What happens if you betray the King of France ?

What happens if you betray the King of France ?


You have to apologize

i think it's from Vikings tvseries
if not, then some other historychannel tvseries

You become honorary anglo.

You should not fuck with the King, now look your distress and your...

your beloved woman

Kek i'm retarded

I thought it was computer generated from the top picture.


LouisXIV did nothing wrong

Louis XIV did everything right

Looks like Knightfall

does france surrender?

Those helmets look too early for the Viking period.

I thought the exact opposite.

It's set during crusades in 1300s

This show takes place at the end of the 13th century. Long time after vikings era and invasion of England by frenchified Normans.

and you're right, that looks like a visorless bascinet or a barbute

Sorry, i meant to say "late".

Probably some black queen is going to kick my ass.

Why is whitewashing problematic, but other racewashing is kosher?

>tfw you betray the EMPEROR of France by buying his land at discount prices
>tfw nothing happens
America should have officially supported Napoleon, we would already be colonizing Jupiter's moons if he won

dont remind me

They went to Portugal and got asylum in Tomar,forming the order of christ afterwards

Well, you used the right word there.

That's because founding fathers hated the French to the core