Mfw can understand spoken and written english, spanish, and can understand most written portuguese

>mfw can understand spoken and written english, spanish, and can understand most written portuguese
who needs more languages to speak with the world?

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I thought I was fluent in spanish, until I heard a mexican talk.

Been speaking spanish since I was like 4 years old and I didn't understand a fucking word this guy was telling me.

>who needs more languages to speak with the world?
ahora mismo estás usando inglés

Tu és um calhorda mesmo.

you can't communicate with france since we refuse to speak any other language than french
same for china, japan, korea

não vem com frescura aqui não

>you can't communicate with france since we refuse to speak any other language than french
vous utilisez l'anglais maintenant

it isnt very time-effective to learn gook languages at all, or to learn french just for France
Por que tantos brasileiros não conhecem o inglês?

És tu o ParaGAYo que morava no Brasil?

Pelo fato de que o ensino no Brasil de maneira geral é uma merda. Mesmo assim, diria que é mais fácil encontrar pessoas que falam inglês aqui do que no Japão ou na Coréia.

They speak too fast and mainly gibberish.

>or to learn french just for France

Switzerland and Canada have french as main languages too.

sou não
nunca morei na fronteira com Brasil, mas na fronteira com Argentina
português é tão fácil que aprendi assistindo Telecurso 2000

>Telecurso 2000

hue, cool.
Mas falando tu tens sotaque forte ainda?

Encontrei algumas pessoas do Paraguai aqui no Brasil e sempre tinham sotaque muito forte.

Por falar nisso, um Paraguaio me ensinou uma palavra pra ofender argentinos, mas não lembro qual é - teria alguma ideia?

Canada is an english speaking country, only Quebec has a french-speaking city, thats like saying that the whole spain speaks Basque

Switzerland is mostly german speaking, only the part next to france speaks french

I thought I was having a stroke desu

Really surreal experience

My point was simply that it is still useful, if you want to move to those places, and France isn't the only option.

Also, if you already know Spanish, English and Portuguese, French shouldn't be too hard.

>um Paraguaio me ensinou uma palavra pra ofender argentinos
tem que ser essa
>tu tens sotaque forte?

all native speakers of any language speak "too fast"
they're used to the language, so they deform it

Sotaque de gaucho viado kkkkkk


exato. Não sei daonde diabos vem isso, mas os Argentinos ficam fudidos da cara de ouvir.

Pelo pouco que ouvi do seu vocaroo nem diria que tu não é falante nativo. Cool/10

You're not even close to fluent, then.

brigado tchê

>daonde diabos vem isso
do Paraguai, uâi
espanholizado do guarani "kuré piré"
>we literally call argentinians "pigskins"

Maybe he's fluent in non-CHI Spanish

Vc ainda ta puto pq perdeu a guerra?

tem razões mais novas pra ficar zangado com Brasil, "hermano"

No. Mexicans speak extra fast. I've spoken with people from Spain, and I've spoken with the Dutch. Neither speak that fast.

I'm gonna create my own conlang. just for fun

Spanish is a very fast language by default. Mexicans speak slowly compared to some like chileans or dominicans.