Captain America: Sam Wilson #12 Preview

Featuring racist cops.
Not featuring any actual tie-ins to Civil War II.

Remember kids, cops are bad, local communities are good.


Sam is probably more embarassed over being defeated by Paste-Pot Pete

>Spend big money on robo super cops
>use them on misdemeanors and non violent crimes

You can tell that Spencer is just telling the story he wanted to tell, only paying lip-service to the Civil War II thing in order to put the logo on the cover and sell a few more copies.

WTF, I hate police now!

Is that all?

My favorite type of tie-in.
Remember GIRLS NIGHT OUT from Uncanny X-Men: Inhumanity?

Wow, I'm glad I don't read much marvel anymore, if you're gonna be political at least get your facts straight. Cops in the US might be trigger happy but it's got nothing to do with race, whites die as much as blacks do and blacks kill more of each other than cops do.

Why doesn't marvel write a comic about the inner turmoil of the black community and fixing crime ridden ghettos instead of blaming le white devils?

It's a preview, there's also a recap and credits page.
Full comics comes out next week. Odds are it'll end on a cliffhanger of [spoilerUSAgent stepping in and demanding that Sam Wilson give up the shield.][/spoiler]

I really fucking like this comic cover. Terrifyig

I swear I saw a whole issue the other day about the Robo-Gestapo

Is this reboot of Maniac Cop?

That's because the Americops arc has been going for 3 issues.

No, it's a reboot of obscure 90s vigilante Americop

>Americops arc has been going for 3 issues.
Is there any hint of them being anything other than a barely veiled BLM allegory?

Am I racist or am I not the only one who feels like these are kinda ham-fisted attempts at exploring racial issues in America?

If they didn't have the sliding time-scale this would've taken place in the 70's right?

Also oh my god that classic Cap Scale Mail.

Late 60's early 70's

With the sliding time-scale, I don't know. 90's or 00's?

I swear this issue has everything to do with civil war II see look! Just let me write my story.

Fifteen years ago, give or take.

>Why doesn't marvel write a comic about the inner turmoil of the black community and fixing crime ridden ghettos instead of blaming le white devils?

Luke Cage is getting a Netflix series

You're not thinking racist in the slightest. You're thinking rationally.

Nah, more like 10 years. Sam Wilson debuted after Franklin Richards was born.

Yeah, I probably miscalculated anyway.
Marvel's time really moves slowly.

Have the Americops been showing doing ANYTHING at all other than menacing and beating up random minorities for little to no reason?

>Not featuring any actual tie-ins to Civil War II.
So it's going to be a good comic then

Spencer has done this every time. He must hate doing tie in.

Remember the Cloak and Dagger "tie-in" for Spider Island? (I enjoyed it, but it had dick-all to do with spider island)

It is shit like this that reminds me why I prefer Judge Dredd

>Wow, I'm glad I don't read much marvel anymore, if you're gonna be political at least get your facts straight. Cops in the US might be trigger happy but it's got nothing to do with race, whites die as much as blacks do and blacks kill more of each other than cops do.

It's like you're not even reading the same fucking book. The book isn't even shouting political message at you.

>They're robot cops
>They're targeting supers in general
>Even on the cover there's white people being threatened

Stop being easily triggered.

Is this what Marvel pride as "grounded" stories?

>Not featuring any actual tie-ins to Civil War II.
That's a bad thing?

Wait, when were they revealed to be robots?

Bit of both?
Seriously, though, knowing that it's a white guy writing it, and the glaring "RACISM IS BAD" tone puts me off. It just comes across a lot like Tony telling the non-white kids "it's just like profiling!".

I think it's part of a conspiracy to "clean up" certain neighborhoods for gentrification or something. There's clearly somebody who benefits from this financially other than the Americops themselves.