Anne hathaway

Brunette lovers get in here


>fantine supposed to have beautiful blonde hair
>hire brown haired uggo

What did they mean by this


absoutely right decision. her acting made the character very fragile and tenuous. i hand it to her her performance was absolute peak form here. I also liked the 98 version and still need to see the tv show version. Les mis is generally always top tier the story is captivating

>Brunette lovers get in here
Teeth lovers you mean? Anne's a dentist's dream. Teeth for days.


whats the most recent film she whipped her titties out in?
i can only recall that one where she was sick with some incurable shit


Super bigtime crush on her until I saw her recently in Colossal. Tried my best to like that movie.. She just looked like a dumpster pig that got squeezed out of one of those lego spaghetti molds and forgot to trim the hair.




I'll never understand why pregnant women flaunt their disgusting bloated bodies or why people let them get away with it. It's like a celebration of the destruction of the female form.


if it makes you feel any better, shes wearing a bikini in those pics, its just been shopped off

i find the woman's pregnancy belly button, sort of "popping out" of the tummy very cute and looks even more majestic on anne looks very soft



>Ella Enchanted

>16 year old girl that literally has to do anything anyone tells her always

>Wonder how this'll go

ah yes that movie. You're welcome

this scene made the whole movie worth


>tfw these are fake

Is it just me or would she look much better if she gained ~90lbs or so?

how the FUCK can you honestly be attracted to a female with shit-coloured eyes and hair?

cause boobs.

yummy shoulders

obese men have boobs. trannies have boobs. even relatively slim men can have boobs.

so what you're saying is that you're a fag. gotcha

Some men are attracted to pregnant women. So I guess it's a win for them


I still say she would've been a better Belle than Emma Watson, if she was 10 years younger

me at the back

Well duh, Hathaway can actually act.

Foot ferishists are just as disgusting as fart, shit, diaper etc. fetishists

Where's her butt?

I feel like they only used Emma Watson because "lol she's known for playing a well-read bookworm, so let's cast her as Belle!"

So we ended up with resting bitchface Belle instead of doe-eyed Belle

tit guys BTFO

how will buttchest lovers every recover?