We had presidential elections last week...

We had presidential elections last week, and some unknown guy went from 3% to 24% in a matter of days and won the first round. This unknown guy is an Evangelical preacher with no university degree and no political experience.
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) recently ruled that Costa Rica must allow gay people to marry. A LOT of people, mostly from poor regions, voted for him because he's against gay marriage and vowed to take Costa Rica out of the IACHR if he is elected.
We're now awaiting the second round because no candidate reached the 40% of support. The top two candidates will be contesting the presidential seat. The other guy is as unknown as the Evangelical guy, but he does have a degree and political experience, and does support homosexual marriage.
But people don't care about academic or political background anymore, they only care about whether gay people will be able to get married or not. The second round is almost literally a referendum on gay marriage. We're at the brink of DEFAULT and gay marriage is the only thing in people's minds.
This led me to question what's the world's point of view on gay marriage, and found out that most countries in the developed world support gay marriage.

Do you support gay marriage?


Yes :3


I'm against the sexual reproduction of retarded people, sterilization should be imposed.

but that's 90% of people tbqh

>actually make an effort to discuss things
>almost no replies
>shitpost thread
>gets 300 replies
Fuck you too Sup Forums


I support it desu. It's legal here anyway

Your mistake was not summarizing what the post was about with a succinct title or a more attention-grabbing image.

Why isn't there a third option? I don't care either way about either gay people nor marriage.

Fucking sucks for your cunt tho.

Good. H*mans deserve to be extinct.

I reckon we (Australia) should have just gotten rid of marriage and made registered relationships the standard.
Leave marriage for the religious folk and registered relationships for the govt.

I might be biased though since I don't give a fuck about marriage and just did a registered relationship.

I don't support gay marriage.
I don't support marriage at all, it's a primitive institution that should cease being a function of the state.

Why not support gay marriage out of curiosity? Why is it that big of a deal? Is it just national religious/moral value?
I'm Latino raised catholic but I'm just trying to understand from a national Costa Rica perspective

>Do you support gay marriage?
No, but I don't support pr*Testants either.

Degradation of societal values and it essentially makes the institution of marriage worthless

The institution of marriage is worthless in the first place.


That's a good point. State "marriage" is bullshit. Marriage is a sacrament, not a contract, at least in the Catholic tradition.

>at least in the Catholic tradition.

That's the point, though. Christianity/Catholicism didn't create or own the concept of marriage, so it doesn't have the right to dictate how the State should regulate it. "State marriage" is older than Christianity itself.

>that map

No, it isn't. Do you really believe that in the ancient states marriage was not a religious (pagan or Jewish) ceremony, but a contract in which they submitted to a notary's office, is that it? Stop believing that the modern Liberal State is a parameter for understanding the states of antiquity.

I support marrying a waifu, which is pretty fucking gay.

Marriage institution isn't really in high regard in modern times, at least in the US nearly half of all marriages(40% iirc) result in divorce.

I support civil gay marriage.

Churches should do what they want themselves.

To add. The church doesn't have a monopoly on marriage. So they can't decide who should be able to marry or not within a country.
But what they do within their own church or community is their own business.

You do know Rome had institutionalized marriage, right?

Yes, but it was a pagan ceremony.

Gay people can marry their dakis for all I care. I just don't want any more fucking gay BDSM parades.