I'm discussted by Stuckmann

>Be respectful of others' opinions. Grew up loving movies. Read/watch reviews whenever.
>Become an active user film sites. Try to learn all I can, constantly try to discover new stuff.
>Stumble across Chris Stuckmann. Find out he lives 15 minutes from me!
>Both Ohio boys. Watch more of his work.
>All that plays in my mind is Oresn Welles' on Woody Allen.
>I now know Oresn's frustrations with Woody.
>I want to smack Stuckmann with a copy of Hill's The Driver whenever I see him blindly praise Drive.

I can't explain why I'm so frustrated by him. Has he even seen I film made before 1975? Actually, scratch that has he even read a novel? Bought an album? Help senpai, I can't understand why I feel sickened by him.

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I am instantly disgusted when any "reviewer" has a wall and shelves of manchild shit behind them

Remember when he unironically made an ironic 'manchild toys mocking video'? Despite having a shelf full of fucking manchild toys directly behind him?

He has a Signs tattoo right?

No? post it

Yes, he does.

Link it

yeah its just tacky and a very pathetic way of going for the "me too" nerd cred so many of this types of film "critic" go for.

I came across his best films of the year where he basically outlines every fucking movie that came out that year which wasn't complete shit with negative scores on rating sites, and couldn't help but take a dislike to him.

>Have a Japanese lucky cat figure I got from my girlfriend
>Godzilla figure my girlfriend got me while she was in Tokyo
>Have a re-action Snake Pliskin figure
>Have 1950s Gort from the Day The Earth Stood Still figure (Keep em' in my desk in the boxes)
>Actually buy frames for posters.
>Got a Goldrush, Man Who Fell To Earth, Eraserhead, For A Few Dollars More, and Zombi poster.

I'll be real, I'm a huge film geek. But at least I take care of my things and want to look like a responsible adult. Chris just leaves that junk out like a 10-year-old! Plus his posters/figures are super generic.

punchable face,
bland, punchable reviews.

Mike and Jay made him cry. He's not even charming.

This. He literally cried because the jokingly referred to him as an asshole, among other reviewers as well, in this one video. He got so upset and removed them from his recommended channels list and literally cried on camera about it.

stuckmann is so bland to me

They make so much fun of themselves in Half In The Bag. (I.E. Mike and Jay are hack frauds, Jay being gay, Mike being a drunk) I'm shocked Chris took it to heart. Well, he did name Force Awakens his #1 movie that year so he's a bit slow.



even ultra-chads do it now


Don't forget that time he travelled to New York and stayed with this other youtube guy.

Then he ended up acting like an asshole, staying at the guy's home for way longer than he was supposed to and then he slept with the guy's girlfriend.

But his teeth

your spelling discussts me

I like chris stuckmann. It's very clear that he actually likes movies. He appreciates them for what they are, and sees the merit in shlocky, flawed films

>he wouldn't let Chris Stuckmann fuck his wife
who are you even trying to fool?

I know how you feel.
I'm disgusted by the fact that someone so horribly generic and simpleton got so popular.
There are literally hundreds of youtube reviwers that are more insightful and more distinctive than this guy with such a painfully bland looks, voice and style.
I'm conviced that he just got lucky and youtube algorithms somehow favored him.

>Oresn (twice)
American education is either a pile of shit or youre underage.
which is it?

That photo he decided to show for the Get Out review despite having actually sat down and watched the film shows that he's actually kind of dumb.

I believe you're the underage one here.
Not op by the way.

>yeah I grew up with black people
>inserts a photo to prove that he hung out with black people

>he didn't put an apostrophe in, must be underage
lad, jog on. you have school in the morning

The Driver? What about Le Samourai you pretentious dongle. Everything is derivative, get over it. I can tell you suck because you treat film as a knowledge competition ("Try to learn all I can") when it's just a medium for subjective experiences. Jesus I thought I'd check out this board because I like film and this is the first thing I see.

You don't have to look hard to find out why he is so unlikeable: He has no talent at all! (I can't provide links since I'm on my phone)

1) His Man of Steel rewrite: Don't forget that he was competely serious about it and thought that was actually great work.

2) His selfmade film "Julia" that leaked. It takes a special kind of anti -talent to created such a piece of shit.

Maybe somebody has the links somewhere and can share them.

The thing I hate about Cuckmann is how he pretends that what he does is hard work. He talks about how hard it is to edit clips of him talking about movies and get paid to do it. He also hyped up his "Film Buff's Bucket List" book, and the months of effort it took to write, when in reality it was sloppy, rushed shit.

Weeeell.... user ... In da terms of purchasing, you can check so many things out there on the internet that ain't a single dime. Soo I say having the piles collectibles doesn't mean anything. Furthermore, does holding on to the data means anything to you (笑´・艸・) Don't forget those things come in very tiny package, but it can't be played big. Anyway a dude is very knowledgeable. In fact, he is too good that you got upset by his perspective on something...