
That THIS would have been the FIRST chicano PRESIDENT and CHICANOS fucked it uo.

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His dads from mexico and he still actually has cousins that live in mexico.

are you saying the us had an election with no white men? how progressive! #diversityrocks

Rubio was a CHI, wasn't he? I think Ted Cruz is also, though he keeps it down unlike Rubio.

Rubio and cruz are both cubans not CHI


Hi Mitt!

I was reading about the LeBaron incest/crime family and Mitt Romney is closely related to them through Mormon polygamists in Mexico

I blame the huge schmear campaign of Romney for the election of Trump. They threw so much mud at a decent guy, the Republicans realized that the only way to win was to run a mud-man, so the mud wouldn't hurt him.


Romney also suffered from the curse of presumptive nomination. The same thing has happened to other presidents before, even Hilary in the last election.

Basically, it was clear very early on that they would be their party's nominee, that allowed the other party many, many more months to dig dirt and fling shit at them, rather than usual where you would have to wait until the nomination to know your opponent for sure.

Shit gets dirty when that happens.

Well a more realistic thing is a chicano astronaut will be in space in 2 to 3 years. That will be awesome.

fuck chicanos

>Well a more realistic thing is a chicano astronaut will be in space in 2 to 3 years

that already happened, puta

>"binders full of women"
>implication that it was a Big Love style polygamist bride catalog
>it was actually a binder full of CVs brought to him by a feminist headhunter for very qualified female employees
>this is literally what the far left wants businessmen to do for hiring women
>Romney did that, and they made him look like a child marriage advocate in the media for it

which is really the lesson to be learned. if you apologize, or give ground, the left won't ease off. they smell blood, and attack even more vigorously.

When will the United States get their first Latino and Asian president?

>"binders full of women"

The worst of them all for how ridiculous the attack was.

He worded it badly, it deserved a "Well that was awkward" response at best but people acted like he talked about raping women in his sex dungeon.

Everyone laughed at the guy when he said Russia is trying to kill USA. He wasn't so funny afterwards.

very true. and more specifically, it was Obama who said mocked him as a Cold Warrior with a 1980s foreign policy

and it was under Obama's watch that Russia got involved in Ukraine and in US elections.



>Romeny wanted to keep troops in Iraq
>Obama wanted to pull them out, allowing ISIS to fill the power vaccume
wow. Were're really living in the wrong timeline.

>muh ISIS
Funded by the Saudis when we're still doing business with them.

ISIS was created in the 1980s or 1990s iirc. but they didn't actually gain large swathes of territory in Iraq until Obama pulled US troops out (against he advice of every general and diplomat advising him including hillary clinton).

Americans are like a mix of every race, so they probably already had them without noticing it.


he's white
he's just got family in mexico

What the fuck kind of name is "Mitt"
He should have run with a guy called "oven" lol

Born Willard Mitt Romney

Family who is considered mexican.
His dad tried to run for pres in 1968 and his citizenship was called into play because his dads mexican

Alan Keyes should been the first black president

Ill kick your ass

At least we got obaba. I guess that something

It's a matter of time at this point. Why rush it? My bet is that there will be a CHI president before 2050

Is something really bad since he not even American

no they are gusano scum

Latino is happening within 20 years. They run a lot of states in the Southwest now so it's really inevitable. Asian never ever, they're still fairly discriminated against here and they don't have the demographics to back them up.