I-I'm just not sure he was the right actor to play the role. He just seems a little too skinny, too short, too old...

I-I'm just not sure he was the right actor to play the role. He just seems a little too skinny, too short, too old, and too feeble to even approach the original.

Let's recast him Sup Forums.

*leans back*

Idris Elba would have been the perfect cast, these dubs prove it

I don't know anything about the comic book Negan, so he may not be the perfect choice, but he's entertaining as all hell in the show

You got no DUBS

yeah but then you would always be on edge waiting for the writers to kill him off for being black during the zombie apocalypse


It always bugs me when an actor in an apocalyptic scenario is somehow super muscular. Him being more lean makes a lot more sense than looking like he did in Watchmen.

Henry Rollins, obviously

Only reason why he's so skinny is because he had just done Texas Rising where he lost a lot of weight for.

he's literally the only entertaining part of the show

Jon Hamm

Wasn't that who he was originally based on in the comics?

Patrick Warburton is the only answer. Maybe Bruce Campbell

His age isn't the problem, it's his height.



Wait for the complaints when he's Batman in the new Flash movie

>tfw Maggie Joker

>why isn't this character played by a 6'11 150kg athlete

why does every autist post this shit

JDM is over 6'. He's way taller than Henry Rollins.

Young Greg Noll


Young Greg Noll


BTW, Henry Rolins is a short gay pussy.

>why isn't this character played by a 6'11 150kg athlete who can't act to save his life

Watching him in Baby Driver solidified why i wanted him as Negan

Why didn't they get Andrew Dice Clay? The character was clearly based on him. Maybe he was too old. Surely there is another ADC type guy. That said, Jeffrey Dean Morgan could pull it off if he gained about 50-75 lbs.

You mean Andrew Dice Gay?


>"this is my bat, lucielle!"
>"she likes blood because she's a vampire bat!"

That's why.

"Ah seemply cahnot deeside"

>*dumb smile*
>yeah! hehehe
>"random threats"
>random "hurr im so powaful" talking


Long-time TWD "fan" here who's reading the comics ever since the show started. JDM seemed to be a surprisingly good cast, especially from Kirkman's incompetent ass.

>He just seems a little too skinny, too short, too old, and too feeble to even approach the original.

100% spot on. His acting is mediocre at best and far behind what Negan should have been. But even if it was top-notch, his physical parameters totally kill the immersion.

It's hard to find pics where he and Rick is standing near each other and the perspective is sufficient for comparisons, but Negan should have been clearly bigger and taller.

Reading the comics, he always struck me as those naturally buff, middle-aged men who used to play football in HS / college. JDM's physical parameters are far from this.

what the fuck kind of accent is that supposed to be

looks just like him

They turned him into a cuck in the comics anyway so they had good foresight by casting JDM

who cares this show sucked so much dick I didnt even make it half way into the first season

if you watch this you're a full on pleb

>Henry Rolins is a short gay pussy
short, yeah
gay pussy? what makes you say that?

i saw him do some kind of stand up comedy 15 years ago and he was still lifting weights and in beast mode. Since then he caught aids or something. He literally looks like he's 90

>Stares at a character
>Smiles then laughs
>"Well.... *some sentence with swear words in it*"

What the fuck this guy actually makes me shit myself
It's perfect,10/10 casting

Hint: it's the writing. Many of his lines are 1:1 copy from the comic book, although it's often censored in the show (Negan swears a lot in the original).

His famed introduction is a frame-to-frame copy from there, minus a few changes (Daryl doesn't exist in the comics, Negan only kills Glenn and so on.)


he makes me hate myself for watching this shitty show.
what a horrible and unbelievable character. looks like a weakling too. there is 0 reason for anyone to follow this goon

only the stuff revolving around him is even watchable in the last season. rick and sasha had the dumbest scene in the walking dead EVER . that shit with the deer didnt even look right. it was probably the single most campy shit ever. like 1995 green screen and the damn thing ran off so when he falls it should have been his ass

and i dont give a fuck about the kingdom or another farm

put plainly if this isnt a governor vs prison remastered edition season i stop watching

>that shit with the deer didnt even look right.
>like 1995 green screen

What did user mean by these ... ?


is he dying


*inhales* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! what a lil BITCH ass cuck!!

>Penélope Cruz married to this man

If survival rates in America's recorded natural disasters have taught us anything its that blacks don't do well. If crime rates in first world countries have taught us anything its that blacks don't even do well when everything is going right.

No way black people, generally mind you, make it through the zombie apocalypse. Somebody prove me wrong.



he's like 6ft1


If TWD didn't suck ass, pic related would be the best casting choice.

whatchu mean? hes good looking, just a bit skinny for an actor.

She's married to Javier Bardem, not Jeffrey Dean Morgan

being assburger ain't easy

you think that's bad?

he must really be packing

Yeah, that would have been the joke but I failed miserably. Feels bad, man.

Don't insult Geoffrey, he's the sign of hope for millions. 99.9% of them are men though.