This is the grill worshipped by Sup Forums

>this is the grill worshipped by Sup Forums


Other urls found in this thread:

What's going on in this webm? Also, isn't she underage?


Well, that's what happens when mediocre you tubers put you on blast and lead to people knowing your a racist. Rip

She is a goddess and probably just pretending or joking

another mentally ill cunt thinking she's trolling the trolls?

it's more fun when they're narcissistic like this one tho because they last longer


Serious question, why are you surprised? Did you not notice that pol is composed mainly by virgins, betas, trannies lovers, and outcasts of society? They are the first people to throw money at camwhores.

daily reminder: she was a teenager who was taken advantage of. Her degenerate bf was behind it all.


Shes a jew.


Is she doing a cracky impression?
Shit is fucked up and bullshit.

Sup Forums needs a conservative girl, not a so called right wing slut that f$@% every guy she sees that thinks she's "CONSERVATIVE"

she hits like a girl
also sage

Not a conservative board my friend.

can i get a story on what this webm is all about?

National Socialist women > Conservative women

Thats all Im saying.

Nobody knows who she is, she had like .5 seconds of fame after Leafy mentioned her on youtube then her channel was deleted by the jews at youtube like 2 days later.

She's got psychological issues and she never represented Sup Forums she's just some girl from Canada that lives somewhere in the shithole city of Toronto who's probably been in a mental ward before or currently is in one right now. You could tell something was wrong with her from her body language and the way she talked.

I'd still fuck the shit out of her though.

nice try Canadian,
She's a "conservative", wasn't talking about the board.

>not post the part2


Who cares? Does she show them or not?


Some guy wrote all her videos, and was banging her. He pretty much used her as the face for (truth based) NatSoc propaganda.

Then she did something like banging another guy or something, I forget, not really important but he threatened to expose her as being a stupid cunt, which she is, and something about nudes was involved.

As I said, fairly irrelevant.

Spread her works, or dont... but shes just another whore, and she has a fair bit of jewish blood.

wtf lmao

we need the nudes

Why is it I don't recognize a single woman in any of these threads? What shitty bait threads do people bring up stupid YouTube women to worship on? I know like 3 that get posted here as reaction images and then we get at least 1 of these per week going "POL worships THIS?? LOL rely really makes you think". Is it bait? Is it women attention whoring themselves for strong conservative men? I honestly dot understand. Why does a political board need a face? This is not 2008, and this is not Sup Forums.

She is just doing the same girls always done. They wear the suits of some subject they don't care much in order to gain the attention of the male participants.


It never changed. Never. And it will never change.

Women desire attention. And they just pretend to be part of something to be perceived by the male population of that group.

Pretty much, she is a jew, she is on pornhub.

I don't have skype and i don't know how it works. Who is she talking too in this webm? Is it that name at the top, Mikey or is it this name with the green check by it Cody?

Also, this is just typical troll shit by OP, she's quite obviously mad at a male suitor in this vid. People act out when emotionally hurt.

Why do autists and aspegers crave attention so much? Honestly, I'm glad I have social shyness. The mixture of social awkwardness and general mental illness + attention seeking must be awful.



Seriously, if you don't know who Evalion is, you cannot have been on this board this Spring. There were at least twenty threads a day about her for weeks.

This exactly, when and where, don't remember.


>this is the grill worshipped by Sup Forums

Not really, you must have missed the threads of 95% of people viciously hating her. She had a nice bod though and sounded cute. I think she should have just done Sup Forums approved audio books and not opened her mouth and tried to speak her mind, and we would have liked her a lot more.

No she wasn't
I can't tell if these kind of threads are from extremely newfags or if it's some kind of bait

this is objectively false.

You made this up dude.

If not, then provide the sauce on everything you just said. I fucking 100% guarantee you can't. You can't provide a single lick of evidence.

she was a joke anyways, her vids were pure shit, Sup Forums is a serious board.

i dont have that many people to talk to on skype

Who is this cunt?

Not him but her parent are Jewish Polish...

What's she doing to her face? Is she trying to hit it?

>Sup Forums is one person
Always hated that bitch, I feel disgusted that I share this board with some beta idiots who were her "fans".

but where are the nudes?

>calling someone summer for not knowing about someone who only popped up during the summer


btw not everyone follows these "youtube celebrities" that get shilled on Sup Forums constantly, you stupid faggots will click on anything

You would if you had a vagina

I have a nose like that but I'm not a jew

I only participate on political posts. If there's a woman as the first post and >pic unrelated I skip it.

There needs to be a counter-shitpost for those threads like Canadians for the BLACKED ones, because these worship ones are just annoying and don't offer anything but stupid videos for desperate teens.

>when you discover the material realm prison


>February, March, and April are in Summer



Holy fuck where's the rest of it?

I want to fuck her in the butt

you missed have missed everyone arguing that she was good for whatever red pill agenda they had

Reminder that there's a video of her masturbation on porn hub just put evalion pornhub on google

sorry hoss I don't keep up with "youtube celebrities" which get shilled on Sup Forums :^)


she only fucks bowling pins

If by "everyone" you mean an extremely small minority of newfags then no I didn't miss it

What the fuck is wrong with her forehead?

She's perfect

>Sup Forums needs a conservative girl
>Sup Forums needs a girl

You can fuck right off my man

I'll admit I've done that.

>worshiped by Sup Forums

Not really. Was an asset, a young one. Sad she didn't took the offer seriously like Milo did. She got her chance to be famous.

She might have autism. I do that and I have autism.

It wasn't a minority. every thread was filled with "she's going to red pill so many new people" comments

>she's trolling
Disgusting damage control.

Birds of the same feather

>jerked off already today

what a shame for me

Why do you have the nose

I do that from time to time .... no biggie


>Italian detected



>Webm of a recording of a youtube video of a skype call with a smaller skype call in it.

Don't be so hard on her, she obliviously has daddy issues.

I founded her in, a have seen a comment on YouTube and then I verified

y is that so hot?

but i don't know who this is

Evalion is a self-hating Jew

She is too pretty to be a kike


>gets mad
>responds by savagely beating herself
>end result is totally ineffective and becoming a laughingstock
>has absolutely no effect on society

Why wouldn't Sup Forums worship her? She's right-wing reaction incarnate.

>Baby fat
>No cheekbones
>green eyes
>Has to have something in her mouth to excuse stupid expression
>Cams for people

I don't think women like her are hard to find user.

fourth from the right claimed

Is her porn video real? I can barely see her face so I am not so sure

link the porn already

Oh it's not even a picture it's webm.
She really is a self-hating Jew lmao.


Hooooooo shiiiiiiiiiiit they are a bit (allot) similar to Portuguese woman, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Green eyes are rare. Enjoy your subhuman brown eyes

not worshipped, we just get a kick out of insane loli reading scripts written by a Sup Forums memelord

KEK wills it

Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?
Where did this video come from?
Why is she doing that?

Is it true that all Portuguese women have mustaches?


Mein Got!

Sup Forums is always wrong.