She used to be so unnerving, seriously

She used to be so unnerving, seriously.
What the fuck happened to her character?

Why did they show her killing a robonoid if they were going to make her all goofy anyways?

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Anygem can change user. Rose knew this. No shatter.


she stepped on one robonoid and freaked out over a sticker, you have a pretty low bar for unnerving

She was in Workmode. Autopilot. Then the gems happened and fucked everything up

She used to be so sweet, seriously.
What the fuck happened to her character?

Will she ever be the same after raping Jasper?

peridot is literally just sugar inserting her invader zim redemption fanfic into her show and changing the names.

She's an autist. Think about it, this is pretty much SJW the show, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if they intentionally wrote her this way. Autists are basically cold unfeeling monsters and are extremely unnerving when serious, but once the dumbasses get a taste of attention and start to seek it out, they become literal retards for it.

Character development.


being marooned on earth was such a devastating psychological blow, that she lost her composure and drowned herself in retarded memes to make the pain go away

She got influenced by Amethyst

Robonoids are tools, just smart and aware enough to not have to be manually controlled. Peridot crushed it because it was damaged and she thought she had unlimited resources and didn't need to fix it.

She's just like us then.

Enlightenment often comes on the back of unpleasant truth.

>Tries to kill steven
>Steven: Let's be friends

>Tries to date stev(onnie)


Probably because the writers changed their minds on what they wanted the character to be

I still miss her Mega Man X gear.

Hope she eventually gets a new set.

oooh, or Mega Man Legends gear instead.

When it's just her and Steven she still tends to act like that. Like in Same Old World. She just has a lot of issues, between being imprisoned in a mirror, being made a prisoner, stuck in an abusive fusion relationship at the bottom of an ocean. She's basically really shut down emotionally besides those who she's gotten closed to and can trust.

She probably doesn't need them anymore. Rather than relying on the limb enhancers home world gives to Peridots, she's starting to discover her own unique strengths.

And if she wants to feel taller, she can just use those paint can shoes.

I liked it more for the style than the function.

Like the cool as fuck fingers.

Steven was jealous.

She may have turned into a meme gremlin, but I'm sure she's still got some of that ruthlessness left deep down in her.

Maybe if the breaking point comes back, she'll be the one to use it.

People act differently when they feel like they're a position of power.

>Hope she eventually gets a new set.
>Mega Man Legends gear instead.

she make the same sounds when she walks too

EARTH happened.


She has no shred of seriousness left, that isn't character development that's bastardization

Because he knew that Connie wanted the normie dick

This. Steven just anthropomorphized it because he's a kid

That's not the tone the show is going for. If you don't like it you should probably stop watching it.

I should too, actually.



>this shit again
Yes, because the nasally voiced dweeb who took the crying waffle sticker dead seriously was so intimidating when she first appeared.

>inb4 someone posts that screenshot from The Return
Firing a laser cannon doesn't change the fact that she started that scene by yelling at Jasper to get those mean ol' Crystal Gem bullies.

>And now the fearsome Jasper has fallen into Earth's bowels. I wonder what will happen to her.

>stuck in an abusive fusion relationship at the bottom of an ocean.
She was the one keeping that fusion together.

Connie's feelings about the guy bled into Steven's mind.

But she's best gem user. She's so sweet and cute. She saw how good life was on earth and changed. She's actually one of the best characters in Western animation in quite some time.

>Yes, because the nasally voiced dweeb who took the crying waffle sticker dead seriously was so intimidating when she first appeared.

She was a technicial following procedure who literally never encountered humans before. It was both establishing how chilly and alien she was AND told a joke for kids.

That was also a character establishing shot. You have to condense things to tell about characters in 11 minute episodes.

Also, this She had an almost an entire season dedicated to her how she went from anal probing space invader into autistic alien revelling in all the new things earth can offer to her.

Peridot is the living embodiment of a shitpost.
I can't wait until she gets permanently cracked.

Okay Mr. "Have no fun". I bet you're a filthy Lapis fag.

There is a difference between "Having fun" And being a constant worthless joke of a character.
I don't really care for Lapis one way or the other.

Peridot's butchering and status quo bullshit is why i honestly hope this show ends on season 4

How is she worthless? She's already saved the gems twice if I do believe.

Once, that would be the cluster.
They wouldn't be in the beta Kindergarten if Peridot wasn't there. That isn't to say it's her fault, just they wouldn't be there.
Peridot's "Character Development" has been on a constant decline to comedy relief since she was first captured.

So you're saying the show should be serious and have 0 comic relief? Also, that makes three times Peridot has saved the gems:

1 : Telling Yellow Diamond to fuck off
2 : Helping Steven stop the cluster
3 : BTFOing out of Jasper

Selfcest is fucking hot

>decline to comedy relief

>"hhhnnnnggg why do you keep destroying my things?!"
>"im reporting this!"
>"They're the ones who keep breaking my machines."
>"JASPER, they keep interfering with my work"
>"go to to earth they said, it will be easy they said"
>Clods clods clods clods clods clods clods clods clods clods

uh huh

>So you're saying the show should be serious and have 0 comic relief?
Having comic relief is not the same as a character that is nothing but a running gag. Amethyst makes jokes too but she can also be serious. In a fight against Jasper Peridot was a silly face in the background until the last moment, and whether she was needed or not is to be argued.
Telling yellow diamond to fuck off didn't save anyone.

>running gag
A character can't be a running gag that easily user. She has to do or say something multiple times.

>Peridot was a silly face

Kind of, she was the one who kept trying to cheer up Amethyst and the one trying to help finally convince Jasper the highlights of earth

>Telling yellow diamond to fuck off didn't save anyone.

It certainly bought the gems time.

They judged a book by its cover. End of story.

She had no real friends and was really indoctrinated by homeworld propaganda.

I'm haunting you.

Jasper initiated the relationship, Lapis turned the tables around. They're both the victim and the abuser

I loved how tumblr went OMG SHES SO DAINTY AND FRAGILE AND WEARS A DRESS SHE MUST BE THE VICTIM even when Jasper was begging daddy Lapis on her knees to punish her more for being a bad girl.

Jasper wasn't begging Lapis to fuse because she liked to be punished or anything. She just liked the strength and powers that come with Malachite.

subtext, user

I'll leave this here if you don't mind...

I'm hoping Kindergarten Kid will knock some sense into her. That seems to be the episode where we'll see her mature hopefully

>She used to be so unnerving, seriously.
She was never scary
Her very first appearance she was terrified over a sticker.
She was never going to be intimidating