More Johns Lantern Storytime! Sorry for not posting during the week, I had work and also got distracted by Fallout

More Johns Lantern Storytime! Sorry for not posting during the week, I had work and also got distracted by Fallout
Previous Threads:

And don't forget to vote what we do next
To clarify, I didn't mean every single comic published since Animal Man, just the Hypercrisis related stuff

>also got distracted by Fallout
That better not be Fallout fucking 4.

New Vegas again.

OK good, you're forgiven.



Fallout 4 was ok though. It wasn't a Fallout game but it was ok




























Hell yea op welcome back!
Did you read the new green lantern rebirth issue yesterday?


I haven't yet, I've got it but I haven't gotten around to reading it.



user, you just made my night. I've been looking for this thread all week. Thanks.








Hal is the best



>Do not question the Guardians
>immediately asks a question


























I love him

Reis' Hal is so pretty






















