What was his endgame?

What was his endgame?

He wanted his name to be known

Call me crazy but I have an alternative theory about this scene. What if instead of declaring his name to be "Dunnhier", he was actually stating he was "done here", referring to the task at hand?

jesus christ you just blew my mind

Is Dunnhier son of the legendary Dunkirk the plane crasher?

>wears a mask
>getting caught was part of his plan

How did the Jester know that a bus would crash through the wall at that exact moment?

Heh.... nothin personnel

That's his super power, he can predict when a crash happen with no survivor

Does Baine also have that power? He correctly predicted the crash of Seye I. Aye's plane

How did his head get so hot? Why did the other cop feel the need to get him out of Heer? Where is Heer anyway?

Baine and El Jestor are the same person

That explains a lot actually. Maybe his hair was burned off due to the temperature of his cranium

>Ewan, your friends are dead

What did Ewans friends do to deserve death? Was this robbery personal?

Heer is the German army, he was trying to get him removed from Heer as it was a conflict of interest.

To steal from Ewan Yafrenzaded


the actual dialogue is "no, aim dunnhier"
he is actually talking to the other thief, dunnhier, and ordering to take aim at his head, because he is suffering from terminal cancer and didn't want to go through any pain, so he gets his friend to shoot him before throwing him out of the bank robbery

Lotta loyalty for a hired thief

He was told before the heist that if he took a bullet Theebus Driver would be spared by the Joker. It was only right before the bullet entered his brain that he realized he was working with the Joker the whole time, and Theebus was doomed

people don't realize how far-reaching international consequences Nolan's action scenes have

like the time CIA filed his flight plan with the Agean Sea, he wanted to make sure Bane knew he had the backing of the Greek Navy

No, Ike Hill, the bus driver.

>I'm Mekenna with Drawl here!
Why did he tell everyone who they were?

They didn't know who they were stealing from.

>Is that a problem?
>No, I'm Dunnhier

A strange tale of hubris right at the beginning. Here we see a guy who's so full of himself he (perhaps constantly) boasts that he can work around any problem, because '[he's] Dunnhier', the legendary thief. However, almost immediately after his first appearance, he is nonchalantly shot in the back. It really delivers Nolan's message about escalation perfectly; the low-life criminals in Gotham have no respect, even for other criminals and their previous merits. Even Dunnhier, with all his skills, is expendable.


what's with all the Dutch people in Nolan's heist scenes?

Neat thread.

is that a problem?
No, I'm Dunkirk.

>when you figure out that EVERY single one of Nolan's films is part of the CIAnematic 4Universe

>He's out right?

Why did Ewan care if the bank manager was out of the closet? His sexuality seemed trivial at the moment.

That's fucking retarded.

Why does this stupid shit make me laugh so hard?

I've been hatching a theory in my head for a while now, this is how it goes.
The question that keeps repeating itself throughout the movie, who is the Joker?
Nolan made McKenna give exposition to us and reveal the names of the other heisters, and if you listen very carefully, you can make out three distinct names he calls the Joker by. Askras Esthice, Shous Martt and Thegea Hublandeyab.

To crack the name, we have to go back to the earliest scene of dialogue.
>Three of a kind, let's do this.
>Two guys on the roof.
>Five shares is twenty.
>Six shares.
1. Askras
2. Esthice (x)
3. Shous (x)
4. Martt
5. Thegea (x)
6. Hublandeyab (x)
All the numbers mentioned in the conversation can be eliminated from the list, the ones left reveal his true name.
Askras Martt.. Askras Martt.. Crazy Smart.. Joker is.. Crazy & Smart..

Wheres Theebus Driver?

Theebus Driver aka Dabast Driver, goes by the name Abikka Recar.
>If that Joker guy was Shous Martt, he'd have us bring Abikka Recar.

>I guess the Joker is Azkras Esthice
They keep referring the Joker by many different names throughout the heist but not with certainty.
Who was he? Was he on the same level as Dunnhier? If he can be compared to Joker, maybe..

What if?
Nothing changed, he's still ded

Ah, I see. Good to see people like yourself are still unravelling these films. Nolan truly was ahead of his time

It doesn't make sense, the first second he's baffled by the weird malfunction in the telephone line and the very next he's suddenly "done here"?
I think not, he's obviously gloating and sure he's going to solve this problem.