DChads still think this movie is gonna suck cause MCU

>DChads still think this movie is gonna suck cause MCU

going to be so fucking glorious

>more non white Norse characters
Fuck off

As much as I'm looking forward for emo Galadriel, I still don't get the retro theme. I thought that was the GotG thing.

Kinda got a Flash Gordon vibe from the trailer. I might actually check this one out.

They do this every time. Trailer looks unique and interesting, movie follows typical Marvel cookie cutter plot line.

>copy DCU cinematography.

>resurrect Loki AGAIN because they like the Thor-Loki chemistry.

>give Thor a haircut and some face paint so you can do "Black Widow" and "Jean Grey" and make it easier to sell a new distinct action figure that doesn't look like previous merch.


>pointlessly put Thor and Hulk twice on the same poster

I thought it could be good given the director, but it fucking looks like every single other MCU movie ever made.
By now you people need to realise they are fucking doing the same movie twice a year and taking your money for the same experience.
I simply can't abide that anymore.

anybody else enjoying the new direction marvel is taking with all the cosmic shit and colors?


>new direction

Tell that to DC


>wishing for ol' tales about Thor dressing as a woman to marry an Ice giant

I will stick with Marvel, thanks

Seems to be they're running with it for anything that ventures out into the greater cosmic Marvel universe.



He'd rather watch Thor fuck a nog than a based Giantess

No wonder Marvel is losing

>marvel is losing

Like how you left Spiderman Homeflopping out of your pic mousecuck

>for every three bad DC movies, Marvel has one
>75% of the DCEU are shit movies

wtf? Homecoming has a 93% on rt. That's just an old pic, it doesn't have gotg2 either.

>hulk looks worse and worse in every film

>I knew GOTG2 was gonna be shit.
>I knew SM HC was goona be shit.
>I KNOW Thor is gonna be great.

Lets hope 3/3



Well you'll be 1/3

honestly that poster is just bad

We have been receiving *outstanding* feedback regarding this poster! We're happy that you all enjoyed it. If there are any issues with the poster link provided in this post or on our facebook page, you can go to our website at marvel.com and see the newest trailer there. Stay tuned for more!

They're crossing over into the groovy sci fi realms of the MCU

All of Marvel's posters are bad.

>we want the 'gotg made us a lot of money' look
all cape movies are shit, why there is some sort of feud between two identical parties is beyond me.

>Spidey - 149 reviews
>WW - 314 reviews

>no iron man on the cover

I'm not a DC fan by any means but Marvel shit has become so formulaic and annoying, Age of Ultron was shit, GotG 1 and 2 were both shit, and this new Thor movie looks pretty basic.

I'll enjoy Thor 3 because I've let go expecting them to be anything other than expensive cartoons

Is that a whale?

I thought age of ultron and GotG 2 were shit, but I liked GotG 1..