House of Cards

Was this another show that was certain Hillary would win and went with a meme finale?

>I want to be president
>I will be president
>I need to be president
>I'm the president now
>LoL just kidding i don't want to be president anymore
>Ahh save me magic politician wife

What did he mean by this?

Will he did mention having an epiphany regarding power. His whole motivation is lost on me because he is admittedly motivated solely by obtaining what he perceives as power. Even is it means his life is constantly terrible. What is the point? I would argue that this is absurdism.


>want to start HoC but accidentally read above posts
is there a point to anything anymore?

Only season 1 is quality, i'd say it is still worth watching even if you know how things would play on the future shit seasons.

If after season 1 you absolutely feel the need to keep going stop dead at the end of 2.

What happened is the actress that plays Claire got bumped up to a Producer and got to have a big say in the direction of the show.

So she decided to change Frank from intelligent to arrogant and sets herself up as the 'good guy' to stop him.

So she ruined the show thinking she's hot shit. Definitely not the first time that's happened in the history of television, I'm sure.

What does Francis want again?

I mean, he seemed like he wanted a bit of revenge in the first season and a bit of a power trip, but what exactly is he looking for here? Is that the point of the show? That he keeps trying to get more powerful, but is just sort of wasting his life away or something?


>Frank, I told Tom all our secrets
>Frank, I fixed it. I killed Tom for knowing all our secrets.
>Frank, I also told Mark Usher about our secrets
>Frank, Mark Usher is blackmailing me about all of our secrets
>Frank, I'm now going to screw you for being an evil person

They fucked this show out the gate by letting him win the presidency early.

imo the first two seasons are good.

Season 3 is garbage, 4 is ok, 5 is meh and 6 is hot garbage

South Park fucking wrecked their whole season with that nonsense

>only two candidates in an election
>one of them wins
>how could this happen to me
>I've made my mistakes
>got nowhere to run
>the night goes on as I'm fading away

This. The taking of power was the strongest arc of both the BBC series and the US version. The BBC show managed to get away with making Francis PM early because he could still fuck up the royal family. The US doesn't have an analogue, so after S2, the show just plateau'd into useless drama and character fanfiction.

This show really needed to be about the rise and then the fall, not the rise and wandering around in shitty forced subplots that ruin the characters.

>Sup Forums
>EVER understanding what they watch

Wew, lad!

I don't know why Sup Forums is losing its shit about this. They did everything they could with show with Kevin Spacey.
>President resigning before imminent impeachment resulting in vice president becoming the president
>Election fraud
>Martial Law declared on US soil
>Assassination attempt
>Full-scale impeachment
>Then a string of cataclysmic political occurrences which only exist in the realm of political theory happen one after the other

Honestly the show should've ended by this point. The idea trough is so desperate that they've bought a new fucking trough for more seasons in the .

once robin got producer status for the show she immedately started demanding the writers add more scenes for her and she demanded that she pretty much be the main star much to the disagreement from all the writers and so pretty much ruined the show because "it's her turn" pretty much mirroring clinton irl

Explain please.

Like others have said watch up to season two and then drop it. If they would've had Frank attain the presidency as fast as they did they should've let him get defeated by conway or whoever. Push him towards the power behind the figureheads as they started too and have Frank go private like most of the lobbyists he knows. That might've saved the show. People don't give two shits about Robin Wright the waifu who fucks random tom dicks and harry's.

yep. she's had far too much airtime. who gives a shit about her love affairs? frank's were far more interesting to his backstory anyways. thankfully they didn't go further because that's all we needed to know.

Sup Forums is %95 people who are too stupid to understand the most basic of plots and character motivations.

The other %5 rarely post except to call you pedophiles out on being the stupid fucks that you are.