Christian takeover on /pol here we go

>you're not on this world because of your race/ethnicity/social class
>you're here to die and hopefully go to heaven
>I'm warning you not to spend so much time thinking about race and shit
>you'd better stop masturbating
>you need to marry and have kids
>you need to try to make the World less shit by helping those who deserve and are in bad situations (the govt will not, never, do it properly)

Other urls found in this thread:



Is it hard being Christian in a majority Catholic country




Good goyim


+1 shekel



>Why's dis old guy kissin mah foot.

The God of Abraham triumphed over ALL the gods of Egypt



Atheists are Marxist fucks.

Odin-worshipers are retards.

Kek is a fucking stupid meme ruining our pepes.





Praise KEK

Kek is the beast that was, and is, not

Praise Kek!





The kekposters are preaching another gospel unto the gentiles then what we have preached to them

Uhh, how do i delete?

You fedoras already have the Flying spaghetti monster to mock theists.








Any good pics of Christ-chan's feet? Need something to fap to.




Sonic died for our spins

>you need to have kids so they can live to die
Why don't I just die myself and go to heaven? Wouldn't the best scenario be everyone accepting Jesus, not reproducing and dying?

>my imaginary wizard is better than your imaginary wizard

It's time.

That's very poorly done

>worshiping the jew king
>turning the other cheek while the west burns
>being tricked into thinking you will get a reward after you die
yea na i'll take the cult of KEK over this bullshit, atleast KEK will give me sick dubs

kek, christkikes still think Sup Forums is their board.


>Believing in the paranormal

No thanks, I'm white

Praise KEK


why do i get the feeling that this Christian 'boy' avatar is very feminine/gay. Also life is not a 70 year test to see if you spend the rest of eternity in heaven or hell. that is pants on head retarded.


Keep telling yourself that. You have plenty of company.

you ppl are deluded.

Fuck off Christfags

Daily reminder that christianity (like every other religion) is cancer and that getting married in the west is a trap (plus nowhere in the bible does it actually say you need to be married before you have sex or that you can't masturbate, that's just an example of the leadership in your religion lying to you).

They use that because they can't actually argue logically because christianity is illogical. It may have worked when science wasn't able to call bullshit, but now that we know that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, and that there is no evidence that jesus ever lived (let alone died and was resurrected), it's pretty easy to call bullshit. As a result, their only argument is to compare anyone who disagrees to autistic neckbeards.

>life is not a 70 year test to see if you spend the rest of eternity in heaven or hell.

It kind of is.

Think about it this way:

Suppose the spiritual consequence of disobeying God is spiritual death.
So God incarnates as a man into the world, takes all the sins of humanity upon himself and sacrifices himself to pay off humanity's dept.

He doesn't ask for anything in return, though he says : "if you love me, keep my commandements".

This is only relevant if you love him in light of his sacrifice in your name. If you don't love him (and thus obviously don't acknowledge his selfless sacrifice in your name), then the commandements are meaningless, because they are not the means of attaining salvation: his sacrifice in your name was. And if you do love him and don't strive to keep the commandements, then how will you live with yourself in heaven?

And if you don't acknowledge his sacrifice (and thus don't love him), how could you stand next to him in heaven and not hate yourself for your lack of faith? God loves you, but can you love yourself if you don't love God?

Ponder wisely.

>Jesus didn't like the kikes of his day
>Kek doesn't like the kikes of his day
Why would Jesus have a problem with Kek?
>Matthew 21:12

You got it backwards. If all you have to do is acknowledge the sacrifice, then no you don't need to follow the commandments (of course christians tend to just try to avoid the question, honestly).

On top of this, you basically just used Pascal's wager, which is pretty dumb. It isn't just 50/50 go or no god. Christianity is just one of an exponentially large number of idea on religion (or one of an infinite number of possibilities), so, statistically you won't pick the right one (not even considering that the god that exists might want humans to be perfectly logical and only reward atheists). Because you won't pick the right one, you might as well not waste your time on bullshit that will get you nowhere.

faith is believing without evidence/reason. Do you feel guilty for not believing in voodoo or Zeus?

If I get to heaven I'm not gonna be an atheist there nor would I hate myself for not having believed in something against evidence/reason.

anyone ho posts any variation of that picture is absolute fucking newfag cancer.

The commandements are for humanity's own good, and they stand forever ("the earth and the heavens may pass away, but not one word from the Law will pass away" or something to that effect). If you willfully disregard them, how could you allow yourself into heaven? There are many manors in heaven, but still...

If your love is not sincere, then your eagerness to follow the commandements won't be either; if you don't love God, how could you ever be happy in heaven?

So Pascal' gamble is sketchy at best. It's a start (I started there), and if you're sincere in your quest for truth it's bound to evolve into something more.

Also, the sacrifice is for eternal life, not necessarily entry into heaven. God is the final Judge of your character, and Jesus your advocate, so to speak (he takes your confessed sins upon himself and pays for them, so they won't be held against you).

And as for all the other religions, it appears 99% of them are variations on old Babylonian sun/moon, male/female worship. They do not offer free salvation from spiritual death (if they even acknowledge death at all), and love is absent from them.

Obligatory quote:
"God overlooked people's ignorance about these things in earlier times, but now he commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and turn to him"

Make no mistake : the choice of acknowledging Jesus (or not) is obviously not a choice that can be taken casually, because of all the implications. Here there is no middle ground, no compromise: you either do, or you don't. You cannot be indefinitely "agnostic" on that point.

But do research the truth yourself, it's hidden in plain sight and only reveals itself at its own pace; but if you sincerely love the truth you have nothing to fear.

>all these fedoras calling Jesus a Jew
Jesus hated Jews, he called them snakes and the spawn of satan.

>faith is believing without evidence or reason
you should probably get that definition checked.
faith isn't a bad thing. It's an important part of the human reasoning process.


It's not a test of responding to stimuli and logic, it's a test of faith.
We are not mere robots, we are humans.

"These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world."

Would a computer enter the kingdom of God?

"You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."

“The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”

All you need is a tiny spark, a minuscule "what if" of faith. (Don't confuse self-righteousness with faith.)

So what we get is a god who is angry at subsequent humans for something that they didn't do?

And we somehow eventhough we did not eat from that fucking apple and are naturally sinful have to pay for this?

Also, adding in any legalistic view of Christ's salvific work ends up making it another fucking court procedure, not a theology where the deity does indeed love or wants a personal relationship with human beings or intends to save them from their impending destruction.

So no, God the Father was so pissed off with human beings, he took it on his own son by making him a human being and letting him suffer

It's just God the Father finding another place to vent his anger and making us and God the Son....abused wives and children

Meanwhile, in the real world, if you were to shittalk almost anything other than Christianity then you'd be the worst bigot of all.

I got in another few pages of "Between Two Ages," by Zibigniew Brzezinski today while having to wait around for something, and he got around to discussing the various uniting frabrics of mankind over the year, and he cited Christianity as one of the most "activist" in his words of religions in terms of placing a detachment between external (state) morality and internal (spiritual) morality, with a particular focus on self-determination as a bulwark against external influence.

I'm interested to see where he goes with this. It almost seems as though he's gathering to target Christianity as one of the foremost difficulties in achieving his vision of the new world order.

Hey look, it's this thread again.
Look. I believe that there is a god out there. And I fucking hate people like you and the fedora tipping permavirgins who try to convert people or make arguments about why "the thing I believe in is better". I have my beliefs. You have yours. As long as you're not aloha snackbaring airports, I could give less of a shit about whether or not you pray. Just stop this cancer

Praise KEK

Bible says to spread the word you theological cuck

Lol christfags gtfo of my pol

To be fair, this is not a religion board. Nor would spreading be effective it if weren't topical. Sup Forums really doesn't need rolling PRAISE JEBUS generals any more than it needs "what do you think of X?" thread #5,038.

But politics is intertwined with damn near everything, including religion, so it shouldn't be hard to have interesting discussions instead of mindless repetition.

They have always been here and always will.

and you don't own pol user

praise jeb!

>you're here to die


Spread the word.

Not shove it down peoples throats who don't want to hear about it.

So does the Quran, but I'm not opening "Islamic takeover of Sup Forums" threads.

To be fair, others do

Some are jokes some are real

>get married and have kids

Hmm.. live to be miserable or live for myself, do what I want, and be happy. Which one to choose is so hard you little slaveboy christcuck.

>degenerate atheist libertarian teenager
>doesn't use slashes
>my Sup Forums

Praise KEK

>you're here to die and hopefully go to heaven
>implying heaven isn't a metaphor for a society free from degeneracy
>implying hell isn't a metaphor for a degenerate society, one we are living in in the West
>implying Christianity isn't an important yet largely metaphorical doctrine on how to maintain a functioning Western Civilization.
>implying exoteric traditions aren't just there to initiate the masses into a path of esoteric self-discovery
>implying we aren't free to do what we want as long as society at large complies to the message in the bible and we promote this.


This is a white nationalist board. Christianity is primarily a white religion. Go figure, rapebaby.

He's not angry. Our earliest Ancestor transgressed the Law in full conscience of the Law, and God, rather than annulling the Law, incarnated as a human to suffer the full consequence of the transgression, which is death.

This is true, spiritual death. But what is spiritual life? Don't we all share in the spirit of Adam? On what basis can we rightfully claim "we did no eat from that fucking apple"? On the basis of our current flesh? Food for thought.

And God did intend to save humanity from its impending destruction, and he did so without breaking his own Law through Jesus. And he does want a personal relationship with humans because he wants them to know he loves us. He also wants us to love him, but since we have free will, we must willingly chose to love him. Could we truly love him if he curbed our free will? And how could we exercise free will if he constantly interfered to prevent us from suffering? Could we truly love him if we never experienced suffering for ourselves?

The only way to chose to love him is to make our own choices, and the only way to make our own choices is for God not to interfere with our choices.

Make no mistake, he knows what's best for us; and when we sin, we don't injure him, we injure ourselves.
He wants a personal relationship, but we must chose to want it also.

Yes God is the final judge, the only judge in fact; but know that his justice, his mercy and his love are infinite, and that his standard is flawless, and beyond human comprehension.

>live a moral life or be a hedonist kike puppet
Yeah, the choice is pretty easy. You'll get it when you grow up

"This eastern Semitic religion was forced on Europe before this other eastern Semitic religion"

You're not even trying, mudslime. Try reading history before talking to the adults.

So this is the cuckoldry general?

Oh please, prove me wrong Sven.

It's doctrine is tailored to the West you kebab fuck. Just like Islam is tailored to savage barbarians and Judaism is tailored to greedy, subhuman diaspora.

I did not consent to existence.

I choose oblivion

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Christianity Being Shoved Down People's Throats Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

"It's tailored"

After Paul took it from it's original form and shaped it into, not to mention how many times the doctrine has changed at the will of some people. Why the fuck do you think Orthodox and Protestants exists?

>you need to cut your balls off with a knife

A Retelling of Aquinas' Five Ways
By WOLFSHIEM !!tuOwy1ct2dy

1. Causation exists. (Empirical Premise)

2. Act and Potency are classic terms we can use to explain causation: When something is in Potency it has the capacity to become something else, but is not it yet. A fertilized egg has the potency to turn into a chick, an unfertilized egg does not. When a potency is realized, it is actual. To actualize a potency is to take a property that something had in potency and make it actually inhere in the thing. The same thing, in this case, for things within an instant. While they are simultaneous they are still essentially ordered.

3. When we find an instance of causation in the world we find some potency being actualized.

4. Something that is only in potency cannot actualize anything.

5. For some potency to be actualized something actual must actualize it.

6. If A is actualized by B, then B must first be actual.

7. Either something must have actualized B from being in potency to be in actuality. Or B is either necessarily actual, having never been in potency before. ( A v B)

8. If the left disjunct “A” is true then premise 7 applies to a new cause C.

9. If disjunct “B” is true there is a “first” uncaused cause that is pure actuality.

10. If disjunct “B” is never the case then there is an infinite series of actualizations. And we can apply 7 to C, then to a new cause D, and so forth. With every being having its actuality derived from another being.

11. If “10” is the case then there can be no actualization, as every being in the series has its actuality derived from another being, but there is no being with actuality on it's own to derive the actuality from.

12. If “10” is the case there is no causation

13. There is causation (from premise 1)

14. Premise “10” is not the case.

15. If premise 10 is not the case, then at some point in the series “9” is the case.

16. There is a first cause, which is an entity of pure actuality.


Note: Potential is a term for any possible unrealized state at any given moment and Actual is a term for the realized state at the moment.

Pic related: Answering The Strawman of Aquinas First Way

See also:

An explanation of Aquinas' First Way of proving the existence of God.

Aquinas' First Way: Express Version

All my sperms are potentially human beings

Welcome to Sup Forums newfags


masturbation isn't a sin you turd

>1. Causation exists. (Empirical Premise)
>what is the induction fallacy

So I'll Get to meet Godzilla?

Why Masturbation Is Against Natural Law
By WOLFSHIEM !!tuOwy1ct2dy

Touching your pee pee deals with the idea of final causality and natural law. Final causality would assert that regardless of its origin, all natural things are made with an end they are fulfilled in doing. For example the end of the heart is to pump blood. Final causality is a touchy topic and one people who would reject it stuff struggle with rejecting.

Now if God organizes all things to their specific end at all times (rather than the view of things being made some time ago) then you have the basis for stating objective moral values (as final causality bridges the is-ought problem) through natural law. As touching yourself, by any understanding of the genitals by this worldview, is a misuse or breach of its natural purpose then you move away from the good of that part of your body and moving away from the good is synonymous with moving away from God's will.

I honestly dont understand how you can be a nationalist and christian. Christians had to steal nativr european pagan traditions and beliefs just to get people to adopt their shitty religion. The only argument I ever hear against paganism anyway is "hurr durr odin was gay, and here is my book by Shlomo Rosenwitzbergstein to prove it. "

that's a great theory and all but I go by what the Bible says
And the Bible does not say we can't touch ourselves and it never mentions that there's anything wrong with sex for pleasure alone and not reproducing

which would violate this theory

also Lust is not a sin either
People think it is because of a bad translation of a verse and misinterpretation

>Lust is not a sin either
>a bad translation of a verse and misinterpretation

Let's here it.