So what did you think of it, Sup Forums?

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Ignoring everything else...

Those character designs are fucking atrocious

I ain't arguing.

Has it changed from the leaked script? Because I remember reading it and it was pure garbage

It is getting pretty old I have to admit but it's the easiest thing you can shit on (disregarding muslims) and taking the easy way out is almost always more profitable.

you sound awfully triggered, faggot.

the movie is much more tame
some people were disappointed how boring the orgy was

atheism is just as stupid as theism

both are held convictions based on nothing

This. Not going a shit and caring about your personal self is the way to go.

Agnosticism master race
>inb4 le fencesitter meme

I'd argue that atheism is just another religion, with most its followers worshiping science.



Isn't Rogen a jew?


When you consider how much modern science owes to Christianity, modern atheists are just Christians who have abstracted away god.

Geez what took you so long?

I thought it was funny.

You sound hysterical.

It was more than "dude religion lol," as it was also "dude atheism lol" and it happened to be pretty entertaining. It's going to do well, the entire audience loved it in my theater. I didn't think I'd laugh that much, but I did.

I'm also glad Taco got what she wanted.


Not believing in something based on nothing is the default state. Believing in something based on nothing is silly. If you do believe in any "god", you have to believe in every god, since all have equally plausible claims (That is, not plausible at all)

>Being a Christcuck

No. That's dumb.

I liked the meatloaf cameo and the terminator 2 reference. But aside from the fourth wall humor and the references this movie doesn't have a lot going for it. It was funny, sure.

The constant cursing felt a little hamfisted.

If you're complaining about the atheism in it and you're not religious, you missed the entire point about not sitting on people's beliefs to sway their opinion.

Wew lad is this movie any good?

I'm not surprised that this movie would try to have some "LOLDEEP" message. It probably tosses it aside in favor of jokes instead of going all-out, too. Like all of their fucking movies.

>A rational philosophy
How does crying yourself to sleep every night feel?

Why is atheism such a big deal in Clapistan?

When christians are the establishment everyone gets triggered.

There's such a thing as burden of proof. An atheist who just plain doesn't believe in gods isn't putting any argument forward, a religious person who has been exposed to modern knowledge and mantains that gods exist despite there being natural explanations for most phenomena historically attributed to the divine is. An atheist who actively REJECTS the existence of gods does have to prove his argument, but those 2 are separate types of atheism.

People can believe in the supernatural while being atheistic, on top of that. People confuse "atheism" with "materialism". The correct way to refer to a "worship" of science is scientism.

There are a lot of shithead Christians to rebel against.

I'll let you in on something, OP. Why the fuck should I follow any religion? Why should I believe in a God? That Christian God and Allah are one in the same, just brought forward by two different people. Why should I follow this divine creator who gave us life but hasn't done anything else for us? Did he just fuck off? Why hasn't he stopped any of the fucking wars? Why does he let innocent people get hurt and let the guilty run off?

I don't understand it.

Seth Rogan in a nutshell

>waaah a movie insulted my imaginary friend

Can't christfags just pray their butthurt away?

>That Christian God and Allah are one in the same, just brought forward by two different people
This isn't some secret which you are enlightened to notice, for your information. Originally europeans thought Islam was a christian heresy, and within islam christians, jews and to a certain degree zoroastrians are acknowledged as "people of the book" who have many of the same privileges as muslims

>People unironically started going to church over fedora memes

I'm telling on God

You lukewarm fucks are the worst.

Why watch this shitty movie when I can just replay the VN in your picture?

>Implying nihilism means you're sad
Plenty of good stuff in life.

Atheism is still the easiest religion to troll, I see.

Nihilism did cause a lot of really fucking stupid reactions, like postmodernism thinking they can meme nihilism away

>religious people
>not stupid

If the jokes aren't funny, that's one thing, but if you only didn't like it because it attacked your religion, holy shit get a thicker skin.

What's the plot of this movie?

I'm only disagreeing with the second sentence.

The movie is probably bad even without that.

Food thinks when they get bought they go to afterlife
they get eating, main characters find this out and host a rebellion
They say fuck and there's an orgy somewhere

>what is the left-wing

How tame was the orgy?

Thers no genitals or anything its just food rubbing against eachother

Dude nihilism lmao

The right-wing certainly aren't intelligent either.

Do they keep the part with the douche fingering the rat's asshole then wiping it in the bagels hole?

The left part of a wing.

>80% on rotten tomatoes

If you can make believe your computer im impressed. Tell me how did you get passed the : Mineral extraction, separation of minerals and purification, uv litography, oil extraction, creation of polymers and plastic, plastic molding, software abstraction, building the compiler and debug tools , driver programming, programming language implementation, operating system programming, framework programming and web browser programming.

This. It was better than it ever deserved to be and it calls out atheists for their shitty behavior just as harshly.

>An atheist who just plain doesn't believe in gods isn't putting any argument forward

Uh, yes they are. Atheists aren't simply saying that there's no proof of God, they declare that God does not exist. They're making a claim that's just as unproveable as saying that God is real.

At least agnostics are consistent. Atheists are fucking hypocrites.


Brits did the same shtick 30 years ago better and with some actual courtesy.

Didnt say that, but if your gunna call out shit then you gotta be fair

Fucking kek

This will be the new standard for adult animation. Family guy the movie here we come.

wait, that's in it? well that explains the good reviews. shit, until I heard this I was looking forward to a fun dumb movie.

>Atheists are hypocrites for not believing one thing in particular
Everyone has something they don't believe in, it's impossible for someone to believe in absolutely everything. There's no reason to treat a disbelief in God any differently from a disbelief in, say, Pikachu in real life.

Are you implying that agnostics are a separate category from atheists/theists?

it has become that, yeah
thankfully like any religion it has its orthodoxes and its moderates. the latter constantly apologizing for the former, while still spreading the gospel and smiling broadly whenever they indoctrinate new members
i've always said that. 1 is the closest number to zero, yknow? mathematically you're closer to a monotheist than one of those poly sorts with their many arms

Exactly, they're both stupid. See? Fairness.


If there's lack of evidence for x to exist, does that make you just as arrogant to say x doesn't exist? The answer is no, but feel free to meme around the question.

>unironically defending Islam

Do you see why they call you stupid?

And I declare that The Tooth Fairy doesn't exist. That makes me a hypocrite to assert something completely reasonable and consistent with all evidence?

>paying to see a shitty movie to whine about it on Sup Forums

>coming on Sup Forums to preach religion

Look at yourself..

Is it "dude Christians are dumb xD" like Family Guy or is it more than that? A lot of people think anything with religion is that, but that's not the case a lot of the time.

If you have can't figure out that question you're part of the problem. Read more.


No one cares m8

stop tipping that fedora for a second and think about what OP is actually saying

There's a big difference between not believing in something and declaring it to not be real. Not believing in something means you would be open to the possibility of believing in it if you were given sufficient reason. Declaring something isn't real means you've already made up your mind and no additional data is going to change that.

Atheism is rather anti-scientific, really.

>i believe there is an invisible egg on that table
>"no that's dumb, i can't see an egg or touch an egg on that table. there's obviously no egg on that table"
>wow that's pretty fucking arrogant for you to say, asshole
>"im just saying there's obviously no egg there"
>whatever dickhead, you go to talk to your ignorant buddies who aren't enlightened like me. i don't need you, i've got the egg
And then the guy that knew there wasn't an egg on the table went on with his life, while the egg-believer continued to brood to himself about the arrogance his non-egg-believing friend had displayed.

>He says while posting an anime pic

The real issue is atheist make a stance of moral and intellectual superiority based on their disbelief. Most need to stroke their fat egos and thus become anti theists.

It's the difference of for example a Christian who doesn't believe in the Hindu pantheon and one who goes out of the way to insult Hindus for their beliefs.

Believe in a god all you want, just don't sit there and tell me that the earth is 6000 years old and is flat

>says the atheist who needs to circle jerk his disdain for theists on atheist hugboxes

Sounds like you're the one brooding on it.

>And then the guy that knew there wasn't an egg on the table went on with his life
>went on with his life
>his life

At least bother reading the rest of the post

Didn't Richard Dawkins, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and some other famous atheist scientists say that they cannot claim that God 100% does not exist? They can say they are 99.98% certain that a God does not exist, but they cannot say they are absolutely certain, because it would be unscientific of them. What I'm trying to ask is, why do people like Redditors and Seth Rogan make the claim that gods absolutely, without a doubt, do not exist, yet they continue to call themselves science-minded and preach Dawkins as their prophet? Is that not hypocrisy?

Thinly veiled attempt to get everyone to agree that Reddit and its users are shit.

Athiesm is a lack of a belief in God, not saying "Its not real" any atheist who says god is not real, instead of saying they don't believe it is real is an idiot

>420 GET
>maja pic
>in a DUDE WEED thread

It's perfect.

>It's okay to believe something doesn't exist, but not to say that it doesn't exist

>The known universe is limited to what can be perceived with five senses and you're a fucking idiot if you think otherwise

Not saying you should believe in God or anything but let's not pretend there isn't a ton of implicit arrogance in atheism.

Bertrand Russell's Teapot.

You can't 100% disprove a ridiculous claim, but unless said claim is backed up by some kind of evidence then there is no reason to disprove it.

>any atheist who says god is not real
That's literally like 90% of Athiests on the internet

>The real issue is atheist make a stance of moral and intellectual superiority based on their disbelief. Most need to stroke their fat egos and thus become anti theists.
That's a subset that like to attract a lot of attention to themselves, and who religious people like to trot out to discredit Atheism. Most Atheists In my personal experience are simply secular people too busy living their lives to worry about all that religious stuff, unless it gets brought up specifically.

Is there an arrogance in not believing in the tooth fairy?

Do you have an actual criticism of that message that isn't just spouting DUDE LMAO?

>Most need to stroke their fat egos and thus become anti theists.
Yeah, no. "Most" don't do that.

The implication is that the other guy is a stupid cunt for believing what he believes in. Sometimes with militant atheism it isn't implied but stated.

See, that's what atheism SHOULD be, but that's not what it actually is.

Is there arrogance in being a non-swimmer? Or in being a non-tea-drinker?

>Ugh, nothing pisses me off more than someone I can't agree with but at the same time can't ridicule!
>How dare him not make assumptions about the universe we will never be able to prove right or wrong!

Nice projection, faggot

Atheism is literally the ABSENCE of a belief in something that there is no evidence for.

Christfags think accusing atheists of wearing a funny hat makes their religion true

And there's implicit arrogance in Christianity, and Hinduism, and Islam, and Judaism, and Zorastrianism, and fucking every other religion because they are all convinced that they have things correct, and everyone else is wrong.

Basically all you said is human beings are arrogant.

Then they're wankers. You literally cannot claim that God does not exist, being a gnostic is very stupid unless it's something that is self defining, like you can claim to know that 2+2=4, but other than that you can't claim with 100% certainty that things like God doesn't exist

There's no such thing as militant atheism. Unless you're blowing yourself up in the name of atheism or some shit (which doesn't happen), you're not a militant. This is a FOX-tier buzzword.