For any people who are interested in returning to the Christian faith

I've been seeing a lot of atheists around here which sometimes are either genuinely interested or are just looking for more excuses to bash on Christianity, and both of them almost certainly always made the same mistake of - reading the Old Testament first.
It's no surprise that people get taken aback by the Old Testament. But guess what, my brothers! That's why the New Testament exists. Christians foremostly follow the New Testament, the new law given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Old Law consisted the basis on which the new one has been built, but they're incomparable in "quality" if I may say so. The Jews are the ones that follow the Old Law.
Just thought I'd clarify that for my atheist brothers for which I hope they'll come to God soon, I really do. I think this should be posted around here on a daily basis since the amount of people who time and time again keep mentioning the Old Testament is baffling.

Other urls found in this thread:

The way, the truth, and the life

What do you think of gnosticism, /christian/?

I wish I could be Christian but I just can't latch onto the "Jesus is savior" stuff. I don't understand the logic behind this:

>God gives people original sin
>sends down Jesus (who is also somehow God too) to die for the sins he made us with
>be thankful God was merciful enough to do this
>still have to confess sins and ask forgiveness anyway


I actually like Old Testament more and the New one keeps me away. All this talks about peace and love... fuck it, my country ain't gonna be taken by anyone. Countries get stronger by shitting on others - that's the way every empire is build and I will support killing anyone who stands in our way.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of the womb, Jesus. Holy Mary mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the time of our death. Amen.

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board, by God, under God, for God. God the Father who was revealed to us by the Prophets and by His Son, the Messiah, the King of Kings, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. All Sup Forums is invited to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, and as Saint Peter said, repent and "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation."

God Bless you Sup Forums. God is calling you, will you answer? He Loves you, and wishes for you to be with Him in eternal Life.

OP wont have an answer for this, dont confuse them


"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." - Jesus, Matthew 5:17

>>God gives people original sin
>>sends down Jesus (who is also somehow God too) to die for the sins he made us with
>>be thankful God was merciful enough to do this
>>still have to confess sins and ask forgiveness anyway

>Adam and Eve created original Sin by defying the Lord, and thus were punished by Him.
>Jesus was the Lamb of God, who died in place of all the sacrificing that were taking place at that time, which were animal sacrifices. This sacrifice of Jesus, possessing both Human and Divine essence, was the only sacrifice that could have absorbed the stain of original Sin, thus created the new covenant of Christ and his Cross. God, in the form of Jesus his Son, suffered huge torture, blasphemy, hatred, curses and ultimately death so that this new covenant could be established, so that all mankind could be saved by Him, and have the chance at Eternal Life with Him in Heaven. He set up the society of morals and ethics we are enjoying now, that our ancestors followed for 2000 years so that we could have the prosperous society that we enjoy today, and that pales into comparison with the promise of Eternal Life with the Lord in Heaven.
>Confession of Sins and the sacrament of confession comes after Baptism and is there for making reperations for Sins that take place after the stain of Original Sin has been removed by Baptism. You repent for the Sins that you commit in order to become a better person and to conquer your inner desires that will ultimately lead to your destruction spiritually.

yup the law of god is good

idk why people are weird about it

god expects you to keep his law just because thats the right thing to do not that it has any saving power

people are sitting here not wanting to associate with the old testament but the new testament is 1000x more brutal and harsh and only ups the ante

jesus saying you cant even look at a girl anymore

and to pluck your eye out if you do

>God gives people original sin
humanity inherently has evil in its heart, people are born sinners, this is inescapable

>sends down Jesus (who is also somehow God too) to die for the sins he made us with
jesus is the son of god and is the embodiment of what humanity could achieve it cast asides its mortal sins. His short time on earth is a poem to this and is an example of what people could achieve if they become righteous. We are truly saved through jesus because he shows us how to be holy and reach the kingdom of god.

>be thankful God was merciful enough to do this
now we know how to escape the clutches of satan, that is something to truly be thankful for.

>still have to confess sins and ask forgiveness anyway
admitting ones mistakes and shortcomings is the best way to becoming a better person. Alcoholics have to admit they have a problem in order to become better, people have to acknowledge their sin to overcome it.

stop looking at things so black and white. Lots the of the bible is written in between the lines.

cuz original sin isnt a word in the bible

when god put adam and eve outside the garden of eden he stopped upholding perfection and allowed it to decay

you are in full control of everything you do and you can choose righteousness ... youre responsible for all your own sins thats what you need to get saved from

It's because most of what parades around as "Christianity" is of Protestant origin, and therefore evil, boneheaded, heretical and just plain false.

Here's a the correct view of Original Sin:

"According to Christian theology, God offered to our first parents more than what was “owed” to us given our nature. In particular, he offered Adam and Eve the beatific vision – a direct, “face to face” knowledge of the divine essence which far transcends the very limited knowledge of God we can have through natural reason, and which would entail unsurpassable bliss of a kind we could never attain given our natural powers. He also offered special helps that would deliver us from the limitations of our natures – that would free us from the ignorance and error our intellectual limitations open the door to, the moral errors our weak wills lead us into, the sicknesses and injuries our bodily limitations make possible, and so forth. By definition, none of this was “owed” to us, precisely because it is supernatural, that is, above or beyond what our nature required us to have. Hence while God cannot fail to will for us what is good for us given our nature, He would have done us no wrong in refraining from offering these supernatural gifts to us, precisely because they go beyond what our nature requires for our fulfillment. Still, He offered them to us anyway. But this offer was conditional. The penalty for Adam's rebellion was the loss of the supernatural gifts they had been given and that their descendants would have been given, and a fall back into their merely natural state, with all its limitations. In particular, it was a loss of all the helps that would effectively have removed those limitations -- and worst of all, loss of the beatific vision. In short, the penalty of original sin was a privation, not a positive harm inflicted on human beings but rather the absence of a benefit they never had a right to or strict need for in the first place but would have received anyway had they not disobeyed.

And it wasn’t the prospect of pitchforks and hellfire that Adam’s descendants had to look forward to because of what Adam did, but rather the privation of this supernatural gift. What is essential to Hell is the loss of the beatific vision, and while Hell can certainly also involve more than that (including the pains of sense) the standard view is that it does so only for those guilty of actual sin, and not those (such as infants who die without baptism) who merely suffer the penalty of original sin, without ever having committed actual sin."

first off god didnt make sin that was the temptation of Satan
Secondly the reason we confess for sins is because we committed those sins out of free will

it might be difficult to see your own sins but to the pure angels flying around they look at you like an asshole

theyve never even said one curse word or lied one time

youre irredeemable with that evil inside you you need perfect sacrifice

ya its pretty extreme that one imperfection and defect can completely screw you up, but god is in a different realm he has no other way than unchanging perfect sustainability and harmony all the time

Elect new pope. Also I'm sick of Kek worshipers and other false gods.

Thanks for the responses guys. I get what you all are saying but why didn't God just create us without sin? Or more specifically, why didn't he create the Garden of Eden sans the Tree of Knowledge? If God truly wanted us to be without sin why did he create us with the mechanisms to be tempted by sin?

When I ask these questions I usually get some form of "that wasn't His plan". Well ok that's fair, but that's akin to a parent responding to a child with "because I said so". That's God's right I suppose but if the goal is to bring people into the fold, that's pretty much a non-answer.

>Adam and Eve created original Sin by defying the Lord
How can anything happen that is against the will of the omnipotent creator of everything?

The trinity is a fascinating thing. I appeal to read the Concordant Literal Version online and look up the root and suffix words of "eunuch". That might lead you to understand not to hate gay people. Then read about complementarity and Plato. And study all the Biblical languages. Try and have your women cover their heads when praying and men are never to do so. That is all

Show the unshopped version.

>God gives people original sin

Come the fuck on man...

The Catholic tradition teaches that God gives up his omnipotent power when it comes to the natural realm, ie we have free will because he gives up his power over us and allows this to be.

Do not castnyour pearls before swine, user.

There are no serious converts to be found in this cesspool.

Because they began to know eachother and adam too. It's sexual methinks. Due to that and the serpent lilith lucifer became satan. Some say cain was first fag because satan molested him. People are so proud and vain. Even if it's only knowledge. They knew eachother. So she never knew what he was because he is a liar and father of all lies and God made angels then earth then us but we are praised more than that stank ass piece of shit Lucifer. So. THEN she knew who she was talking to
>one month later...
Eve finds herself neck deep atoning in a river. They never really beat him fundamentally again. Until this brought Christ the Redeemer. Whom came IMMACULATELY. The good is preferable to ANY intimate relationship. How dare you question God. Do you doubt electricity coming on for you? Turn to Christ. Elohim giveth and Elohim smote your ass. Christ (whom is and is also God) said if we make a child stop believing in Christ it's better a millstone be thrown with us into the opean seas

cuz mankind are dirty and he has to see what we would do imo... the bible doesnt talk about this deep stuff that went down in heaven before the garden and why satan even existed

imo , when you create a self autonomous being it really is like creating another god-man with a soul whos origins of their thoughts come from within their being

god doesnt install you with every little thought and hes playing chess with himself

so what ive heard someone say is that creating mankind and earth was a reaction to satans rebellion and he has to replenish his beings that he lost... and by seeing who will get saved by christ and who will continue in the rebellion he gets his new wife for all of eternity

That's stupid. The bride of Christ are not churches. All churches are corrupted. Peter was rock because we are to marry Christ...

Christians need to know the differences between species and kinds. When we're cursed we rape or are raped but do things unnatural to us. Straights are cursed if they change go gay. Gay if forced or changed to straight! REMEMBER THIS! Then look up what a rainbow means in the Bible and when these rainbows have shown up to us even in recent history

Also pedophiles please go get drowned by God in ocean and "we" kicked you out officially 40 years ago when we won our rights

becuase god realized through adam and eve that its better to be self aware and have free will than perfect.

the whole idea of sin, hell, and heaven is this. YOU decide were you will end up. God lets you decide what kind of afterlife you want based on your actions.
if you spend you life sinful and being a shitty person, a life without god, than gods gives you the reward of eternity without him. Since god is everything that is good in the universe, love happiness, prosperity, a world without god would have none of these things. A would without god would be cold, desolate, unloving, and without hope, decaying for all eternity. This world without god is called hell.

We kekism now, faggots.
check these digits

Very well said. Just because a penis weds a vagina doesn't mean anybody is doing this because Adam used to be three different trannies. I mean. Who cares about ribs. But this is what everybody believes. Thanks Plato. Thanks English. Greek? 200 words maybe for love. Us? One. People honestly think penis and vag plus marriage means both people are now one big ol tranny in too many ways. Sacrilege. And then watch to see if they follow commands. They won't. They fell and suck at it now. How about them "apples". AN APPLE A DAY YOU STUPID GOYIM

from what i can see hell is eternal conscious torment in a lake of fire and i really hope its not and annihilationism is true where your soul just gets obliterated when you hit the fire

and they lose their soul and have non existance

but its hard to get there based on the scriptures

its one or the other

its definitely not just a "separation from god" though thats very watered down

Does God hate niggers?

Hell is where you go so you think you went to Heaven but then in reality you are blinded by God to have hell commit on you these failures we left in vain back to us

mary= isis worship fuck off jesuit shill only honor chirst

Ugh. Muh rh factor

I hate God. Fuck you God.

Also eve. But these are all the liars' interpretations. But look how popular but unrecognised as what is the truth are these

>I hope they'll come to God soon
jesus isn't god
that's a jewish (jesus) lie

Fool. I think we can judge only nonbelievers. So. Yeah

The word jew is not in the bible and didn't exist until the 1800. Only judah is jewish and Christ was of Judah and Isreal and Judah will get back together don't be so damn Edgy

>Reading the (((Old Testament)))

>Reading the (((New Testament)))

human beings are garbage


See this guy


Gimme a sec imma show you something


your soul is eternal, dont hedge your bets thinking it isnt

I don't speak Canadian, what?

>Or more specifically, why didn't he create the Garden of Eden sans the Tree of Knowledge? If God truly wanted us to be without sin why did he create us with the mechanisms to be tempted by sin?
It's worth noting that there wasn't anything inherently sinful about eating fruit from a tree. It was purely symbolic, and what that symbolized was an act of rebellion against God. This is all sin ever is, willful rebellion against God. Therefore, if rebellion can exist so can fidelity, and that's what God wishes for us, to love Him purely of our own volition. Anything else wouldn't really be true love at all.

Yeah you speak private medicine
Clamdigger and also
12 And I turn about to look for the voice which spoke with me. And, turning about, I perceived seven golden lampstands,
13 and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like a son of mankind, dressed in a garment reaching to the feet, and girded about at the breasts with a golden girdle.
14 Now His head and hair are white as white wool, as snow, and His eyes as a flame of fire,
15 and His feet like white bronze, as fired in a furnace, and His voice is as the sound of many waters.
16 And He has in His right hand seven stars, and out of His mouth a sharp two-edged blade is issuing, and His countenance is as the sun appearing in its power.
17 And when I perceived Him, I fall at His feet as dead. And He places His right hand on me, saying, "Do not fear! I am the First and the Last,
18 and the Living One: and I became dead, and lo! living am I for the eons of the eons. (Amen!) And I have the keys of death and of the unseen.

great copy paste faggot

im not hedging my bets ive already made the decision to accept Jesus Christ as my savior

im just constantly wanting hell to not be real for other people

the idea of people burning forever isnt calming to the mind

Great why would I risk doing it in another fashion. Let's both become Amish


God didn't create mindless drones that have no control of their actions. Whats the purpose of faith if you have no choice but to follow the gospel? You choose to follow the words of Christ or not, that is the basis of faith.

Love and hate are conjoined, we have to experience both sides of the spectrum to know the true meaning of one or the other. What a bleak existence we would live if it was all sunshine and rainbows all the time. There would be no test of faith, everything would be taken for granted and life would basically be meaningless. I think a lot of depresso atheists get caught up on this and ask "why is there so much suffering if God is good?" When the real question is "whats the path to happiness in this world full of sin?"

>implies skintone
>good translation says white two skins and for his feet or skin
>posts bill cosby


45 year old Born Again Christian from Eastern Canada here. Just wanted to thank you, OP, for posting this.

that's right
jesus was a white boy
not a jew!
a pureblood white Aryan

Two times and skin,

Maybe rh negative people always get abducted by demons and they leave only by proclaiming His name? So therefore who cares about a fake name of monkey factor when nobody knows or should care about rh factor

jesus is a lie

>What a bleak existence we would live if it was all sunshine and rainbows all the time. There would be no test of faith, everything would be taken for granted and life would basically be meaningless.

nah thats wrong
in heaven it will be like that and thats what we look forward to

you will have everything on a silver platter with no downside and not a single inconvenience ever

sunshine and rainbows and you will like it because god can put you in a state of bliss all the time

I shit putrid cockroach eggs upon you. I would literally do that and all it implies for what you just posted. Aaaaand buh bye



>your soul is eternal, dont hedge your bets thinking it isnt
Souls aren't real. They're imaginary.
Yeah, the OT is boring ass kike tales but at least they're more fun than the ones in the NT. At least things actually happen in OT stories, even if they are stupid nonsensical things.
>God didn't create mindless drones that have no control of their actions
Yes, he did. If he is the omnipotent creator of everything things only happen because he willed them to happen.

Get out and never come back. You posted the image of your typical heterosexual nuptuals these days

the roots of christianity are also very semetic

and unvolkish, leftist cuck shit.

Jesus said the Jews didn't know who they worship. Jewish god not the Christian God. John 4:22

I feel like Christ loves for me in the same way the corporation I work for does. It's Jewish as fuck.

Do you live in a mountain? No. You pretend to live on a mountain made of dust and/or clay

>typical Sunday Church service these days

Lover of money. Lover of root of all evil

I genuinely agree with you that most atheists either are genuinely interested in other religions or like to just bash on them. I try to think of all religions equally and good for knowing that the old testament was written by and followed by the Jew's. You seem very informed about your religion which a lot of people who bash on atheists don't seem to be. There needs to be more people like you and I might find a religion more appealing

You're all about you. Are you of the image? Where is the blasphemy in this pic. Maybe the attention for what might be some kind of moron or hypocrite only in the latter sense at least. But don't try and be wise you already failed too many times


Is this PBS are you bob ross only far less likable


i know it sucks, but thats the path that they choose for themselves.

part of being an adult is realizing that not everything is going to work out and not everyone is going to be happy. God could just take away all free will and make us perfect, but what would be the point in that? might as well not live at that point seeing as all decisions are pre determined.

hell is the consequence of free will, one cannot exist without the other


Did you just had a stroke there leaf?


cuz ur not interpreting gods word the right way

if you feel burdened by Jesus in any way you already have the wrong view

Matthew 11:29-30
29Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

but in heaven it will be that way without sin but still having a independent thinking soul

i dont think anybody really knows why we have this temporary world with sin possibility but it absolutely does not have to be this way

Thats wrong

> Christian
> Not being a Unitarian Universalist

Enjoy being cucked by everyone and everything, Ahmed

maybe the only thing different is we wont have the knowledge of good and evil anymore

whatever the heck that is LOL

youll just be like a baby walking around

To be honest the way I see Christian tradition/scripture is more of an allegory for living in the real world.

There was a fall from the Garden of Eden because one day man and woman realized they were the masters of their fate. The Garden of Eden represents man and woman living naturally without contemplation about it. Essentially once people started asking "Why?" Things got difficult.

Hell is the state of being you bring to yourself when you live a bad life. Christian tradition frowns upon certain acts "adultery, murder, theft, etc" because accepting these things as normal opens up a can of worms that ruins society. Not everything that gives you pleasure is good for you, which people seemed to have forgotten today.

The more we pursue the act of pleasure without recognizing the consequences, we become slaves to our addiction for it, becoming a shell of a person who will forever seek out more.

One day a man named Christ came along and saw what was wrong with society of his day. He went out to say what he did and said if you follow these basic truths I tell you, you will live a better life.

Unlike other religions, he said you have a choice. You can choose to follow me or do whatever you want and be damned for it.

And if you take a look at Western civilization you'll notice that the values of Christianity always pop up in certain moments.

The way I see Christianity is almost like a tool. It is direct advice given from ancient people basically saying,"Following these rules and upholding these values are why we succeeded. If you do the same, you will succeed too."

Arguing over the actual stories that were written can be silly because at the end of the day it's what you take away from the religion to better yourself that is important.

Writing a narrative is simply an easy way to make someone understand why you do the things you do everyday.

That being said, I still believe Christ is the Son of God and find it healthy to be an active Christian.

>For any people who are interested in returning to the Christian faith
Sorry, not interested in any religion that recruits goat-fuckers, petrol-huffers or cat-crucifiers. We you stop sending people to Africa to feed, house and save souls, stop accepting them as members and stop sanctifying mixed marriages, please, let me know.

>> Not being a Unitarian Universalist
Talk about moving from the cuck closet to the cuckshed.

>humanity inherently has evil in its heart, people are born sinners, this is inescapable
This evil, maybe it is more like pic related. So not necessarily an evil nature.

Documentary of the pic.
And this is why Jesus said: break the bread and drink the wine to remember me. Referring to this nature. And to heal, progress the heart by this.

This shows this nicely in a way. When it is about the last supper.


Jesus couldn't have been black because if he were, he'd have fed a multitude with only 5 pieces of KFC, turned water into malt liquor and his only problem with the moneychangers would have been that they shorted him on the exchange rate for food stamps.