/vocaroo/ - lazy edition

Sunday night. Whatever.

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Don't feel like doing anything, but bump.


This truly is lazy.

Why do girls never post vocaroos? prof the 70/30 statistic is bullshit?



Kull sena fil-Karnival dejjem ikun hemm xi ħaġa li tispikka, imma li tħallik b’togħma ħażina.

Din id-darba vann bajda, ftit imsadda, li daret il-midja soċjali kollha, u kellha l-kundanna ta’ bosta.

Il-vann, li kellha mħażżeż fuqha l-kliem: Mount Carmel Taxi, Crazy, Sick People, wasslet għall-kliem iebes anke mis-Segretarju Parlamentari Julia Farrugia Portelli, li qalet li m’hemm xejn tad-daħk u l-aġir hu diżgustanti. Żiedet tgħid li għandu jiżdied is-sapport għal dawk bi problemi ta’ saħħa mentali.

Kien hemm min anke nnota, li l-vann kien ipparkjat f’kaxxa għall-persuni b’diżabbiltà.

Ikkumentaw ukoll pazjenti u qraba tagħhom, li jinsabu fl-Isptar Monte Karmeli. Qalu li ħadd ma jaf huma minn xiex jgħaddu.

Evening chaps. Waiting for Hans to show up and be a cheeky cunt tbqhwy

Don't encourage the cannucks.





Can someone explain the cannucks ?

suppose I could post some English or German if anyone wants to try

buggered if I know. I think it's just a term that refers to canadians in general but I could be wrong

English would be nice.

German please

You may not want to know this – and it would be sensible to wait until after breakfast before reading any further – but, apparently, lots of German men nowadays routinely sit down to pee. From quite early on, so it is claimed, German sons are taught that being a Sitzpinkler – translate it yourself – is the done thing and that being a Stehpinkler is simply antisocial. The purpose of this social revolution hardly needs detailed explanation. Stand-up men, let it simply be said, are messier than their seated brethren – and almost never bother to clean up. In some German homes, little notices are tacked to the underside of the toilet seat so that seat-raising males are reminded to consider their options. In others, a ghostly little gadget called a Spuk – a spook – similarly attached to the underside issues a verbal warning to prospective standers. When these gadgets first came on the market they were available in a variety of voices, including those of former chancellors Helmut Kohl and Gerhard Schröder. Nearly two million flew off the shelves, producing one of those unexpected but decisive changes in human behaviour which have helped to make modern German men what they are.

(this is a nice way to spin the story from Germans are emasculated husks to Germans are superior, well done the guardian)

Sie konnte ein bisschen durchschnaufen in den vergangenen Tagen, das merkt man ihr an: Nach der Einigung mit Union und SPD am Mittwoch war Angela Merkel sichtbar am Ende ihrer Kräfte gewesen - an diesem Abend ist sie im Interview beim ZDF sogar schon wieder zum Scherzen aufgelegt. Was sie denn zu dem Spruch des SPD-Generalsekretärs Lars Klingbeil sage, der am Sonntag lästerte, "wenn wir noch einen halben Tag länger gemacht hätten, dann hätten die uns wahrscheinlich das Kanzleramt auch noch gegeben"? Da lächelt die CDU-Chefin und sagt dann ganz gelassen: "So ein SPD-Generalsekretär muss auch mal ein paar nette Worte sagen in diesen Tagen."

>anglos are better than french and french people smell

Native: vocaroo.com/i/s0EmK5eCM6H5

giv songs

Fucked up a bit.


You're welcome.
Now you say :" J'aime sucer des ours parce que je suis anglais"

More like deadaroo.

It's really Strange because your native language sounds like Arabic but you speak English with a strong Italian accent.


That's the Hans we know and enjoy

Not bad for an Arab :^))))))

Yeah, basically.
Maltese is a Semitic language, a continuation of Siculo-Arabic, with a big Romance influence (mostly Sicilian) in the vocabulary.


>Anglo calling the Maltese an Arab
Just like old times eh.

Steady on

post french

Jesus Christ your French is horrible. Are you even trying ?

Give me a simple sentence please. I wanna see if I can remember anything.

i'm an anglo we don't do languages
i did french and latin in school but it's all forgotten now

I did 5 years of French in school and when I arrived in where I came to live in France I could barely ask for a lighter let alone make small talk. Thing is, MFL is almost as bad in France as it is in the UK so the frenchanon will understand.

César avait raison de préférer la première place dans un village à la seconde à Rome. Non par ambition, ou par vaine gloire, mais parce que l'homme placé en second n'a le choix qu'entre les dangers de l'obéissance, ceux de la révolte, et ceux, plus graves, du compromis.

Could you learn some French while living there ?
I did 2 years of German but I only know the basics...

I apologise




Sure, I picked it up whilst working there and living with people but i might as well have started from nothing. French in school taught me about asking where a hospital is and what i did on holiday last year- that's about it, really.


What the heck? why do you hate germs so much lmao?



Rate my German

Great pronunciation !

just banter, Germans are alright. I like your accent

It's ok actually. You sound Italian haha

rate my accent

I can't r8 it properly for obvious reasons and I'm sure that Hans is lurking and will give a frank assessment...

Sounded nice and clear to me but if I were to be picky, you umlauted the u on "spruch"

J'etudie le francais pendant 4 mois. J'ai pris un examen et apparement j'suis niveau B1


Would enjoy a pizza with/10. If I were to give advice it would be to slow down and make sure you enunciate the full word. Good job, though.


I "studied" the language in secondary school. using the quotations because I did not take it seriously.


Yeah I was definitely going too fast, but does it sound somehow english accent?


Apart from the slight German accent this is perfect. Did you study French ?

I think if you slowed it down a touch you'd be on your way, lad.

Je me débrouille. Tu me conseilles à garder mon accent pour draguer ?


Nope, c'est pas très sexy pour les françaises l'accent allemand...

>c'est pas très sexy

ca vaut pour l'accent Anglais aussi?

Non l'anglais ou l'américain ça passe carrément mieux.

Epa mis panas como andan

T'as briser mon petit cœur.

Odd, I always generally found that anglo accents were far worse to hear than German ones in French.


Une orthographe comme les français natifs...

>T'as briser mon petit cœur.

ou ce qu'il en reste depuis le dernier fil

Eso te pregunto a ti

i don't put it on ;-;
i just sound like cancer

Nada aquí pensando en cómo buscar el mecate para colgarme maldita sea hoy fui a despedir mi mejor amigo que se va para España
