In the 1890s, a crazy religious guy formed a cult of 25000 people in Brazil...

In the 1890s, a crazy religious guy formed a cult of 25000 people in Brazil. The Brazilian government responded by sending in the army to kill everyone. Of the 150 survivors, the army took the hottest women and sold them to brothels in El Salvador. It also took the leader's head and sent it to a university to be studied for abnormalities.

Say something nice about them.

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how did 5000 soldiers die fighting civilians

Why did they sell the hottest women to brothels instead of just taking them as captives of war and sex slaves?

the same thing happened in europe but no one genocided them and protestantism eventually spread to all of northern europe

good old times

they send two small detachments with the army and local police, they heavily were outnumbered. The third and final push they took canons, cavalary and shit.

>took the hottest women and sold them to brothels in El Salvador
no they didn't

>El Salvador
You mean Salvador right?

they were some catholic anti-republic fanatics
but how do you even know this?

>the army took the hottest women and sold them to brothels in El Salvador.


heretics once they followed Conselheiro, he wasn't even a priest

>no one genocided them
>30 years war wasnt just a huge genozide
>implying France didnt betray the catholic cause

Were any abnormalities found?

Night of St. Bartholomeu was another nice massacre and i am sure in other countries similar things happen
like in switzerland selling the Baptist sects into slavery


Nothing out of the ordinary


Whiter than you monkey

I'm not sure about that mutt

>implying France didnt betray the catholic cause
redpill me on that i know nothing about this period

It actually looks like an interesting story.}
"Fearing an invasion of the city of Juazeiro by the "Conselhistas", who had a dispute with a lumber merchant, its mayor appealed hysterically to the provincial government. A visit by two Capuchin friars to Canudos was not enough to calm the population; one of them mistakenly accused Antônio Conselheiro of trying to raise a monarchist sedition."

While it sounds like a cult this really is a weak casus belli, anyone know the details? Why would the government act so heavy handed?

Brazil should go back at being an empire

There had been other civil wars in Brazil, which at the time was a newly-founded country. The last Brazilian emperor was Pedro II, who was extremely popular, and the (false) threat of a monarchist rebellion was worrying to the government.

Well, can't argue with that

Richelieu did nothing wrong

>Why would the government act so heavy handed?
the population reached 30.000, bigger than the capitol of the state, they didn't pay taxes and the goverment believed they were monarchists.
Also they slaughtered the first small detachments (one of them were just 30 men to secure the new city) causing resentment among the army.

It's downhill since then.

Was Pedro II the only competent Brazilian ever?

>mfw reading about him on wikipedia
so much I didn't know about him, I'm ashamed. Such a great man

Yes, Vargas was good too.

>but how do you even know this?
Another Brazilian mentioned it on Sup Forums and I looked it up.

Dom Pedro I,Médici and Castelo Branco are the other ones.

one of the main reasons we are not a potency is because you y*Nkee subhumans don't want another super power so you sabotage us.

I suppose we also sabotaged Argentina, which was also a contender for regional superpower?

Not everything is the United States' doing. We were in isolation mode until the 1940s. Brazil had shit going down in it way before we started meddling with everything on Earth.

Yeah, it's one of the reasons tho.
Race mixing and loads of niggers are also an important factor.

Sabotage how?Thet even saved Brazil from becoming a ''Cubão''.

t. autistic
t. autistic
t. autistic
t. autistic

how the fuck you people can even survive in modern society? no wonder you are here

This country being a garbage is only our fault, you've done bad things, but not to us

There was something similiar in Medieval France, tho

Most of Argentina's fuck ups that led us to our current decaying state have been 80% caused by fellow Argentinians, be it for their action or their inaction. The US pulled a few indirect dick moves, but all in all America had less intervention here than the nationalist left likes to think.

I didnt even know this