I didn't get it at all

Did she make her daughter come back to life or have amnesia? Either way it makes no sense...

Yes the ayyliens gave her necromancy powers through there language, not that hard to follow

Her daughter died, the start of the movie is set long after the aliens arrived. She knew her daughter was going to die before she had her because of the gift the aliens gave her. She made the decision to still have her daughter and make the most of the time they had together.

All the parts about the daughter happened AFTER she met the Aliens.
Because of their time bending language bullshit she had forseen what will come. Thats why she also knew what to say to the chinese General.

Great first two acts of a movie- ending sucked.

>tfw you realize that every parent knows that his kid will die one day and they chose to have them anyway


she gained clairvoyant powers from learning their language lmao.

but only she has this power.

It was all spelled out for you by the end. All those "flashbacks" were actually flashbacks of the future, so every scene with the daughter comes after all the ayylmaos leave. That was the gimmick, memories from the future and all.
It was pretty straightforward, I hope you are just baiting.


Which makes no sense because if learning their language gives you that power, soon more on more people will get that ability because they established a treaty, alliance whatsoever at the end.

And that's exactly what happens, the other user is wrong. Amy Adams character writes that book and humanity as a whole eventually learns the non linear language and helps the aliens in 3000 years or whatever


Would humanity even still be here in 3,000 years?

Not w/o their help.

That part of humanity helping them in 3000 years or the year 3000 sounds more interesting than the movie itself.

I would love to see a movie where we are the bad guys or space mercenaires who get called when a messy job needs to be done perfect.
I know that a movie probably wouldnt work but all this from the perspective from an Alien and how they look at us in shock and horror.

>I would love to see a movie where we are the bad guys or space mercenaires who get called when a messy job needs to be done perfect.

this so much, movie needed way more action

Why didn't she just wait to have sex with Jeremy Renner? If that individual sperm was going to lead to a child that dies at a young age and she knows it, then why not wait a few months, that way it will be a new egg and a different sperm cell so there's a much better chance of it not being a baby that's going to die

honestly if I knew that I was going to have a diseased dead kid with a guy then I'd probably choose a different guy

We never get the real reason besides genetics. And it could be her part that cuased the problem, not his.

Why the fuck would she write that book? That ability is a curse. She's still wandering through life non-linearly, mostly confused. She saw her daughter's death coming but couldn't do anything about it. She ruined her marriage too, and knew she was going to, but again couldn't prevent that. Who the hell would want to live in a world where anyone who reads her book can gain that ability?
>Oh hey Frank. Sucks to be you, you're going bald in 4 years and your mom's about to die in a car crash

>ayy we're going to help humans who will help us 3,000 years later instead of solving whatever problems we have by that time ourselves
lazy fucking cunts.

Thats why the end of teh movie with the conclusion is the weakest part. Also about the aliens. If you knew that you need humanitys help in 3000 or 1000 years, there is plenty enough time to deal with the upcoming problem before that. Nope stories with time travel etc are mostly fucked up to this lopholes without going with the full Grandfather paradoxon.

Because by waiting/choosing a different guy she would get a different kid.
She already knew and loved her daughter specifically (because of the gift) and fucking someone else would result in a different person and she would basically erase her daughter from existence. And there is high chance that the other baby would also have cancer.

Also ask your mom would she agree do it if she knew that she would never had you.

I hope this post is an attempt at being funny, you asshat.

But that was very clear at the end. Why people have problem grasping the story that is this clearly portrayed? The same with Inception or many others?
Do people watch their movies half-assed while playing games and netflix-chilling? Or they are just retarded?

It's not time travel fuck head. All moments of time are all happening right now in his moment all time that has ever existed is happening at this exact same moment. That's the gift. That's the point. Understanding octopus language allows you to be born and dead in the same moment. It doesn't matter that her daughter is dead because she lives forever.

Don't do the last part user, you might not like what you hear.

>there are people this dumb breathing the same air you do

I want out.

The memories of her daughter being dead are from the future. Are you inept or something?

Arrival is part of a recent series of movies I'd describe as Dunning-Kruger Sci-Fi. Along with Interstellar and to a somewhat lesser extent The Martian, they perfectly play to the crowd that fancies themselves as (and, to be fair, may truly be) smarter than average audiences but are not as smart as genuinely "smart people." They are movies designed to make the audience feel smart by introducing complicated and heady concepts, and then holding the viewer's hand the entire way through until there is next to nothing to be left up to interpretation.

If you didn't already know the twist in Arrival by the time she was in the milky section of the ship with the aliens AT LEAST, you perfectly fit the audience I am talking about.

There is no reward for being smart while viewing these movies because everything is eventually spelled out in big fridge magnet letters. Any clever idea is made so transparent that even the most simple in the audience will get it. It also removes any reward for rewatching or trying to figure out what you just saw.

Granted, there is a difference between Arrival and Interstellar. I think where Interstellar was pretending to have a brain it actually didn't have, Arrival has a brain that it is refusing to let the audience use.

Completely disappointing movie.

>so that just happened

>make the most of the time they had together.
wasn't she working while her daughter went to school? doesn't sound like the funniest way to make the most of the time they had together

Remember, you are here forever

What are some sci-fi films you would consider to be made for 'genuinely' smart audiences?

I hope you're trolling.

This language alters reality concept is basically the anthropological definition of magic.

The Star Trek reboots. Avengers. The new Alien film.


it was literally impossible for her to make any other choices than the ones she made

>animals with an odd number of appendages

Is that even a thing?

Being this fucking stupid

She was predetermined to be a single parent, sh needed the income

Aliens from a different dimension and time show up? Don't worry motherfuckers. I got it under control. I took Spanish in school. I'll have their language figured out in a couple weeks. Even though this would be impossible, I got this because I have studied all human language and there couldn't possibly be anything lost in translation with extra dimensional beings. Surely they have the same concepts as us. I'll figure it out. Give me a couple weeks.

she was an alien with amnesia, so she forgot she was an alien but remembered at the end,

>explaining things to retards who will never understand even though they hammer it home over and over

Why would the Aliens need humanities help 10,000 years int he future if they already know what's going to happen? And why doesn't their spaceship have wings or other rocket parts for low-atmosphere piloting?


>what's going to happen

It is preordained. They need human help because they receive it.

>And why doesn't their spaceship have wings or other rocket parts for low-atmosphere piloting?
because we wuz advanced civilization and shit

>Why would the Aliens need humanities help 10,000 years int he future if they already know what's going to happen?
Maybe the problem itself comes from the human race so they need to interact with humans and unite them to solve the problem

You'll have to wait for the cash grab in 15 years, arrival 2:our time to arrive

We show up in the future and help our squid buddies fuck up some intergalactic douchebags trying to recreate the universe with black hole technology,

I'd unironically watch this

That was all her future seeing that was put in pieces during all the movie, she had a kid with the scientist dude she was working with decrypting alien's language.

Dr. Costello, I'm mankind

The colorgrading sells it for me. I give it a 6/10, maybe 7