Post these in your native language:

Refugee -
Politics -
Photography -
Santa Claus -
Bicycle -
Freedom -
Calculation -
Pack of cards -
Incense -
Winter -
Dust -
Forgiven -
Machinery -
Forward -

Anglos need not apply.

Other urls found in this thread:

Refugee - Vluchteling
Politics - Politiek
Photography - Fotografie
Santa Claus - Kerstman
Bicycle - Fiets
Freedom - Vrijheid
Calculation - Berekening
Pack of cards - Doosje Kaarten
Incense - Wierook
Winter - Winter
Dust - Stof
Forgiven - Vergeven
Machinery - Mechanisme
Forward - Vooruit

Won't get a lot of non-Anglo responses, it's 5 in the morning in Europe

Refugee - Réfugié
Politics - Politique
Photography - Photographie
Santa Claus - Père Noël
Bicycle - Bicycle
Freedom - Liberté
Calculation - Calcul
Pack of cards - Paquet de carte
Incense - encens
Winter - Hiver
Dust - poussière
Forgiven - Pardonner
Machinery - Machinerie
Forward - Avancer

>it's 5 in the morning in Europe
But that's when euro Sup Forums is on their computer.

mmmhmm *smacks lips* aight

Refugee - nigga
Politics - black lives matter
Photography -
Santa Claus -
Bicycle -
Freedom -
Calculation -
Pack of cards -
Incense -
Winter -
Dust -
Forgiven -
Machinery -
Forward -

das all i got

Quality post

Refugee - Flyktning
Politics - Politikk
Photography - Fotografi
Santa Claus - Julenisse
Bicycle - Sykkel
Freedom - Frihet
Calculation - Kalkulering
Pack of cards - Pakke med kort
Incense -
Winter - Vinter
Dust - Stov
Forgiven - Tilgitt
Machinery - Maskineri
Forward - Fremover

Refugee - rifugiati
Politics - politica
Photography - fotografia
Santa Claus - babbo natale
Bicycle - bicicletta
Freedom - liberta'
Calculation - calcolo
Pack of cards - mazzo di carte
Incense - incenso
Winter - inverno
Dust - polvere
Forgiven - scusato/perdonato
Machinery - macchinario
Forward - avanti

Refugee - Refugiado
Politics - Política
Photography - Fotografía
Santa Claus - Papá Noel
Bicycle - Bicicleta
Freedom - Libertad
Calculation - Cálculo
Pack of cards - Mazo de cartas/naipes
Incense - Incienso
Winter - Invierno
Dust - Polvo
Forgiven - Olvidado
Machinery - Maquinaria
Forward - Progresivo

>t. white argie

Tugas are welcome to post their own version.

Refugee - Refugiado
Politics - Política
Photography -Fotografia
Santa Claus - Papai Noel
Bicycle - Bicicleta
Freedom - Liberdade
Calculation - Cálculo
Pack of cards - Baralho
Incense - Incenso
Winter - Inverno
Dust - Poeira
Forgiven - Perdoado(a)
Machinery - Maquinário
Forward - Avante

Alternative translations for some:

Pack of cards - Baraja
Forgiven - Perdonado

Refugee -
Politics -
Photography -
Santa Claus -
Bicycle -
Freedom -
Calculation -
Pack of cards -
Incense -
Winter -
Dust -
Forgiven -
Machinery -
Forward -

Refugee - бeжeнeц
Politics - пoлитикa
Photography - фoтoгpaфия
Santa Claus - Дeд Mopoз
Bicycle - вeлocипeд
Freedom - cвoбoдa
Calculation - вычиcлeниe
Pack of cards - кoлoдa кapт
Incense - блaгoвoния
Winter - зимa
Dust - пыль
Forgiven - пpoщeнный
Machinery - don't know is there direct translation available, Teхникa is the closest in mind
Forward - впepёд

This guy is a fraud this is the real french:

Refugee - Réfugié
Politics - Politique
Photography - Photographie
Santa Claus - Père Noël
Bicycle - Bicyclette
Freedom - Liberté
Calculation - Calcul
Pack of cards - Paquet de cartes
Incense - Encens
Winter - Hiver
Dust - Poussière
Forgiven - Pardonné
Machinery - Machinerie
Forward - Avant

Refugee - Izbjeglica
Politics - Politika
Photography - Fotografija
Santa Claus - Djed Mraz
Bicycle - Bicikl
Freedom - Sloboda
Calculation - Izračun
Pack of cards - Paket Karata
Incense - Tamjan
Winter - Zima
Dust - Prašina
Forgiven - Oprošten
Machinery - Stroj / Mašinerija
Forward - Naprijed

Refugee - Yön Timo
Politics - Ketkut
Photography - Valokuvaus
Santa Claus - Kolomen kympin tilauspukki
Bicycle - Kylähuora
Freedom - Vapaus
Calculation - Laskutoimitus
Pack of cards - Korttipakka
Incense - Talonmies
Winter - Talavi
Dust - Hiekkaneekeri
Forgiven - Sori siit
Machinery - En tiiä
Forward - Mummo lumessa

Get back, Russianfag!

I have a feeling these are all Finnish memes.

01010010 01100101 01100110 01110101 01100111 01100101 01100101 00100000 00101101 00100000 00001010 01010000 01101111 01101100 01101001 01110100 01101001 01100011 01110011 00100000 00101101 00100000 00001010 01010000 01101000 01101111 01110100 01101111 01100111 01110010 01100001 01110000 01101000 01111001 00100000 00101101 00100000 00001010 01010011 01100001 01101110 01110100 01100001 00100000 01000011 01101100 01100001 01110101 01110011 00100000 00101101 00100000 00001010 01000010 01101001 01100011 01111001 01100011 01101100 01100101 00100000 00101101 00100000 00001010 01000110 01110010 01100101 01100101 01100100 01101111 01101101 00100000 00101101 00100000 00001010 01000011 01100001 01101100 01100011 01110101 01101100 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00100000 00101101 00100000 00001010 01010000 01100001 01100011 01101011 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01100011 01100001 01110010 01100100 01110011 00100000 00101101 00100000 00001010 01001001 01101110 01100011 01100101 01101110 01110011 01100101 00100000 00101101 00100000 00001010 01010111 01101001 01101110 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 00101101 00100000 00001010 01000100 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 00101101 00100000 00001010 01000110 01101111 01110010 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 01101110 00100000 00101101 00100000 00001010 01001101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100101 01110010 01111001 00100000 00101101 00100000 00001010 01000110 01101111 01110010 01110111 01100001 01110010 01100100 00100000 00101101 00100000

Refugee - illegal boat arrival
Politics -cuckholdry
Photography - porn
Santa Claus - fat pedophile
Bicycle - wanna ride it?
Freedom - muh guns
Calculation - 2+2=kfc
Pack of cards - I'm quite a card, rightio old chap
Incense - dude weed lmao
Winter - what's that
Dust -
DEAD, long dead,
Long dead!
And my heart is a handful of dust,
And the wheels go over my head,
And my bones are shaken with pain,
For into a shallow grave they are thrust,
Only a yard beneath the street,
And the hoofs of the horses beat, beat,
The hoofs of the horses beat,
Beat into my scalp and my brain,
With never an end to the stream of passing feet,
Driving, hurrying, marrying, burying,
Clamor and rumble, and ringing and clatter,
And here beneath it is all as bad
For I thought the dead had peace, but it is not so;
To have no peace in the grave, is that not sad?
But up and down and to and fro,
Ever about me the dead men go;
And then to hear a dead man chatter
Is enough to drive one mad.
Forgiven - your mum after taking bbc balls deep
Machinery - your mum's dildo
Forward - your mum
3rd world- huehuehuehue
water- Rio sewage
olympics- waste of 5 billion fricken dollars
favela - where you live

Well the bicycle is Village whore because everyone gets to ride it.

Refugee - Pelarian
Politics - Politik
Photography - Fotografi
Santa Claus - (doesn't exist in Malay language, he's haram)
Bicycle - Basikal
Freedom - Merdeka
Calculation - Pengiraan
Pack of cards - Sepek kad
Incense - Kemenyan
Winter - Musim Sejuk (we don't have winters here so it's literally just Cold Season)
Dust - Habuk

Punjabi Language - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ
Refugee - ਰਫੂਜੀ
Politics - ਸਿਆਸਤ
Photography - ਫੋਟੋਗ੍ਰਾਫੀ
Santa Claus - ਸੈਂਟਾ ਕਲੌਸ
Bicycle - ਸਾਈਕਲ
Freedom - ਆਜ਼ਾਦੀ
Calculation - ਗਣਨਾ
Pack of cards - ਕਾਰਡ ਦਾ ਪੈਕ
Incense - ਧੂਪ
Winter - ਸਰਦੀ
Dust - ਮਿੱਟੀ
Forgiven - ਮਾਫ਼ ਕੀਤਾ
Machinery - ਮਸ਼ੀਨਰੀ
Forward - ਅੱਗੇ

forgot that one

Refugee - Uchodźca
Politics - Polityka
Photography - Fotografia
Santa Claus - Święty Mikołaj
Bicycle - Rower
Freedom - wolność/swoboda
Calculation - Obliczenie
Pack of cards - paczka kart
Incense - kadzidło
Winter - zima
Dust - kurz (the stuff you'd vacuum at home) / pył (fine particles)
Forgiven - wybaczony
Machinery - maszyneria
Forward - Naprzód

>Refugee - Overnight Timo
>Politics - wiggle
>Santa Claus - a ten Kolomen order buck
>Bicycle - Village Whore
>Incense - Caretaker
>Winter - Talavi
>Dust - Sand Nigger
>Forgiven - Sori breeding
>Machinery - I do not tiiä
>Forward - Granny in the snow

Refugee - Refo
Politics - Politics
Photography - Photography
Santa Claus - Santa
Bicycle - Bike
Freedom - Fuck Yeah
Calculation - Chink shit
Pack of cards - Pack of smokes more like it cunt
Incense - Incense
Winter - don't get that here
Dust - yep
Forgiven - No worries
Machinery - Machinery
Forward - Pass

Google fails at mongolian to english

ਤੇਰੀ ਮਾ ਹਰਾਮੀ


I made a weird discovery a week ago. I can read any finnish text almost with the same pronunciation I would use in spanish, and it sounds correctly.

That's why I am thinkin about learning finnish.

T'as pas mal juste répété. Personne dit bicyclette


Refugee - Teifeach
Politics - Polaitíocht
Photography - Grianghrafadóireacht
Santa Claus - San Nioclas / Daidí no Nollag
Bicycle - Rothar
Freedom - Saoirse
Calculation - Ríomh
Pack of cards - Paca cartaí
Incense - Túis
Winter - Geimhreadh
Dust - Dusta
Forgiven - Maiteach
Machinery - Innealra
Forward - Chun tosaigh (depends on context)

vous-etes la fagotte enorme?

Proof? Vocaroo that shit, read

only human languages plox

>Refugee - Parasites
>Politics - Sensationalism
>Photography - Evidence
>Santa Claus - Fairy tale
>Bicycle - Exercise
>Freedom - America
>Calculation - Crunch those numbers
>Pack of cards - Deck
>Incense - Smelly smoke shit
>Winter - Summer 2
>Dust - That shit that gets in your eyes and throat when you snore
>Forgiven - Implying
>Machinery - This makes the work easier
>Forward - Straight ahead


refugee - refugiat
politics - politică
photography - fotografie
santa claus - moș crăciun
bicycle - bicicletă
freedom - libertate
calculation - calcul
pack of cards - pachet de cărți
incense - i don't know if this is the same as scent or perfume
winter - iarnă
dust - praf
forgiven - uitat
machinery - mașinărie
forward - înainte


Refugee - N0V1NH4
Photography - FOT4
Santa Claus - PAI N3L
Bicycle - B1C1CR3TA
Freedom - SA1 DA CAD3IA
Calculation - EZAT4S
Pack of cards - CARALHO
Incense - ERV4
Winter - 25º
Dust - FAR1NH4

Yes, we have internet 24 hours a day without power shortages. You should try it out, it's really nice.

Refugee - Begunci
Politics - Politika
Photography - Fotografiranje / Fotografija
Santa Claus - Božiček
Bicycle - Kolo
Freedom - Svoboda
Calculation - Iztačun
Pack of cards - Karte
Incense - Izpit
Winter - Zima
Dust - Prah
Forgiven - Odpuščeno
Machinery - Stroji
Forward - Naprej

Just a note; most words have about 30 different ways of being said depending on conditions.

I'll give that banter a 4/10 for a non-country.

holy fuck underrated


Refugee - Rifugiato
Politics - Politica
Photography - Fotografia
Santa Claus - Babbo Natale
Bicycle - Bicicletta
Freedom - Libertà
Calculation - Calcolo
Pack of cards - Mazzo di carte
Incense - Incenso
Winter - Inverno
Dust - Polvere
Forgiven - Perdonato
Machinery - Macchinario
Forward - Avanti

Refugee - Πρόσφυγας
Politics - Πολιτιkή
Photography - Φωτογραφία
Santa Claus - Άγιος Βασίλης
Bicycle - Ποδήλατο
Freedom - Ελευθερία
Calculation - Υπολογισμός
Pack of cards - Τράπουλα
Incense - Θυμίαμα
Winter - Χειμώνας
Dust - Σkόνη
Forgiven - Συγχωρεμένος
Machinery - Μηχανήματα
Forward - Μπροστά

have to go to work soon.
1/10 underaged shitposter.
go back farming huehues in twitch chat retard.

Don't forget to tell Jamal to take care of your wife while you are out for work.

Why would I lie? I am not going to record myself now, but I accidentally found it while listening to this song:

Nuku, nuku nurmilintu.
Väsy, väsy, västäräkki
Nuku nurmenlehtyvälle
Vaivu maalle valkialle.
Lintu tuopi liinahapaijan
Haapana hyvän hameehen
Kaskeloinen korvatyynyn
Pääskynen peäalusen
Nuku, nuku nurmilintu.
Väsy, väsy, västäräkki
Nuku nurmenlehtyvälle
Vaivu maalle valkialle.

That one is exactly the same, except for the "y" which is pronounced like a spanish "e" but a bit more closed, and the ää which sounds like a normal spanish "e"

Refugee - Refugiado
Politics - Políticas
Photography - Fotografía
Santa Claus - Santa Clos
Bicycle - Bicicleta
Freedom - Libertad
Calculation - Cálculo
Pack of cards - Paquete de cartas
Incense - Incienso
Winter - Invierno
Dust - Polvo
Forgiven - Olvidado
Machinery - Maquinaria
Forward - Adelante

Refugee - Haïchien
Politics - Volè
Photography - vakabonajri
Santa Claus - Papa nwel
Bicycle - i ta mwen
Freedom - pa ni travail
Calculation - bagay chinoi
Pack of cards - Domino pou blan
Incense - senti bon
Winter - i ka fè frèt
Dust - poussiè-a
Forgiven - coupé tet-ou
Machinery - Motè
Forward - douvan

I did it for you my friend, I'm Argentinian so my Spanish pronunciation might be a little bit different than a Spaniards'.

case closed.

It's funny because it's true.

That's actually pretty good.

shut up you abo cunt

que hacés en Malasia, boludo?

Refugee - pagulane
Politics - poliitika
Photography - fotograafia
Santa Claus - jõuluvana
Bicycle - jalgratas
Freedom - vabadus
Calculation - arvutus
Pack of cards - kaardipakk
Incense - viiruk
Winter - talv
Dust - tolm
Forgiven - andeks antud
Machinery - masin
Forward - edasi

Refugee - Nigger
Politics - Nigger
Photography - Nigger
Santa Claus - Nigger
Bicycle - Nigger
Freedom - Nigger
Calculation - Nigger
Pack of cards - Nigger
Incense - Nigger
Winter - Nigger
Dust - Nigger
Forgiven - Nigger
Machinery - Nigger
Forward - Nigger

Not Sinterklaas?

With some changes it should sound perfect.

Apart from what I have said, the "h" never sounds in spanish, but it does in Finnish.

The "j" sounds more or less like an english "j" or a spanish "y"

The "ll" sounds more or less like a spanish "l", but a bit longer

Why would pack of cards not be "pakke kort"?

Ahora? Buscando laburo, pero viendo como estoy en cuatrochan no está yendo muy bien... Estaba enseñando Español pero me cortaron las piernas.

>Refugee - Boat people
>Politics - Fuckwits
>Photography - Poofter
>Santa Claus - Santa
>Bicycle - Bike
>Freedom - There is no word for this.
>Calculation - I reckon...
>Pack of cards - playing cards
>Incense - bong smoke
>Winter - 30 degrees
>Dust - dirt
>Forgiven - you're right (alright)
>Machinery - machine
>Forward - welfare
>Anglos need not apply- what?

what are you doing over there my white equal?

Refugee - Uchodziec
Politics - Polityka
Photography - Fotografia
Santa Claus - Swięty Mikołaj
Bicycle - Rower
Freedom - Wolnosć
Calculation - Kalkulacja
Pack of Cards - Pudełko Kart
Incense - Kadzidło
Winter - Zima
Dust - Kurz
Forgiven - Wybaczony
Machinery - Machineria
Forward - Naprzód

Refugee - Refugiado
Politics - Politica
Photography - Fotografia
Santa Claus - Papa Noel
Bicycle - Bicicleta
Freedom - Libertad
Calculation - Calculo
Pack of cards - Paquete de Naipes
Incense - Incienso
Winter - Invierno
Dust - Polvo
Forgiven - Perdonado
Machinery - Maquinaria
Forward - Adelante

In Belgium we have a denegrating word for shitskins (light brown tinned individuals): 'makak' or plural 'makakken'.

It's a really fun word to use. Since it's so common you can use it as a defence and it makes them speechless because it's degenerating them and they know it.


Because pakke also means 'packing', so 'pakke kort' might be misunderstood as 'packing cards', rather than 'a pack of cards'. 'med' means 'with'. So 'Pakke med kort' means 'a pack with cards (inside it)'.


Santa Claus and Sinterklaas are not the same people.

Tusen takk user

is this some kind of fucked up data mining?
fuck off

What the fuck, dude?

Beat me to it. Knowing english better than you, I can fill in the one you missed:

incense (assuming the verb, not noun) - agrava
OP should have used "aggravate" instead.

We had some politician in the US get in big trouble a few years ago because he called someone a macaque.

IIRC wherever he grew up it wasn't considered racist but it didn't fly.

Refugee - qaxootiga
Politics - siyaasadda
Photography - sawir
Santa Claus - Santa Claus
Bicycle - baaskiilka
Freedom - xoriyadda
Calculation - xisaab
Pack of cards - pack kaararka
Incense - foox
Winter - jiilaalka
Dust - boodh
Forgiven - cafiyan
Machinery - mishiino
Forward - weeraryahanka

Incense as in, picture related.

Which one has Zwarte Piets?

No really, I'm curious now Pepinho, what is this for? Translating a website or something like that?

>Refugee - rapefugee
>Politics - pleb bants
>Photography - pics or it didn't happen
>Santa Claus - Christmas nigger
>Bicycle - a nigger stole mine
>Freedom - AR-47
>Calculation - 1 + 1 = the number of genders that are real
>Pack of cards - fuck off m8
>Incense - rustled
>Winter - Hiroshima
>Dust - Hiroshima
>Forgiven - Hiroshima
>Machinery - Blitzkrieg
>Forward - Fashy

Completely out of curiosity (and because Sup Forums is a shithole for these kinds of threads).

Refugee - Leb cunt
Politics - Suits ties and flashy smiles
Photography - faggot pictures
Santa Claus - arctic daddy
Bicycle - pooftah on wheels
Freedom - seppo shit
Calculation - number cunts
Pack of cards - Drinking games
Incense - that loike incest mate? you fuckin pooftah
Winter - me balls are colder than a nun's cunt
Dust - abundant in me nun's cunt
Forgiven - pooftah shit
Machinery - Tradie cunts earn too much
Forward - pooftah shit


This stuff

The madman

-santa clos
-tarjetas de juego

I'm from California. So you know...

>>Winter - Hiroshima
>>Dust - Hiroshima
>>Forgiven - Hiroshima
Holy fuck.



Nothing really useful here for data mining.
More likely to just be a slide thread. It's absolutely pointless, has nothing to do with politics, yet requests active participation / posting from everyone.
Pretty good formula to distract people from actually relevant topics. The kikes are getting smarter.


No, Sup Forums is just a mess at the moment.

Refugee - Beggar
Politics - Polite discourse
Photography - Photographic art
Santa Claus - Yule
Bicycle - Bicycle
Freedom - Freedom
Calculation - Mathematics
Pack of cards - Deck of Cards
Incense - Burnt aromatic oils
Winter - Winter
Dust - Particulates
Forgiven - Unearned Allowance/ Gratia
Machinery - Mechanized Technology
Forward - Future Movement in relation to Poetry

>Hookers and blow
>Sheets of Satan
>Tax season

Refugee - Flüchtling
Politics - Politik
Photography - Fotographie
Santa Claus - Weihnachtsmann
Bicycle - Fahrrad
Freedom - Freiheit
Calculation - Berechnung
Pack of cards - Kartenspiel
Incense - Weihrauch
Winter - Winter
Dust - Staub
Forgiven - vergeben
Machinery - Maschinen
Forward - Vorwärts

Is this A-10ese?

Your language sure does sound scary DeutschFriend

incense = tămâie

also forgiven is iertat. Uitat means forgotten