What was this ending even supposed to mean?

What was this ending even supposed to mean?

America is getting pretty fucked up lol

His time is up, it's basically a coming of age story for him

That he was realizing that the world has never been a nice place to live.
America has always been fucked up you dolt. Jesus they spell it out in the film.

That the whole movie was actually a dream. It literally states this as the last words of the film are 'and then I woke up' and then cut to black

Nothing. It means nothing in the context of the film. It meant a lot in the book, where there was significant context surrounding Bell. But in the film, he was just a sheriff in bumfuck nowhere chasing a dude. We know next to nothing about him except for his last two conversations.

Lol you fucking idiot.

That this has truly become no country for old men.

In all serious though it's him wondering if the world has become more evil our if it has always been this way and that it's just that there aren't any strong men left to face the evil.

>a bloo bloo violence always existed

That truly its not a country for old men

He wanted to be a old timey cowboy sheriff but he lived the life of a crazy drug cartel sheriff.

>Assert it means nothing
>Get called out
>Switch goal posts
An idiot and a worm, too. Lol.

That the world is quite ruthless in selecting between the dream and the reality, even where we will not.

(((They))) won

>Finally after all this time it has truly become No Country for Old Men



Notice the two different trees in the background. Linearity and complexity.

somethins like
>its a meaningless scene in a stupid movie, but the pleb will be too afraid to say anything about it, because they dont want others to think they dont understand """art films""" and we'll get some oscars

Should've given it to Raimi.

He is going to die. When he does, he will be reunited with his father.

Chigurh was just a dream

Dude, you're really stupid. There are not many authors that put their themes in such a blunt, obvious ways like McCarthy and still you find this that this is some kind of cryptic, hard to understand thing. He thought there were "values" in the world and the world would compensate those who follow those values. Then he gets disenchanted and sees that values are meaningless in the uncaring eyes of the universe. But he chooses to "keep the fire lit" because if he doesn't then everybody is like Chigurh. It's easy as fuck to understand, you dimwit.

Was that the last time they spoke as friends?


It means that his generations time of being the leaders is over, no country for old men quite literally. If you were too retarded to get that you might've been too retarded for this movie

>1/100 movies tries to do something a little different with the genre

to me movies are an escape from existential dread...and this starts out as EXACTLY that...perfectly crafted cat and mouse chaser....then the existential Nuclear carpet bombing you get from the dreams/ending

>Waah it didn't let me turn my brain off
So watch a different movie faggot

>Coens movie
>Based on a Cormac McCarthy novel
>Escape from existential dread

Man, you choose poorly.

Death comes for us all.

>world has become more evil our if it has always been this way

I haven't watched the film in a while and I have not read the book, but I've read/watched The Road and am about 1/2 way through reading Blood meridian right now. I read on /lit/ once someone's opinion that blood meridian, no country for old men, and the road all deal with this concept of the world always being an evil place, just in different times/settings.

Sadly it's not even the first time
I went into "The Road" expecting a mad max style adventure

Means they ran out of budget

>Old man makes speech about this being no country for him
>No country for old men
What does it mean?

Pretty much 75% of Sup Forums

Haha I hope you're trolling but it's funny.

Sounds like a trump reference.

old men have no country

I guess this is one of those movies people under 30 can't understand.

I'm 20 and I get it. You'd honestly have to be pretty fucking stupid to miss the themes. The title basically spells it out for christs sake.

non-american detected, non-white suspected. low-IQ confirmed. non-white suspicions intensify.

leave this board.

coming to terms with his death, his father rode ahead of him. He knew that once he caught up to his father he would be there waiting for him


the moral of the movie was that chigurh was the one who actually had morals.

chigurh had a job, and a code, and he righted wrongs. he killed people who strayed from the path of righteousness. the sheriff was understanding that he had been an obstacle to the vehicle of gods justice, and the fire was the fire of hell waiting to consume him.

Giving him way too much credit there

This is completely wrong kek. Chigurh sees himself as an untouchable agent of fate. In his eyes, he's not the deciding to kill his victims, it's fate, hence the coin. In the end this is proven false as Carla Jean simply refuses to call his toss - he's the one tossing the coin and he's the one pulling the trigger. It was always his decision. In the end he kills Carla Jean regardless of the coin toss, and we see that he is just as fallible as everyone else when he gets hit by the car. He's as much a victim of blind chance as anyone else. Chigurh was never actually an agent of fate or god, he was simply an evil person.

>he killed people that strayed from the path of righteousness
This is completely fucking incorrect

Just need to watch it again. This is one that might take a couple viewings. The whole flick is operating on the level of symbolism and themes. The heist shit is just superficial. Gotta pull all that stuff you learned in highschool lit class out of the freezer.

Ignore the "if you didn't get it, you're too stupid" elitists. I'm pretty average intelligence (I think) and I definitely had trouble digesting this movie on first viewing. There's a few layers on that onion. It's a lot clearer on the subsequent pass.

chigurh is an angel, dumbass. why do you think he takes his socks off after he kills the mexican who surrendered? because he has to masturbate.

the coin was just a party trick. do you seriously fucking believe everyone believes what they tell you they believe? retard.

nothing he did was evil. just like it's not evil when god allows children to get cancer. that's gods job. to give children cancer. to maintain balance. god is nothing more than the perfect predator. and chigurh is just an angel, serving gods will, and restoring balance. why do you think chigurh didn't kill the fat trailer park desk lady? because she did her fucking job. why do you think he almost killed the gas station guy? because he stuck his nose where it didn't belong. why do you think carla refuses to call the coin? because she's a rebel against gods will.

why did the car hit chigurh?

because he pitied carla, and he had to be punished for his weakness.

Dude agua lmao

There's not a whole lot of overt/direct symbolism but yeah the movie is very thematically dense. Most of it is conveyed through the dialogue

Jesus christ, I've never seen such a ridiculous misinterpretation of this movie before.

It's nice to have some fine, home-cooked bait after a long week on the road.

Trying too hard.