Baman Piderman

When are the last episodes coming, Sup Forums?

I'm baman

i'm piderman

come ova da howss

we'r bes frieeends

hey look it's those guys

but srsly it feels like years have passed since the last new episode

I think it actually HAS been- at least one right?

Wasn't Lindsay almost dying of mold allergies? Has there been any update on that?

That was two years ago. She's since recovered.

The hospital bills and needing to find a new place to live messed up financial plans so they've taken on more work.
They've since done animation for Clarence, Adventure Time, and some independent things.
As for Baman Piderman, they got out the season 3 opener, Paint Da House, We Hab Da Problem, Ghost Night 2 Trailer, and back in June I got an e-mail that had like the first two minutes of the next episode, Ghost Night 2, in it.

The next episode has some crazy animation.

>tfw we got lost in the shuffle and they forgot all about us

Well it's not like we have that many Baman Piderman threads for them to show up in anymore.


Do the creators frequent this board?

They did, but they've been super busy since the kickstarter and we haven't had many threads about Baman Piderman, so I haven't seen them around here in a while.

This is Sup Forums in the Baman Piderman world, it is a comic about a cake factory.

There's loss in there somewhere. I just know it.

I'm so happy that I'm able to ignore the existence of that meme.

I feel pity for the anons who see loss everywhere.

Thanks for reminding me.

I'm still patiently waiting and I'll wait as long as it takes. The two can do no wrong for me.

There is a loss edit of that picture.

Well I haven't seen it, and I'm glad for that.

>Ghost Night 2
Halloween's still a ways off, but it helps to know they're probably shooting for a Halloweentime release date. I had a gut feeling they were waiting until around that time this year.

How'd you get that e-mail? You know 'em personally or something?