Market is up again

>Market is up again

Gee what do you know? The NEETs on this board were wrong... AGAIN.

So what happened to that revolution/world collapse/DA HABBENING? Huh? Huh? Where is it at?

Seriously you neets are idiotic.
>Market is down
>Market recovers
>"Fake recovery! It's a lie it's happening soon!"

Must be nice to make predictions when if you're wrong nothing happens and everyone forgets but if you're right you're a genius.

Hello? What happened to all the predictions about world collapse and international revolution from neet economists?

Any economist PhDs online?

I'm a financial analyst user, so I knew that this was a flash crash and would rebound quickly, and bought in during it. The market is somewhat overpriced, but no so much as for a total collapse to occur. Also, earnings are steady and pretty decent globally. As it stands, there are few events in the horizon to cause a collapse

What? U mean no fundamentals changed to reflect a downturn?

How can this be. I read from an 18yo NEET on here say that capitalism is finished and world is entering an apocalyptic stage. I do not believe you, I read from the neets here the world was done.

/r9k/ btfo

Hey where are all the people claiming the collapse of capitalism or whatever is here? Is it still PENDING™?

Where did u guys go lol come back sweeties

>he sold it. pump it


it's basically what professional financial analysts do
most of the time they make wrong predictions.

Why do people still buy the "u can predict the market" meme? People wouldn't be analysts or advisors, they'd be billionaires or trillionaires.

shut up

people need to believe in something
god, politicians, science, financial analysts, etc.

Did you buy leveraged inverse etf?


The market could be up and returns could be trough the roof and people on the street could still be starving.

Just look at Venezuela pre-Chavez.

You can predict the market if you have have insider knowledge. But nobody would ever do that, because that is illegal, so I'm sure that nobody does that, ever.

You can do that for a policy change affecting a sector or a certain company's performance but not for the entire market.

How many people have to win Nobel prizes in economics to show that timing or predicting the market is not possible to do with any sort of accuracy.

Bump. Need market wizards in here to help me make my financial decisions.


>15 threads an hour Monday
>Now 0
Lol lol



Hello? Is that collapse, revolution, world war or whatever gonna happen or not? Didn't int say it was all over?

Where did the geniuses go. Why is everyone so fucking quiet all of a sudden?


Lefty accelerationists are the scum of mankind

I will give you a pity bump. Sad to see you this way

Thanks bud

We're at return to "normal"
