Are finns the ultimate cucks?

are finns the ultimate cucks?

people here dont even mind if Police search your home without a warrant

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>search your home without a warrant
asians are an obedient peoples

Because a warrant isn't really a thing in Finland. A police of certain rank can order a search of a suspect's home if he is suspected of a crime no less serious than one whose punishment is a prison sentence of certain time. The owner of the domicile must also be given the chance of being there to witness the search.

Don't reply to the proxy Swede.

Stay classy, Finland

what about noise complaints?

every time police have showed up to one of my friend's apartments the police will poke around the entire flat looking for something "suspicious"

the worst worst worst part of it is that all these friends say they have nothing against the police coming into their home because herpa der "i have nothing to hide"

Just tell them you don't want them in your apartment. They have no legal jurisdiction to enter unless you're suspected of a crime or they need to enter in an emergency.
Let me guess, your friends are 420blazeit elämämmkoulu shits? You as well, you can't even into grammar. Who the fuck gets multiple noise complaints?

No my friends are all alcoholics who unironically think weed is evil.

They like to have parties in their flats, so noise complaints have been an issue.

Also, you sound like a fucking Nazi, grammar and otherwise.

So essentially people everyone in their building will hate. Hope they get kicked out soon.

isnt England like that as well?

>people here dont even mind if Police search your home without a warrant
Well if you fucking let them in to do a search, then you let them in and probably don't mind, nor have anything illegal.

That makes police put you on "doesn't have shit" on their list and never bother you again.

Only if you forget to pay tv licence.

no fun allowed

Get a job, buy a house then you can have your fucking fun without making your neighbours want to strangle you degenerate shits.

oh yeah lemme just get a fucking house real quick xD

so now socializing and hanging out with people is considered degenerate??

People here have had and still do have respect for police.
Hell, couple of years back there was a vote/study which was to find out what Finns do trust the most, police was in top three if I remember correctly. Politicians were at lowest ranks.

Why dont you?
You need to save only 10% of the houses value with ASP loan to get it

>so now socializing and hanging out with people
>holding loud parties at your apartment so bad you get multiple noise complaints and police visits
Why don't you just drink yourselves to death and rid the world of the burden you place on it?

Because he'd have to get an education and a job. Can't get no jobs with elämämkoulu.

Nigga, chin up. If you want to find the ultimate cucks then look now further than Sweden.

>>so now socializing and hanging out with people
>>holding loud parties at your apartment so bad you get multiple noise complaints and police visits
Stop being a loud cunt and learn to party a bit more quiet

Row to your home.

its funny because police enforce the rules that corrupt politicians write

wow finnish people are so nice and sweet

Life's school thread of the week.

>ANYWAY: dont you think its more reasonable to write a note to your neighbors if theyre being too loud instead of calling the fucking police
No. In general we expect people to understand that nobody likes a bunch of rowdy, loud alcoholics who make ridiculous amounts of noise with their drunkfests. People call the police because they want to get you fucks evicted. Nobody wants to live in the same building as you worthless scum.

>its disrespectful even to the police because youre basically treating them like your own personal conflict mediating servants, instead of the emergency responders theyre supposed to be
Except that they are conflict meditating. That's a great part of their job. Where are you from?


In England, the Police, unless you allow them, have to obtain a Warrant from the Court.

BUT . . .. . if you are arrested for an offence, the Police automatically have right of search.

>All Finns forced to learn Swedish
>No Swedes forced to learn Finnish

Finns confirmed for ultimate cucks.

The amount of hate and venom you're spewing through your keyboard really gives away the fact your life is sad, pathetic, and lonely.

there's a special place in hell reserved for people that use the police to deal with their own petty ass interpersonal conflicts

agreed, this whole thread really proves that finns are the ultimate for of sheeple

>People call the police because they want to get you fucks evicted

Also it's an anonymous way of saying "Shut the fuck up"
Walking up to the door of your alcoholic fucknugget of a neighbor, will only make them resent you.
Hell, one day in a drunken rage they might even fuck up your car or door or something.

>This house has been dead silent as long as I have lived here.
>Few 20 something year olds move upstairs.
>Constant drinking and partying, throwing stuff around during retarded relationship squabbles.
>Screaming at totally random times, from the middle of a night to morning.
>They got evicted 3 days ago, peace has returned.

Good fucking riddance.
I understand holding a party every now and then, but if it happens every fucking weekend and occasionally even during the week, it's police time.
Noisy neighbors are the fucking worst.

>there's a special place in hell reserved for people that use the police to deal with their own petty ass interpersonal conflicts
You sound supremely butthurt and I'm glad of that. I hope your friends and you get evicted.

Answer me, user. Where are you from?



I would gladly call the Gestapo on you. My building's had far too many noisy tweakers and alcoholics. Gladly all of them have been evicted by now.

Juu, minkähän takia sitten puhut suomalaisista tuollain kolmannessa persoonassa, niinkuin olisit mamunpaska tai proxyhomo?
>wow finnish people are so nice and sweet

The fact that you would even use that word speaks great depths about how sick and lonely you must be.

But no I don't fall under any of your racial prejudices.

Sure you don't. Why don't you just go back to whatever shithole you came from and let us Finns evict our shitty neighbours with police aid in peace.

nyt riitti tämä pelleily
Mikä vitun homo petteri sinäkin joka ei osaa käyttää maalaisjärkeä. Vittu etkö sä ymmärrä että illalla tai yöllä ei metelöidä kun ihmiset nukkuu silloin?
>The fact that you would even use that word speaks great depths about how sick and lonely you must be.
Vitun vihervassari. Tapa ittes

Gestapo is to mild for the likes of you, Kempeitai is what you deserve.

holy shit you guys are salty

lol this thread
I love you wacky finns and the sound of your moon language.
Imagining you yelling at each other in Finnish makes me smile and feel cozy.
your welcome

>Naapurin alkoholisti-pariskunta koputtelee yötä päivää ikkunaan.
>Pummaavat röökiä, kyytiä kauppaan, milloin mitäkin
>Älä ikinä lainaa mitään/suostu palveluksiin
>Koputtelu jatkuu silti
>Vedä itse vitun railakkaat kännit perjantaina ja mene yöllä herättämään naapuri koputtelemalla ikkunaan
>Mies tulee ulos ja huutaa "MITÄ VITTUA"
>Uhkaa tappaa naapurisi ja pahoinpidellä jos se vitun koputtelu ei nyt vittu lopu
>Koputtelu loppuu

True story. Juopot on oikeasti vittumaisia kun yrittää käydä töissä ja tarttee sitä lepoa

ite muutin tämän takia 20km turun ulkopuolelle koska joka kerrostalossa oli denoja ja "mettäpubi" ulkona, kyllä se mielenrauha on pidemmän työmatkan arvoista.

it sounds like a wizard's duel from harry potter

Täytyy kyllä sanoa, että on itse joskus 18-22v tullut sekoiltua huolella erinäisissä kämpissä, mutta asuinpaikka vaihtui tiukkaan tahtiin 5-6kk välein niin eipä siinä ne vuokranantajan "varoitukset" tai naapurien vittuilut paljoa haitannut kun aina tiesi että on muuttamassa pois