Is this worth watching??

Is this worth watching??

how do you feel about brown reaching out to yellow?

It's kino but there's pretty much zero enjoyment to be had here. Safe to skip.

Opinion discarded.

Definitely! The acting may seem a little cheesy at first, but it truly is a show you'll become emotionally invested in

Back into this world... All alone...

Jaysus chroist, Jackie Boy.

Just as long as we doesn't get any blowback from black and the Mayans. We gotta do what's best for the club.

I just started watching it, I'm at the end of Season 2. Some episodes you just power through, others are very enjoyable. Some of the arcs and slow romantic scenes are boring af. I think the writers really fucked up some parts, it could have been a 10.

no, it's shit

Only if you reach out to Brown to stop the blowback from Yellow



man I miss SoA posting



Awful show

The suïcide of Jax ruined the whole series.
Also Bundy should not have killed her

Thanks faggot.

Not at all, Sons of Anarchy is fanfic tier bullshit that re-imagines biker gangs as the unsung cowboy heroes of America even though in real life they're degenerate meth peddling scum fucks. Its basically The Sopranos made by people that didn't understand why The Sopranos was any good. Had it actually been accurate and honest about these sorts of criminal organizations it could have been a really intense and challenging show.

But it isn't, its more focused on delivering one cliche after the other and having a main character that is still the "honorable" good guy despite being involved with organized crime. Its boring, predictable and the "irish" remix of the theme tune is one of the worst things I've ever had the displeasure of hearing.

jayee-zus kryste

The first few seasons are good, though 3 and 4 have issues. The show turns to shit once FX started giving Sutter as much money and air time as he wanted, and the show dropped the 'Hamlet on motorcycles' story it started as.

No, jax commits suicide at the end. There saved you watching this absolute shit

O.P. got killed for nothing in prison. But Tig killing his wife was very misfortuned.

>sons of anarchy
anyone who watches this commie trash needs to be thrown from a helicopter

Sons of Anarchy is one of the few shows I've watched where every single's character's death was meaningless.

I'm pretty sure I've read a real 1%er saying that the show is a pretty accurate portrayal of a golden era 70s-80s club set in a modern era.

I really enjoyed seasons 1-4. Skip through the rest just to see what happens plot wise.


This. The show is only good while Ron Perlman is in it.

Clay became the worst thing on the show after season 2.

No. Its a fucking soap opera with motorcycles.