sword.

>there are people that know more about Ragman than Katana
Color me surprised.

He's a bit of a clutz

Is there any Japanese superhero who doesn't have connections with the Yakuza or a ninja clan?

XP. If she gets enough Souls she can level up her armor, mask, English, or Katana

katana is meant to be lowercased

Are there free drinks in Katana's sword?
I want a White Russian with three ice cubes please.

this is the stupidest thing I've learned about this movie since hearing The Joker is in it. ffs what were they thinking?

Given Japan, either until the sword is destroyed, or the curse is lifted. So you could have a onmyouji purify the blade, or plea with a power tengu (best swordmen and sword makers in japanese myth) to best her and break the blade, or become a oni and eat the blade and the souls.

Which do you want?


I want naked pictures of Katana.

people have different ways of talking you fucking autists

Ok. So lets say that Katana misses the sheath when putting her sword away. She gets cut and the cut gets infected. She later dies from that infection.
Where would her soul go?

No Sheath or hilt.

Ragman is awesome yo

>Why is she even in the skwad?

To have Rick Flag's back. Which might make more sense if there weren't thirty SEALs along for the ride.


To Hell, the sword more than likely has to kill her right then and there to take her soul. Why Hell? Well all good warrior in Japan go to hell. Ask any Samurai.

>has Rick's back
>Rick almost gets kidnapped twice
>She had nothing to do with his rescue


My dick. Cause before she dies I'd fuck her and my dick traps the souls of everyone I fuck.

Valhalla? How boring, one goes to Hell to take on the Demon lord himself.

but what if she can upgrade her katana to have a capital K?

It's apparent they have history since Flagg knows literally everything about her. But if she's such an important bodyguard to him then why not just fucking explain it.

To be honest I liked the idea of her being an insider for Batman.

Oh sorry Mr. Nolan. Would you have preferred
>"This is Tatsu Yamashiro, codename Katana. Rumor is her sword steals people's souls but I don't buy into all that silly magic nonsense."


that would quickly get nerfed, I imagine

While we are on the subject of Samurai, do anyone play Samurai Shodown? Who do you main? I main Ukyo.

I'll be honest, I'm happy when dc fails at movies.

Oh fucc. She got them curves

I think it's a just a popular fan theory that stemmed from the first image of the whole squad assembled.

You justified it all to me.
I will blow you for making sense of this film now, yes.

Mike W. Barr

like 30 years ago

read a comic

Talking about writing in the film. I'm fine with a katana that traps souls, it's just flat out saying it traps souls is shit.

The kabuki guy, mainly because of his voicelines.

Can that sword be broken or some shit to release souls?
I dont know any lore on her

Ragman for sure.

What the fuck do you want them to do? Beat around the bush and end up with a billion fan theories on what the sword is supposed to do?

I know you baiting
And it still is rustlin me

its shit writing. OK?



It was in-line with Flagg's established character. Generally he's fairly to the point and on the nose in his speaking, probably as a result of his military/ leading role.

Does it get annoying with your dad's soul always around you?

>Valhalla? How boring
Hunting, eating, drinking, for fucking forever

Well excuse us, dated Charlie Sheen reference.