G-guys? I think I felt in love with Kim Jong-un's sister

G-guys? I think I felt in love with Kim Jong-un's sister.

Totalitarianism doesn't look so bad now, does it?


She wants to meet a basketball player like her brother and do things


Does she come with bowel parasites?


Would smash for the novelty but she's a 6/10 at best and a 4 at worst.


north korean girls look better than the plastic southern ones



that's not her, it's just some model that shows up in google searches




Found the shit eater.

I like shad


Lmoa fuck off shad.

>Parents: Kim Jong il
So the supreme leaders can reproduce without mating?

A few months ago I did way too much speed and spent about 8 hours scouring Shad's site and saving every pic I could classify as "fappable". First on my phone, then on PC, then I deleted all the phone ones and saved them again because some of them were out of order.

Do you get a proper erection when being on speed? Regularly I don't, except when I smoke weed too

Yeah, but it takes some effort. Depends on how much you did too. During my shadventure I did so much that I didn't even think about fapping to it, I was just obsessed with cataloguing it for future use.


kek, I love shad's humor.