What exactly is wrong with globalization/new world order/single world currency?

What exactly is wrong with globalization/new world order/single world currency?

Wouldn't that kind of world system prevent wars and maintain peace?

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It'll prevent war between countries, yes, but it only increases internal violence by mixing incompatible cultures.

We don't have aliens to fight against yet.
Or a macross.

Considering countries as small as Spain have separatist movements imagine the whole world being ruled from one place. It wouldn't last a second.

>What is the right to self-determination?

>what's wrong with global totalitarianism?
>wouldn't rule by a small, international elite be best for everyone?

Yes, it will.

In fact, most countries started out as smaller tribes/factions that warred against one another and once one of them beat all of the other ones, they became a single country and there was some turmoil for a bit before they eventually settled in peace.

Think about this: can you image a war between France and Germany today? Yeah, that's because they are part of the EU. If you said that, "France and Germany will stop fighting wars between one another" to someone in Europe 100 years ago today, they'd laugh to your face.

So, to sum up, you're right OP. This will increase peace and prosperity.

Also, as an ending note, I'll mention that the world is also at its safest in human history. There are fewer wars today than there have ever been.

The problem with you fucktards is that you don't stop on the single world currency and one nation shit.

The next it is one faith, one moral code, one dogma, one skin. You see where am I going? Absolute totalitarian system that ultimately destroys itself by trying to control every aspect of human experience


Posting it again. And again.

That kind of world would enslave hard working people to mindless savage animals.
No thanks

its bad enough we have banksters who run our federal banks now, could you imagine how they could fuck with the entire world if we all used one currency?

hitler wanted to prevent this

can you elaborate? how is a single world currency created? a world federal reserve? a world treasury? who gets to decide what this treasury/fed does? does the entire world become a single world republic? will muslims in iran want to vote along with indians or americans or brazilians or malaysians etc?

Globalism will be run by NGOs, Treatys, and International soldiers/police with no ties to local people.

You can't be serious when you say that's not a recipe for disaster.

I don't want my nationality destroyed because it's easier.

>maintain peace
how would arab men have harems if all the meat that was meant to grind in the war survived?

Ethiopia sells food to europe because it brings more money than selling it to their own people. what if my new-world government housing relocated me to ethiopia? I'd be a slave

but oh I'm a world citizen it's for the greater good I suppose.

pic related, it's how the world really looks if you homogenise it.

So why doesnt that right exist within the context of a given sovereign nation? Why arbitrarily draw the line at a nation state?

How is this different than being part of the working class in any country?

Just to feel some inflated, false sense of worth that you part of something slightly smaller instead of the entire globe? When you die in a war for tour country you are dying for a bunch of men in suits.

>giving more power to rich born children who inherit to control whole world makes them know what world needs, even when they haven't visited 99% of places they control and don't live the problems and don't know anything about what they control
We wuz god and shit.

No. The human tribal instinct cannot be overcome.

Globalization/NWO will really just consolidate power into fewer hands and leave the masses permanently disenfranchised and fighting against each other.

No, Mr. Soros; and I dont want to buy any T-Bills today.
I assume you know the way out, or shall I alert security?

How is a global state against dissenters global peace? It would be constant civil war.

Did you think Trump would be satisfied by just America?