Why are Harley's breasts spaced so far apart?

Why are Harley's breasts spaced so far apart?

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>>all of Sup Forums suddenly noticed how painfully virginal you are.

Bad artist. Look at her hips, too.

Virgin please die.

Because they're not actively being squeezed together?

your first time seeing average-sized boobs?

I know this might come as a shock to you but normal breasts have a gap between them.

She's flat and stuffs her bra.

that's... that's what they look like normally, user.

Can we take a moment to appreciate this scene and its copious amounts of vagina bones?


Bruce Timm is GOAT

There not its just that there pointing in opisiote directions.

he can draw 2 body types.

yup. male and female.

Every pair of boobies is different and special in their own way.

She's not wearing a pushup bra. Or any bra by those nips.


It may not make much sense, but I still love that body.

hey it was what, like the 90's(80's?) back then


>it's a Sup Forums pretends to understand anatomy episode


...they're right though, it IS normal for breasts to have space between them.

That's not the problem here.