Every true Libertarian should support Solar power

In 10 years, solar has gone from 5 dollars per watt to less than 20 cents. Thats a reduction of more than 2000 % in 10 years, and this exponential trend isnt slowing down. In 5 to 10 years time, Solar will be the cheapest form of energy generation in the world, and it will be paired with a new generation of Lithium air batteries for energy storage that has a potential energy density greater than oil. We are just at the tip of an energy revolution that will effectively allow the average person to generate their own electricity. No more will we be paying inflated electricity prices to the Utility Jew.

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They'll start taxing us based on the electricity we make.

Yes you will.

1. Maintenance of arrays.

2. Maintenance of energy distribution network (this isn't going away.)

3. Energy for replacement arrays.

Id much rather support local panel maintenance business employing trademens than multibillion dollar energy and utility conglomerates that inflate the price of electricity and utility costs so then Goldstein could get himself a billion dollar raise. And you can decide to get off the grid once new battery tech are good enough and then you can stop paying for maintenance costs and utlities. They cant force you to pay for a service you dont use, unless youre still connected to the grid.


This needs to come soon. The muslim oil states need to fucking die, they have terrorised the world for too long.

Dw, its going to happen sooner than you think

it sounds great, then you put them in a desert and no one mentions how much water it takes to keep them operational.

Maybe price of solar panels is dropping, but your belief that batteries are going to improve is a pipe dream. Hardly any growth whatsoever.

>65 gigawatts in the entire world of solar
thats it?


Theres superhydrophobic products that are on the market today that will make cleaning solar panels with water unnecessary.

Your graph ends at 2002 friendo.

Energy density isn't a huge concern, solar setups are static and can be pretty heavy.

What's important is overall battery lifetime, how long you'll be able to use the battery for storage before it will no longer take a charge.

Density isnt important for mass adoption, its all about pricing.
The price of batteries have dropped sabstantially in the last 5 years and this trend will intensify once Elon musk gigafocotry opens.

because hydrophobic materials keep dirt off?

Shit growth m8
It's even worse growth in the last decade
Density matters if you ever want to replace gas cars with electric cars

>not nuclear
ayy base load power production lmao

Solar is ass backward here in upper latitudes.
When you need more power there is very little of the sun.

I didnt say anything about keeping dirt off. Its a bit like superteflon. Things wont stick altho there will plenty of sand particles on the panels . If you pretreat solar panels with these products, you would just need a blower to get the dirt off, which massively more cheaper, efficient and quicker than water, detergent and brush.

renewable energy is going to put tens of million if not hundred million people out of work.

>natural gas

do you know how many people depend on these three fossil fuels to make a living??

this is the same reason why thorium and cold fusion were supressed.

True dat, touche.


Theres been alot of advancements in Lithium air batteries,and traditional lithoum ion batteries. Many investors even fear that Teslas Gigafactory will be made obsolete by 2018 because battery investment and research is going through a boom right now.

>working against the work free future

Nigger kill yourself

Employing people for no reason is communism. Hillary shill confirmed.

I mean we can hope for the best. But historical trends make me skeptical of any crazy improvement.

>work free future

you high son

You will never be off the grid entirely. Whether by extension (items, materials, information that you consume) or directly.

Molten salt reactors are better. If only Trump knew about them.

>solar meme energy
Yeah its so cheap because the companies that make it lose hundreds of millions of dollars a quarter and keep getting more money pumped in to push le clean energy meme

You can always blow the dirt off with an air gun you miserable nigger

And you just lost the Libertarians with that statement.


No source on the graphic = will not share

How the fuck can I invest in this?


>muh source fallacy.

Nice find


when will lolbertarians realize the threat is opec and that we don't want to sell our current products until we know opec's influence is diminished

How so?

What does that have to do with libertarianism?