I wish I knew sign language

What a handy and versatile mode of communication.

why dont you stop wishing and learn then?

Because I'm blind


it is actually the easiest compared to any fucking spoken language, well unless you lost a hand or some fingers

Handy indeed, if you catch my drift

lol what

Pro tip, that is the hand sign for two in the pink one in the stink.

heh. "Handy."

>I'll see you John Wick
Why oh fucking why couldn't he reply with
>but you won't hear me

She's not deaf, just mute.

She clearly is deaf though, hence why John Wick has to reply to her with sign language.

I think it's just to show he knows sign language

He responds to her in sign language to show that HE understands it, which just adds more to his character and the skills he possesses, it's the same thing if a character cursed someone in something like Navajo and they respond in kind.

t. just played MGSV

damn, no need to expose the poor sod that hard

Never played it, just had a flashback to Windtalkers and its role there.



"Tying up loose ends?"

did she die in the end?

[yes and really easily and quickly by john,
stupid women

Yes. She lasted less time than that black body guard. It was pretty sad considering she was a lieutenant.

>It was pretty realistic considering she barely came up to Keanu's waist


>le no benis face


>Yes. She lasted less time than that black body guard. It was pretty sad considering she was a lieutenant.
They were the same rank you bozo. Just for different bosses.

It's also good for picking up deaf chicks...there's bound to be some dimes

Whats with action films and deaf mute women?

Her face fills me with rage, think it's her smug expression she has the entire movie

Most of the time it's because they either can't act or speak english very well

easy for sign women who can't act who are there only for the looks

Exactly, some rank for different bosses who are rivals and the black guy was on equal footing with John. She should have at least been half as good as him.

>She should have at least been half as good as him.
and then you'd get people complaining about how John had trouble against her, it was the climax of the movie and she was one of those little plastic door stoppers, slightly annoying but ultimately kicked out of the way.

i work in the disability industry and sign language is a lot less universal than youd think, theres also many different types of sign language in English. Some people dont even follow specific signing and may just mix and match or use what their family and friends will understand.

>deaf person working as a bodyguard

That didn't stop Helen Keller
