Do the makers of Star Wars have a SJW agenda or something?

Pretty much every Imperial shown in the films is a white male. In Rogue one not one of the Imperials was non-white or even female for that matter. The same goes for the rest of the SW films. Meanwhile the Rebels have consistently been shown to be diverse and composed of different races and species. And let's not forget the fact that the leads in the two most recent films have been females. Is there some sort of hidden agenda to paint white males as the big baddie because that's what it seems like to me personally.

Other urls found in this thread:

did you just woke up from coma or something?
this was known since 2013

But in Rogue One the heroes of mixed races sneak around wearing their uniform and nobody bats an eye. Also Finn was black and was a Stormtrooper, and Captain Phasma was female too

How many more Sup Forumsbait threads do you plan to make today? NEETs really need to find something better to do with their time.

It's just more obvious with the spin Rogue one and the game Battlefront II


Spin off*

It's the 1st time i'm making those kind of thread on Sup Forums. I'm speaking seriously.

This was know since 1950s



>this is not sponsored by disney

Brothers, let's fight this SJW menace by boycotting Star Wars! That way (((Hollywood))) will get the message: you are either with us, or you will lose money. I for one won't be seeing the disgusting feminazi propaganda Last Jedi in the theaters.


>hidden agenda
They HATE you.

>only whites are human

Is this canon?


This topic has been brought up so many times on Sup Forums now and everyone keeps only getting it half-right.

Of COURSE the creative directors of the Disney Wars films have an open agenda, they often talk about this on public social media. But at the same time, no, Disney as a company does not have an agenda outside of making money.

Disney knows that having a diverse cast and hiring creators who'll prattle on and on about how multicuturally tolerant and aware they are equals an instant endorsement from new media outlets like io9, HuffPo, etc., regardless of the actual quality of the film. And like it or not, said sites are increasingly the "go-to" for all entertainment news. It's free advertising that requires zero money or effort, and ensures positive press coverage and glowing pre-release op-eds months before the films even release in theaters.

So the answer is both yes and no, because there is an agenda, but said agenda is only followed as long as it continues to be a media advertising juggernaut, and the few true believers in said agenda don't have any real, final authority over the series because they're creators and not on the board, and can be easily disposed of at any time by Disney as soon as the company doesn't see them as providing a financially successful product anymore.

>"go-to" for all entertainment news

I refuse to believe anyone is this retarded let alone millions of people.

You do realize that Walt Disney owns ABC?

>alt right whining intensifies

time to wake up. this is not a conspiracy



Anyone who says they don't have an agenda is either lying or a shill. The president of Lucasfilm also says the won't cater to male fans.


Miss me yet?

I actually kind of do. When I started watching interviews with Lucas, I realized how much of a dedicated and inspired filmmaker he was. He was in his prime when he was collaborating with Spielberg. Most people seem to forget he wrote the Indiana Jones trilogy.

yes. The prequels were bad but at lest it was not an absolute rehash of New Hope

It's going to be like this in the SJW saturation crisis.

>Those t shirts

i also get triggered when my race is not represented in a positive light. they should really be more sensitive to the oppression us whites face on a daily basis when they're coming up with these depictions of our culture for their movies

>Jar Jar Binks
>Anakin built C3PO
>General Grievous
>Anakin killing children
>"I don't like sand."
>countless contradictions with the original trilogy
>every second of Attack Of The Clones
I wish the franchise would just be dead at this point.

No you're the one to sell your franchise to the devil so they can shove progressivist political bullshit in it

Sounds like you have a victim complex.

If you still can't understand the simple meaning of what Lucas meant by these then you don't deserve to be a fan.

Midichlorians are microscopic organisms that are attracted to people who have a lot of force in them. If you think the force and Midichlorians are the same thing then you don't understand.

yes, while the prequels were clunky they still had passion put into them and had their moments as entertaining pieces of film. TFA seems like lowest common denominator manipulative schlock directed at the normie dregs who couldnt fathom what an actually good piece of cinematic story telling is or explain it.

you are kinda right. He was stupid enough to trust (((them)))

Midichlorians are a problem because they are ultimately just a plot device as to why Qui-Gon decides Anikan should undergo Jedi training. Instead of showing Anikan having great potential through his actions and character, the audience needs to be told he has through Midiclorians. It cheapens the bond between them because its too cold and calculated, compared to Qui-Gon interacting with the boy and discovering he has great potential through his intuition. Instead he just takes a reading and then its decided that he should be Jedi that way. They are a lazy plot device to cover up bad writing, as they are never brought up again throughout the trilogy or explored in any other way.

to be fair, all the Imperials in the original trilogy where all white males as well

This has been a thing fo a while though

Movies are made with a sjw checklists as a priority of story. Women's tastes are catered to more because they are more easily controlled through advertising

>Anita Sarkeesian is my hero, I cannot emphasize that enough.

Look at this motherfucker. IGN picks the worst fucking people.

That's because everyone in the movie was white except for Lando and for good one reason.

Sup Forums with a good opinion today. This is good. For all of his faults he was a FAR better owner of rights than Disney will be I can guarantee it.

He's a fuck up - but a better choice resulting in a better timeline.

That lady looks so fucking stupid

And they threw all of that away when they made Boyega a stormtrooper.

Nope, it's just that the media thrive on reporting any sign of public outrage as literally the worst thing ever, and SJWs get outraged very easily

The first order had black people and women innit

Constantly crying about feminism in media is SJW as fuck.

The first order is pretty fucking diverse, ironically.

But he is a fucking WHITE MAN.
>b-b-but muh relijun
No, religion does not indicate race, he is white, white skin, blue eyes, rich, comes from privileged background
A FUCKING straight white male.