Old comic book adds

Any favorites? any related stories?
My dad apparently bought pic related and was super-excited for 6 weeks before they turned out to just be paper cutout soldiers. Somehow him relating that story really helped me cope with dissapointment

I came across some of these recently. I'm afraid to try seeing if they were ever found.



were any ever found?

But on the brighter side, fruit pies!

I don't want to look them up only to find out they haven't.

I'm sure you can look it up somewhere, but chances are at least two or three of them are still missing.

Oh shit, I just saw that one! are you also reading Marvel Premiere?


Ah, guns. Back when American were people who could be trusted to not be low IQ lunatics.

not that they were less dangerous, mind. just more trusted

Jughead looks like he could not give any less of a shit about these missing kids.

I looked up the first page. The first page of people are still missing. The third one Johnny Gosch was never found, but his mother says he came to see her once, but no trace was ever found and no evidence of him listed since. Also, John Gosch was one of the first "milk carton have you seen me" people.

I've had that one saved for a while and they ran the same ones in all the comics that month.

He's probably hungry.




Tell it like it is.



Drawing him with open, caring eyes would have been off model.

Fucker's had his eyes half open at best since 1941.

It says right on the ad that they're plastic. Thats some straight up false advertising. Shame.

>hostess fruit pie??

>(show this ad to your dad)
weirdly pushy for a piece of paper arent we

They weren't. :(


yeah, I think they were laminated? or maybe just flat plastic, IDK

Was just about to start a thread for these.


This one creeps me out.



>wherein billy gets shot by the cops and the world is cold and indifferent to the death of a child