Heathcliff sees the birds surround Big Bird

Heathcliff sees the birds surround Big Bird.


Fuck yes, now that's the Heathcliff I know and love. Look at how fucking hype that bird in the bottom right is. That's literally me.

I have lurked these threads so much to where I no longer have much expectations, but tell me this is shooped. Right?

nope. that's today's strip.

>That's literally me.


so does anyone have any heathcliffs they find genuinely funny? not just in an ironic way, but for for the reasons the strip intended? i've been in these threads before and i think i might have seen one that made me chuckle but i genuinely don't remember if it was because i thought it was funny or i was just going insane.

Heathcliff is the Center of the multiverse, Heathcliff exists everywhere. HEATHCLIFF IS THE GOD OF BAD NEWS AND CAT BREATH!



The one with the Garbage Ape as an AT-AT had me legitimately break down laughing.


Heathcliff once again asserts his dominance over the puny copyright laws.


Will Heathcliff die if he puts on the Scratchy mask?

This one did it for me. That strip was brilliant.

Any reason they felt the need to color the garfield mask but none of the other ones?

Because the others are black and white.

Scratchy isn't. And Cat's Hat isn't red and black.

I think it was definitely intentional.

My guess would be that Heathcliff uses a limited color pallet and none of the other cats had colors on the pallet except for garfield. A lot of those cats (Hello Kitty, Cat in the Hat, Sylvester, Scratchy) all have red in their pallet but there are no reds being used anywhere else.

Either that or it's something sexual.

I think I finally understand Heathcliff comics.
It's just funny ideas. Example Celebrity sighting but fer BIRDS!! haha that's not a thing! Whaat!




What even is the garbage ape?
What does he fucking do, aside from dancing down town with garbage bins in his hands?

Does he deliver garbage to the cats or something?

He knocks garbage cans over, which allows cats to feast off the carnage he lays in his wake.

hes a big bird

but why is he an ape?
Is that some sort of expression for rude cunts that do that sort of thing?

>not just in an ironic way, but for for the reasons the strip intended?

Where's the fun in that?

ayyy lmao

When's the Heathcliff/Kelly crossover?

this is not even that bad, it's almost funny

This is corny, but at least it's fucking coherent unlike most Heathcliff strips




thank goodness, i was waiting for a fixed version
my friends wouldn't stop hassling me about the wrong colors when i shared it with them before

Care to share?

not them but I think they're talking about

Fuck, I've made too much of a habit of clicking Heathcliff threads. I'm filling time between college exams and did not need overwhelming despair at the moment.


I don't get it.

It would be extremely painful.

Sesame Street has been brought to you today by the number 4 and viewers like you.

Felix means "happy" in latin.


Heathcliff comics present so many unasked questions.

Why is Heathcliff dressed like a pumpkin? Why do the squirrels seem to hate him so much? Why is he bearing their hatred with dignity and grace?


He's like the Santa of the outdoors cats.

He runs around, knocks over trash cans, spilling their contents and letting cats eat all the gooey brown stuff that fills them.