During the war, i cut off all your father's limbs, burned him to a crisp and let him to die

During the war, i cut off all your father's limbs, burned him to a crisp and let him to die.

He was a good friend.

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Water under the bridge.

Luke, did I ever tell you about breasts? Breasts were the mammary glands of mammalian species and some reptomammals, and were normally a distinguishing feature of the female of the species. Males did have breasts, but they were far less developed than their female counterparts due to the sexual dimorphism. In some cultures, sentient females nursed their own young. This was true of both primitive planetary societies like Dathomir, where the warrior-women of the Singing Mountain Clan would feed their children even during solemn councils of war, and high-tech interstellar civilization: Leia Organa Solo nursed her twins for some time and Mara Jade Skywalker nursed her son Ben until he was a few months old. Even Tenel Ka Djo, Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium, nursed her daughter Allana herself. Alternative techniques of feeding infants did exist, as the TDL nanny droid could store up to two liters of milk internally. Other sentient species retained strong breastfeeding traditions as well: female Wookiees had six breasts, which they used to nurse their litters of cubs. Askajian females also had six breasts, while Gran females had three. They were a good friend.

Moral of the story: never do flippy shit when someone has the high ground

Idris Elba

>get told you are the center of the universe
>used as a pawn by a warrior cast of senile aristocrats in denial
>get baited and denied with prestige career
>fed up with all the bullshit you refuse the hypocritical approach
>get crippled even more by the most important person in your life and left to burn alive not even given an honorable death
>join the only person that isn't defiant towards you
>get a stable job and nice position as number 2 of the galaxy and maybe someday number 1
>old fart pushes your own children against you

he was a good friend

Luke, did I ever tell you about how your father ruthlessly slaughtered a large group of children? He did it with that very weapon. They likely screamed in agony as they slowly died. He was a good friend in, a more civilized time.

>Luke, did I ever tell you that you could probably shut down Vader's suit by messing with the control panel on his chest? He was a good friend.

>only 8 replies
has Sup Forums fallen?

Luke did I ever tell you about jizz? Jizz was an upbeat, swinging genre of music, most notably performed by Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes and the Max Rebo Band. Other notable jizz bands included Bobolo Baker's All-Bith Band, Evar Orbus and His Galactic Jizz-Wailers, Hutt, Figrin D'an II and the New Modal Nodes, and The Sozzenels. It was a good friend.

kek wtf was Lucas thinking

good friendposting never gets old

You aren't even supposed to try flippy shit after turning heel.. everyone knows that..

did someone say crispy?

>it's a kids movie, bro

>peeling skin
>burnt robe is fused to his skin

must itch like crazy

Ahhh yes, a Jedi's weapon. I used to have one just like it, only red. I used it to fight Master Yoda in the middle of the senate building. It's a good job out huge government building was empty and had no security cameras. We jumped around a threw chairs at each other before we both lost our lightsabers and left.

He was a little green friend

Never happened, he fought Darth Vader.
You literally become another person when you join the dark side, that's why when he died and turned back to the light his force ghost appeared like the younger version of him just before his turning

the fire probably destroyed all his nerve endings

His pain is one of the main things that higher his connection to the dark side so he still has nerves

from a certain point of view


>all his nerves endings were burned out but sheev had them rebuilt

>I don't know how fire works: the post

>I'm a first year med student and think I know everything

>However, if someone suffered major burns but does not feel pain, then it is a sign that the injury may have seriously damaged the nerves. In third-degree and fourth-degree burns that severely damage or completely destroy nerve endings, the patient may not experience any pain at all. He may actually feel more pain around the burned area than at the site of the burn.

You seem to have forgotten
>Try to strangle your pregnant wife to death because you never matured mentally beyond the angsty teen phase

then sheev stuck in a purposefully clunky suit with a control panel exposed and fabric that would get stuck in the joints just to troll him and make his dark side edgy/anger powers grow

>Luke did I ever tell you how I was arrested for performing a gay act in a public toilet? Yes I was caught sucking a mans penis and was fined 10 guineas. He was a good friend.

Darth Maul would like a word with you