Mfw i realised our kids will probably never have to work a day of their lives

Ive realised today that theres a good chance that we will be the last wagecuck generation, as a result of increasing advancements in Machine learning and automation. Its uncertain whether we will have a living wage or be left to our own devices when the bots replace us in a few decades. Either way, we are truly the last of wagecucks. How does that make you feel Pol?

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We have to fight a war for the future first.



Our daughters will be sent to the interracial breeding grounds to be bred by nonwhites

Our sons will be forced to do manual labor to enrich the lives of PoCs who live for free.

That, or the World they inherit is a barren wasteland

You really need to watch this...

>How does that make you feel Pol?

Great, then i can do what i like to do when i have free time.

Go to 13:45.... Seriously. This movie was aired 21 years ago.

You sacrificed yourselves so that the only millenials who actually breed (see: anyone but your own people) can live on an advanced system of welfare. GG.

Of course the average wagecuck will just lose his job and become beggars.

Keep money so the next generation could not live like rats

We're also one of the last generations of unmidified humans. Prepare to be aboriginied.

Powerful invocation, leaf... Jesus christ...

so as a neet i am just a man ahead of his time? i always knew it.

This will happen only if we survived the energy crisis.

We already used more than half of the world's oil reserve, with constant growth it wouldn't take much to consume the other half.

If we found a good alternative get ready to a commie future, if we don't get ready to a Victorian-like future.

When we get to that point of automatons, "they" will certainly thin the herd. I think your OP should read:

We are the last generation to be alive. Our kids won't exist.

Hi, machine learning faggot here.

You got this shit all wrong, they prolly said the same about the first kind of automation and robotics, as many meaningless repetive jobs were lost. That doesn't mean all jobs are taken over by robots......

It isn't quite how it works this time either, you got tons of AIs everywhere that you do not see. On your powergrid for example, this will become and is already getting big here now. My next year we shall all have AMS boxes, but it's the distribution on the grid that's going to get big, you don't see this.

Thing is you still need people to operate the jobs to be replaced, just like the first gen automation people had to learn automation and still control the factory, though most is done by automation, shit can happen! Some shit you need humans too as well.

It's a scare mate, is all
>fullly autonomous robot armies
this... is more of concern

Where all going to be INVALIDS and be sent to labour camps whilst the enhanced Humans will be conquering the galaxies

Are you a prophet user?
Underrated post.

Whoa i had no idea this got a adaptation.

Any war would be a genetically engineered 1%ers with superhuman IQ's and perfect physical health, who own all the robots, operate all the best AI's and control all the (automated) means of production and resource extraction, versus a mass of baseline humanity who own nothing beyond some antiquated 20th century firearms.

Wouldn't be much of a war. Robots > Humans.

>A leafcucks fantasy

I like where your going with this

What do you think they're going to do with a couple billion mouths to feed who don't have jobs anymore?

Hint: it involves a solution that's final.