Mocking the younger children fans of his show

>mocking the younger children fans of his show
sure it's retarded but don't do this shit again, alex, not after that tumblr blogger you made consider suicide after making him get hate mail

Why was his ego blown up so quickly?

Other urls found in this thread:

We already discussed that he would get tired of the fandom and it would ruin him. We talked about this when Gravity Falls began.

>Why was his ego blown up so quickly?
His show ended before it got ruined and didn't get cannes by the network. Thats more than you can say about most modern cartoons.

>hates the rich

Is Alex a communist?

>ended before it got ruined

I mean that's one way of saying he ruined it himself by ending it too quickly and making season 2B absolute shit


Da, Comrade Hirsch has been helping Mother Russia from inside for many months.


Wow, what an ass.

So glad I never got into this show

>His show ended before it got ruined and didn't get cannes by the network. Thats more than you can say about most modern cartoons.
except he ruined it when it mattered most

Edgy little faggot

>judging a show for what the creator does

Sup Forums does worse on a daily basis.

But Russia is capitalist and religious these days. Communists hate Russia now.

Phil Fish of cartoons

Sup Forums is not one person.


No, we really don't. Despite Sup Forums's reputation, it's remarkably self contained. With the exception of Sup Forums raids, which I'm not even sure happen anymore. I've been here for 10 years and I don't remember a single instance of Sup Forums driving anyone to self-harm, let alone suicide. Tumblr and Twitter on the other hand seem to have that happen regularly.

>not after that tumblr blogger you made consider suicide after making him get hate mail

What's the story behind this?

Wasn't Jeff the Killer an edited picture of a girl who killed herself because she was being bullied on Sup Forums?

Oh shit

We have threads mocking dA images that were probably made by legitimate autists/children.
How's this worse?

The Alex Hirsch of gaming

I don't like Trump but this shit is so embarrassing and edgy as fuck.

We're doing it anonymously, we're not the creators of some cartoon publicly talking shit about fans on twitter.

Insulting children is stupid when you make content for children.

Probably because Sup Forums is pretty small and also loudly encourages people to do it in an anonymous fashion. It's all thunder and no lightning to it. There's little attention or help to be gathered here.


I don't see how you can be "bullied" on Sup Forums. Sup Forums is a forum, we can't "go after" people on here, we can just discuss how much we hate them. In order to actually bully someone you have to go outside of Sup Forums and attack them.

i'll take "what is Sup Forums" for 400 Alex

Why does Sup Forums give a shit about him?
Aren't you technically feeding his ego?

Didn't Hirsch actually come to Sup Forums and ask for ideas when he was developing GF?

Isn't he mocking that someone made a unofficial journal replica and trying to sell it? Because that isn't exactly what it looks like and not at all what based OP is trying to make it look like

And that would take effort, and lose the anonymity, and so, nobody here does it. It's cute in a way. All Sup Forums is, is a bunch of really loud stoop kids.

there is no way Disney Legal would let him do that

Wait, I don't get this. It just looks like somebody ripped off official Gravity Falls merch to make a buck on Amazon. How is this equivalent to making fun of his children fans?

>Creator mocking bootleggers of his book

How are earth can you think poorly of him for this? Are you a butthurt bootlegger?

thinking about it, we're kinda lucky Sup Forumsacks haven't raided Sup Forums yet, with this board's reputation of being Sup Forumsmblr

But how would they stop him? How would they know he was doing it in the first place if it's user?

This was before he pitched it to Disney IIRC

user. Lot of the people who go there come here too. They're sulking hypocrites and hidebehinds. Not to mention mods would just shut it down inside of minutes, since they have nothing else significant to do.

In short,

I personally don't support creations by people who are asshats.

That encourages them too continue being asshats.

I think people here have it out for Hirsch.

I don't get what's so bad about this, is he making fun of a shitty bootleg? Or is this some Etsy replica-type shit and he's trashing the artist?

Amanda. And to a lesser extent, that Jesse probably never would've turned into a generic tumblrina if not for having been raided by Sup Forums.

Still nowhere near tumblr's level of self-righteous bullshit, though.

>Not knowing that some people make fake tumblr/twitter/whateverthefuck accounts and go after people

What did he do to make him an asshat? Yeah his Trump post is cringy but I haven't read much else controversy about him

He was just mocking a bootleg cover though.

I don't understand what he is trying to achieve with this. Trump is such an easy target to hate one and Alex just comes off very immature.

Sup Forums is like Fox News when it comes to Alex. We will bend the details around to make him look worse then he actually is. All because at one point we were all in love with his show only to get upset of how season 2B turned out.

>Suck my dick Disney
>Choke on it

They really do, all you have to do is post a screenshot of his twitter and say he's being an asshole and anons just eat it up, doesn't even matter what the context is.

I love passing through these threads once in a while. I have never seen a lick of GF that wasn't screenshots from here, so being tourist to people getting DEEPLY upset over it is pretty fun.

It's like how everyone was hating on Bush back in the 2000s.

He's dating a girl that flipped off girly merchandise and like saying "I'm not your stereotypical female!"

That's always been kind of a dumb argument.

It could've gotten bad, It could've been amazing. We'll never know.

But since he ended it earlier than he originally planned to, it ended up as a different show than the one he originally envisioned even in the process of working on season one. Practically all shows change during production from the original vision, but when you have a 3-season plan for a show, condensing it into 2 suddenly "so's it won't get bad :^)" is hard to see as something to be proud of.

Why are there no good comedy sketches of 'empowered' adults screaming at children's toy sets?

Well right now there's this giant BUILD WALL and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN meme which can sound ironic from a lot of people but attract a lot of genuine Trump supporters and some people just want to make it blatantly clear where they stand on that particular issue.

Wow, its as if he's become a depressed alcoholic who hates his show.

For making fun of bootlegs?

Sup Forumsco/ crossboarder here.

Sup Forums is filled with hypocritical cunts, but whenever they do anything close to a "raid" they aren't nearly as underhanded and actively enamored with fucking up people's lives. As opposed to tumblresque raids where there's an "endgame" like getting someone fired or driving them to suicide, the majority of what Sup Forums does is either politically "impersonal" (like affecting online polls) or just bullshit for a laugh (mass-disliking of a Youtube video).

The closest thing I can think of Sup Forums actively trying to hurt someone in particular is when they participated in the Twitter raid against that black chick from Nu-Ghostbusters. Which, in hindsight, was a pretty shitty thing for some of them to do.

Sup Forums would never raid another Sup Forums board. It is a board of peace.

He ended it because he got sick of it.

if only all content creators had the nuts to do that

>calling anyone edgy


Most content creators don't get sick of the show they're working on.
He bit off more he could chew, realized it way too late, and made the show a mess because of it.

>cucks calling people cucks

Sup Forums in a nushell


when the Gumball creators saw a Chinese rip off they laughed about
Alex is taking it personally

stop being a cuck

How so? He's seems to be making a joke not deeply offended by it.

>His show ended before it got ruined


Guy pretended to have inside connections stringing people along, Alex confirmed that the guy didn't have inside info, people mass unfollowed the original guy. That's all just people trying to spin him making a single tweet saying 'yeah this guy doesn't have leaks' is a monstrous thing to do.

uh oh

Manchildren have no tact, you have to behave with more respect. You have to consider your words have effect on other people, you are a person children look up to, you can't just spew these kinds of comments in the spur of the moment.

But there is one

It's a bootleg on amazon. The same person sells a bunch of ripoff colouring books

You realize no fucking child follows alex hersh, anyone who cares to follow the actual writer of a show is actually a teenager and at that point they have been to exposed to more edgier shit than what he said.

If this was said under the title of gravity falls you might have a case, but this time you are just fucking stupid if you think 9 year olds actually follow alex on twitter or know who alex is when you talk about gravity falls without third person spoon feeding so they actually know.

will he pick up a doujin from the GF contingent of creators going to this year's Comiket? How does he feel about Japanese doujin artists making a small amount of money from GF?

(also that bootleg looks like utter shit and dishonest so I don't blame him for being pissed off)

>being capitalist swine
>falling for long ruse

Good fuck that kid.
I kind of hoped "that kid" would have died with the internet era and you can't bullshit "my uncle works at X so I have all the inside info." without said proof.

But I guess it's still alive and well, and I'm glad he got thrown under a bus for it. Those people are dicks.

>(also that bootleg looks like utter shit and dishonest so I don't blame him for being pissed off)

From the amazon description I don't think it even has anything in it, it's just a blank notebook with a cover meant to deceive.

a nobody trying to stay relevant


it really does look like a piece of crap

who is dana

your mom

>Complains about how Disney keeps to tight of a leash on him
>Decides to end his show so he would work on Fox instead
So this doesn't make sense right?
It's not just me?

also seriously wtf

I don't even think they were a kid, I believe they were an adult.

he said in his "faq" he wasn't and stated it all the time, people just got the wrong idea

I wouldn't want anyone to die over that but that's the guy's fault and not alex's. He should not have made shit up.

Yeah he put that there after he was called out, before then he was playing up the part of having a friend on the inside. If he hadn't done the 'I might know things you don't hint hint' routine then he wouldn't have gained so many followers before then.

If they are going around spreading lies on the internet pretending to have connections to people that they don't to garner attention and to get people to like them, they might as well be a child mentally.

Only children do that garbage to be liked by people.

It was months before Alex's post if that's what you mean.

The only things I think he did after the Alex tweet was publicly answer hate mail (kek) and post a picture of dipper holding a noose.

Because it's already funny enough.

Haha, Sup Forums buttblasted as fuck. I love this guy.

Give me one (1) legitimate reason not to like Donald J. Trump.

He openly mocked a disabled guy? That was a dick move.