Portugal was a leech country. Chile was a colony of exploitation

Portugal was a leech country. Chile was a colony of exploitation.

How do you explain this? This is pathetic, honestly. Not even Sup Forumstards can explain.

Other urls found in this thread:

pordata.pt/Portugal/Balança comercial-2594

Portuguese are niggers, honestly

At least post IHDI you stupid chicano

This is the export map of Chile.

This one is of Norway.

Show Portuguese one.

This is Portugal's

Half of Portugal is living abroad. Show Chilean emigration rates

hdi is a meme index

>2% of Portugal exports are made of Corks....


Jesus, i just realize that Portugal Imports more than exports...
>imports sum 67B
>exports are just 57B

Literally artisan country who doesn't specialize in anything


pordata.pt/Portugal/Balança comercial-2594


We exported 76billion and imported 72 billion

Wikipedia is shit.
Also, your other link only has data from 2016.
>Última actualização: 2017-02-21

>imagine being colonized by this shithole
thank god my ancestros are italians and germans.
not a drop of filthy m*Ortuguese blood

Portugal was a global empire that got BTFO by commies and backstabbing yanks and is still adjusting/recovering

Specialization is for insects.


20% of all people born in Portugal are now living outside the country. This is fucking huge, and only get worse because brain drain.


>The top export destinations of Portugal are Spain ($14.6B), France ($7.01B), Germany ($6.48B), the United Kingdom ($3.92B) and the United States ($2.73B).
Imagine if EU falls apart...

How you fuck up things despite having:

*Tiny country, easy to maintain
*Relative small population, 10M
*Full membership of EU and NATO
*Zero internal/external conflicts


>*Zero internal/external conflicts

The main Portuguese problem is the extremely hight emigration rate.

che colombia hay una mosca en tu bandera ajsjsjasjajajakajsjsjsjjajsksj

What if it does?

The best thing that Portugal did was stop spending like a maniac when EU told them to do so.

>20% of all people born in Portugal are now living outside the country. This is fucking huge, and only get worse because brain drain.

NZ and Ireland are the same and we're still pretty well regarded

Trade taxes. Your products would cost much more than from other parts of the world...

Socialism saved us.
Keynesian policies work

Dude,we sell higher than we used to because of the euro.Without the hero we can sell at more competitive prices.Also,the eurozone doesn't let us sell certain products

Immigration is holding your country.

you are dumb, come here ill show you the "power" of your own currency

Depends, the economy might have to adjust, but when Portugal joined the EU it had to abandon/destroy a lot of econmic activities because they were too uncompetitive to other EU members.

IDK, Minimum wage is kind of a joke because in Brazil, only niggers receive it. Everyone else get way more than minimum wage for a standart job.
I did not know that. What kind of things you are not allowed to sell?

>well regarded

No, you are poor for the same reason.

Like what? I am honestly interested because i got in a debate with some Bosnian about what would happen in Bosnia joins EU.

only commies use IHDI

I can't tell you exactly but for example but let me give you an example.We could sell more carrots before the introduction of the euro in 2002 here at cheaper prices to our trade partners,now we're forced to sell at the same price of germany,france,etc.

By increasing minimum wage you increase wages in general.

They used to launder gold and hidden wealth, just like Switzerland. Rich people who had undeclared wealth would take it to Portugal and it would become legal income in their accounts, without paying much taxes.

says the American


shut up soybean based economy

Will europe ever recover

It's actually kind of funny.

I know some of the most affected were the fisheries and farming.
The fishing fleet was mostly destroyed, farmlands were abandoned. Before that, Europe came to Portugal to buy grain, for example, with Alentejo producing most of it. Now Alentejo's farmlands are empty, but it wasn't like that.

To meet up their quotas and allow for other european farmers and fishers to be abble to compete.
In return you get funding for shit, to turn your farmers and fishers into other things like workers of the auto industry, etc.
Problem is, competing with established giants isn't easy. Portugal tried to have its own auto industry, the UMM, which was never able to compete with other European auto industry, and now the UMM is no more.

So Portugal ends up losing their edge, and gained nothing.

So what's funny about all this?
The EU now ends up buying most of their grain from Russia and the Ukraine, and not EU members.

So basically, Portugal fucking up their shit didn't benefit Portugal, neither did it benefit Europe.

The European Union is kind of bad because of this system of production quotas. Instead of having a union were everyone does what he's best at, everyone has to do a little bit of everything.

but chile is better fuck portugal es una mierda

I would draw the line below slovenia if we wuz being pedantic

>now we're forced to sell at the same price of germany,france,etc
But you don't have the same farm infrastructure that Germany has due his long policy of subsidizing everything.
>By increasing minimum wage you increase wages in general.
Not really. What happens in Brazil when you increase minimum wage, some company closes the doors because it's not longer viable to exploit the negros and we end up with inflation. And them we have a rise in our salaries to fix the inflation...

Most politicians are not aware that there is small factories in poor places that can only afford pay minimum wage because if they increase their product value, they lose the customer to some Chinese ripoff.

That will be Brazil (we are the largest producer of soy, it sums 10% of our economy. Most of it goes to Netherlands, so they can rejoice flood the European market with cheap meat and milk at unfair prices)...

Specialist in soy for you, my brown friend.



That would mean Singapore is a developed country and not third world

>The EU now ends up buying most of their grain from Russia and the Ukraine, and not EU members.
Hum, this is why Russia became the largest producer and exporter of wheat?

nothing wrong with that

>Not really. What happens in Brazil when you increase minimum wage, some company closes the doors because it's not longer viable to exploit the negros and we end up with inflation. And them we have a rise in our salaries to fix the inflation.

Em Portugal há uma coisa chamada consertação social onde as empresas,sindicatos e o governo negociam o ordenado mínimo.Fazem projeções do impacto do aumento do ordenado mínimo e se este for positivo então eles aplicam a medida.

Tem que haver suporte de todos os lados

Aqui é uma ferramenta politica. Tem merda acontecendo? Aumenta o salário mínimo. Faltou dinheiro porque a arrecadação caiu? Aumenta os impostos.

IHDI isnt about development, it's directed at quality of life, but not development

its obviously not true

>france, hungary, poland, germany, denmark

the tuga is a barely legal aged nationalists who found the boogieman in EU

we dont really use the money except for investing in foreign shit

Those people look terrible, m8.

Shut up.

Imagine having this much of an inferiority complex that you need to use proxys to shit on a 10 million pop. country half a world away from you

Trinidad and tobago has the
highest gdp per capita in south america btfo mestizos

Good for them.

can anyone even compete?

Rare flag?

This burger's father was cucked by Alberto