What are the west's magnum opus in animation, from a technical stand point?

What are the west's magnum opus in animation, from a technical stand point?

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Sleeping Beauty. Also thief and the cobbler in its original vision.

Most of classic disney qualifies.

>magnum opus

Use either "is" and "magnum opus" or "are" and "magna opera".


Not that user but a magnum opus is a singular thing. There isn't more than one by its very definition.

The thief and the cobbler recobbled edition

"magnum opus" = "great work"
"magna opera" = "great works"
I don't see how there can't be several "great works". Can't there be several "great projects" and "great people" in Civilization?

do teh Fleischer Superman cartoons count?


Ugh. Fucking AMV Hell...

Anyway, to answer OP's question, there isn't one yet. Animation keeps improving too much.

>Anyway, to answer OP's question, there isn't one yet. Animation keeps improving too much.

fuck off boco

>Also thief and the cobbler in its original vision.

from a purely technical standpoint, this. I don't think there's better animation anywhere.

you can find the original version (uncobbled) on youtube

>Richard Williams demanded that each card in this scene be individually animated
>each card
No wonder some of his animators literally died of old age.

Could you call The Thief and The Cobbler the Mona Lisa of animation?

No. Da Vinci got bored easily and hardly gave two shits about anything that took too long to complete. The Mona Lisa is a tiny portrait and partially unfinished.

Williams is a brilliant animator, but totally incompetent at managing projects.

The mona lisa is not even da vinci's best painting.

Pretty much this.

I learned something new today.

How can anyone be this stupid?

he's a tripfag, what do you expect

>you will never experience the original vision of Richard Williams


I'm rather fond of 2000 myself.

How far west are we talking?
