Do you work and study at the same time?

>Study computer engineering at the morning
>Work as dishwasher at the night.


>study theatre part time

no, i'm a neet

can't work or either study

Study Economics
Work at foreign restaurants.

No, daddy pays everything

>or either

>correcting foreigners as a native

it's okay am not judging

No. I'm done studying and I don't work.

done this during my master degree
I was tired as fuck constantly

its not worth damaging your health

i have no option

Sorry pal, in those restaurants YOU are the gaijin. I'll give you some time to think about it, just don't harakiri yourself.

i work around 6 hours a day and make decent money

then i study spanish and german for fun during my free time

De que trabajas?

sounds exhausting, can't you work in a field that is related to your studies?

no i got plenty of gibs from the government when i was studying
i actually made quite a bit of money by not fucking up at university

no, these jobs are not like candy you know

>work and study for ten months
>get tired of being constantly tired, mental strain is too much
>finally feeling good
>six months later and I need to find a job again because I can't pay uni soon
>my dumb fucking face when


trabajo para una gran compañia internacional que fabrica electronica y equipos industriales. trabajo en el departamento de transporte y logistica. por ejemplo me encargo de comprar acero de china, circuitos de japon, maquinaria de alemania, etc.. y encontrar la manera mas eficiente y rentable de enviar esas cosas a nuestras fabricas en estados unidos

tengo 29 por cierto

Neuroscience and psychology

I work as a freelance writer. Five hours of work nets about $1,000 per month with one of my contracts.

Also do part-time dispatch for a logistics company. I get paid 4% commission on booked loads. So if, for instance, I assign one of our trucks to a $3,000 assignment, I get $120. It's pretty easy. Yesterday I went into the office, made $126 within ten minutes, and then went home. Other days it can be a bit more tense, but my boss said he'll let me start working from home within a week or two.

However, I absolutely hate dispatch. It's mind-numbingly boring -- you just sit at a computer and refresh a load board, over and over again -- and would rather work as a burger-flipper than keep doing it. I asked my current editor for a writing position whether he could help me find more writing opportunities. Even if doing content creation for blogs isn't stimulating, at least I can publish something and I feel like I'm not just a button-pushing monkey.

I do, so do many others. Called Hiwi Job (Research assistant)/ Werkstudent in Germany

The overwhelming majority of Croatian students don't work. I don't think it's possible to. You spend half of your time on lectures and practice, and the other half you study.

Ufff man, te fue dificil encontrar ese trabajo? tenes estudios? cuanto ganas por mes?

What the fuck are you talking about?

>falling for the lecture meme

realmente no, logistica fue mi carrera en la uni. he estado en este trabajo por 5 años. gano entre $90k - 95k al año.

Ah un monton de plata lol, felicidades por el trabajo user y por el buen español que tenes, si no fuese por la banderita yanqui, pensaria que sos un latino

In my faculty some professors will call you by name on lectures. But even if you skip those, you have to attend what we call "seminaries", which have around 30 people and where attendence is compulsory and controlled. And the practical "exercises" are often useless, there were times when we spent 4 hours in a lab dipping a rat into cold water to conclude that, yes, the rat really does get nervous when you torture him. We also have a shit-ton of holes of empty space. Like having to attend to class from 8 to 10, then an hour or two of nothing, then class again. And the students just go for coffee in the middle of those, total waste of time.

Also, I think that in Croatia, there's too much focus on memorising irrelevant details that you're almost guaranteed to forget after exams and will likely never need in your life.

gracias hermano, he estado practicando mucho y el cumplido de mi español significa mucho para mi lo agradezco

hey give me a job pls

>trabajo para una gran compañia internacional que fabrica electronica y equipos industriales. trabajo en el departamento de transporte y logistica. por ejemplo me encargo de comprar acero de china, circuitos de japon, maquinaria de alemania, etc.. y encontrar la manera mas eficiente y rentable de enviar esas cosas a nuestras fabricas en estados unidos

web development
and no

You dont understand how fucked the US is in terms of decent job availability or the asinine requirements to get one.

Por tu cuenta? o en un curso? estoy dejando atras 2 años de php para arrancar con nodejs

en curso

>Por tu cuenta? o en un curso? estoy dejando atras 2 años de php para arrancar con nodejs
C y java por el momento.

why not work what you study, lol
I've had three internships so far

>Physics by day
>Fighting crime as a masked vigilante by night

añado, C no es para desarrollo web pero es un lenguaje primordial.

Ademas estoy pensando en hacer ingeniería de computadores mientras trabajo como picacodigos

Mech E
in a computer shop fixing and building computers

I work 12 hours a day 7 days a week if that counts

I study economics, too much of a brainlet to do computer engineering like I used to want to.
No, but I’m given $150 a month to use that I use to buy ETFs and that’s sort of my very early retirement fund.

study medicine
work as a retail wageslave
as said, I would have thought you were a native speaker if it weren't for the flag

che OP quiero estudiar sistemas. sirve para algo o voy a morir de hambre?

Es la carrera del futuro y mas porque no necesitas validarla en otros paises como la medicina o la abogacia... todo lo relacionado a la informatica.

Computer engineering isn't that hard, the only you gotta do is pay attention, you'll be fine with that, also, what's etfs

genial, porque estuve estudiando ingenieria industrial unos años, aprobe casi todas las matematicas (analisis I, II, III, algebra, etc) pero nunca aprobe fisica ni quimica, y sinceramente me siento mas comodo trabajando con computadoras que con personas.

nunca entendi bien la diferencia entre ingenieria en sistemas y lic en sistemas de informacion.
mas alla de que una al ser ingenieria incluye mas materias tecnicas.

when i was studying as computer engineer the first year i worked my ass off on the assembly line in an electronics manufacturing company doing 12 hour night shifts. it was an experience i look back now ~10 years later as very beneficial. i know how the industry works from the basest of levels to top tier.

Study political science
Buy and sell guns

Yo tampoco te digo la verdad, y mira... yo laburo como desarrollador web junior, aprendi por mi cuenta y NO tengo un titulo (todavia) y gano unos 16k por mes... donde laburo hay gente con titulos en sistema o informatica y ganan 36k minimo, y con titulo + experiencia llegan a ganar hasta 50k... ni te cuento lo que ganan amigos mios en Italia o Usa.

>Study political science

are you a leftie? is your uni full of lefties?

btw, i don't have anything gainst them, i just want to know if it's the same everywere

huu genial, gracias por la info chabon.
porque me cambie de carrera pero con bastantes dudas.
principalmente porque el año pasado arranque a programar en java y me gusto lo que es idear un programa y codificarlo.
obvio que por ahora mis conocimientos son basicos, pero bueno, por eso el cambio.

>are you a leftie?
>is your uni full of lefties?
Political science can be a meme but only if you take garbage tier courses/orientation like social studies and shit like that.

Y si, es divertido ver como vas programando y poco a poco todo va tomando forma! jaja

Igual para esa carrera vas a necesitar ser un poco autodidacta en lo que es programar, porque ellos te enseñan lo esencial, como algoritmos y cosas asi, te dan las bases para que vos profundises por tu cuenta despues jaja metele a java que hay banda de laburo de eso.

Gente que gana 40k son jefes de proyecto.

En españa siendo picacodigos se gana una mierda con el outsourcing y las carnicas(cosultoras informaticas)

Ya veras que risas cuando los picacodigos indios consigan deslocalizar a las factorias de softwares estilo (Indra,everis y demas carnicas espanolas)

Ah pero igual yo digo en pesos argentinos por mes, allá no es mucho pero aca si.

>Political science can be a meme but only if you take garbage tier courses/orientation like social studies and shit like that.

yes i know, i have a friend with a political science digree and it's seems to be an interesting field.

estuve viendo el plan de estudios y tiene programacion (I II III IV) y nose si mas.
arranco en marzo asi que ya voy a ver bien que onda.

gracias por la data, me renovaste un poco mas las ganas de arrancar.

Yo hablo de 40k €

neither, im a useless neet and i want to die

study(day) jewelcrafting
work(night) hometutor

Cuanto necesitas ganar en argentina para conseguir una mina cheta?
E-es para un amigo

20k, igual son un garron esas minas, es mejor una mina humilde (Y con humilde no me refiero a pobre) que te banque siempre, hay una banda de esas y en su mayoria son re lindas... las chetas no sirven para nada

im studying adddition and alcoholism

i did not find any pics of this on google so are you basically just a neet playing vidya?