Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

So let's recap some of the shit this show thinks it can get away with in terms of writing.

April has constantaly been shown as a barely capable fighter at best for 3 1/2 seasons straight, constantly bumbling around with very little improvement shown but cut to "a few months later" and now she's way better, thank god for undeserved and off-screen development. Not only that, they are clearly setting up her becoming corrupted by an alien artifact that enhances her powers, no matter where they go with this shit it's going to suck hard.

Speaking of all that, let's talk about Shredder who is basically April's opposite in that regard. He spent three being untouchable, not a single real defeat for him throughout the whole series until midway through season 4 where a few nerve pinches puts him down like a bitch to the point where he need to lie down in bed with badages and mutegen treatment? What the fuck, a few throwaway seconds in an episode he's barely even fucks his shit up? Not only that but somehow this causes his criminal empire (which was barely even touched upon before episode 66 and barely touched upon since) to fall into decay, like there weren't any proxies or anything, all for Karai to put an end to all of it somehow.


This brings us into Karai, her character development is the fucking worst in the entire show. She starts out as an evil cunt who does or at least attempt to do horrible things just because she wants to do them, which isn't a bad starting point but then we get to how she changes. See ,nobody in this show can simply develop into the persona the writers want, it has to happen instantly so they can have time to promote action figures. So she goes from evil cunt, to misguided good girl, back to evil cunt and then to anti-hero, why? Finding out her real daddy is a filthy sewer rat makes instantly turn on fake dad who clothed and fed her, then fake dad puts a magic worm in her brain to restore her personality, only for filthy sewer dad to make her puke it up (side note, you puke from your stomach, not your brain) which leads her to team up with an old friend we never saw or heard from before to take down fake dad's evil empire by building her own evil empire... Do I seriously need to say more? All her character development is either way too sudden or a literal manipulation.

All of this are the pillars of the latest episode and it really irritated me how that one episode put all this into perspective.

Yeah this show is pretty retarded on the writing not to mention the Donnie/Casey/April love triangle having no resolution and you know it never will because they will milk it as long as they can.

Also Mikey never learns anything.

Remember when at first anti-mutagen was hard to make but then when they needed an unlimited amount of it they just stumbled upon the ability to make an unlimited supply and forgot how to to it, all in the very same episode they needed it? Literally everything that happens after the halfway point of season 3 rests on a sudden forced convenience.

Let's not forget how they made Casey look like a degenerate or how every girl has to be a romantic interest when they can't even handle romantic plots.
I don't understand why I still watch it.

>April has constantaly been shown as a barely capable fighter at best for 3 1/2 seasons straight, constantly bumbling around with very little improvement shown but cut to "a few months later" and now she's way better, thank god for undeserved and off-screen development

Your precious 4Kids TMNT cartoon from 2003 did the exact same shit.

One episode she's just a lab assistant, next episode she offhandedly mentions "I've been training with Splinter" and suddenly she's a better fighter than Casey and is nearly on par with the Turtles.

If you want to blame Nick TMNT for doing it, you'll have to hold the Holy 4Kids TMNT cartoon accountable, too. But you're far, far too autistic to do that.

OP are you that same guy that runs into every kingdom hearts thread and screams about the female characters? Because you kind of sound like that guy?

>made Casey look like a degenerate

well he is, but now let's figure out what's OP mother issues are

OP didn't even mention 2003's cartoon. Just because 2003's cartoon had it doesn't mean that people can't criticize Nick's cartoon for the same thing.

This show is made for babies.

No amount of Aspergers on your part will ever change that.

your just a nigger

>by building her own evil empire
Unless she starts doing illegal stuff, a rebuilt foot clan won't be evil. Like I'm pretty sure it wasn't considered evil back when Hamato Yoshi was still part of it and Shredder hadn't taken over yet.

Also, didn't Mikey have a crush on Renet, and now they're giving him another person for him to crush on?

I stopped paying attention to the show when they went in to space. Nothing says ninjas like fucking Star Trek

>Your precious 4Kids TMNT cartoon from 2003 did the exact same shit.
>One episode she's just a lab assistant, next episode she offhandedly mentions "I've been training with Splinter" and suddenly she's a better fighter than Casey and is nearly on par with the Turtles.
>If you want to blame Nick TMNT for doing it, you'll have to hold the Holy 4Kids TMNT cartoon accountable, too. But you're far, far too autistic to do that.

1. I never mentioned the 4kids series, why do you assume it's "precious" to me?
2. April learning martial arts wasn't her whole character arc nor was even that important, so it really isn't that big of a deal for that to given very little attention when it comes to that version of her. Things like her relationship with Casey and the Turtles or the technical skills sha had from the begining were far more important throughout the show.

When it comes to Nickelodeon April, her training to become a psychic ninja is is literally everything there is to her (except maybe fueling Donnie's creeper behaviour), so for her to just "git gud" at it after 92 episodes showing very little talent is just lazy writing.

>One episode she's just a lab assistant, next episode she offhandedly mentions "I've been training with Splinter" and suddenly she's a better fighter than Casey and is nearly on par with the Turtles.

2k3 April was pretty terrible. As smart as Donatello, as good a fighter as Leonardo, utterly flawless in every way...

Psychic kunoichi isn't great, but she's more interesting than THAT shit. At least she had to spend 3 1/2 seasons training to be a decent ninja (who loses a bunch of battles and is vulnerable to that rock thing). 2k3 April became an unstoppable warrior between episodes.

2k3 was pretty shit if you can manage to look at it objectively.

Aliens and Space is kinda sorta endemic to TMNT though...

so then fuck off

>2k3 was pretty shit if you can manage to look at it objectively.

Well not as shit as this show, between Donatello being an incurable creep to the constant tonal whiplash, I honestly don't know where to begin criticising this mess of a show.

Let's not pretend anything else here, 2k3 might have been flawed but this is fundamentally broken when you look at it as a whole.

April being shit in 2k3 is an consequence of 2k3 being "Mirage TMNT for babbys". April was always boring and normal in the Mirage comics (until Volume 4, but that came later). Since the 2k3 series wanted to limit itself to the Mirage comics (but butcher them to appeal to babbys) and any original ideas and nothing else, you wound up with a boring April who outlives her usefulness as soon as the Mouser arc is over (so, what, episode 3?).

So the writers made her a super ninja overnight just to keep her in the stories. It was strange that they did it so suddenly and halfassed, too, when the 2k3 was otherwise all about streeeeeeeeeetching every single motherfucking storyline to the breaking point (I still find it hard to believe Notes from the Underground was a fuckin 3-parter).

2k3 wasn't about shipping April, she was a minor character. Also, 2k3 had amazing Shredder and Baxter. It also introduced Hun.

Has this show had as many writing changes as they've had voice acting changes? That might explain the inconsistency

I didn't really care about April when I watched it.
I think it was pretty good.

They have changed Leo's voice actor after second season. I think that's it.

>They have changed Leo's voice actor after second season. I think that's it.

They changed Kraang Prime's voice. But Kraang Prime has barely been in the show, so that one isn't a big deal.

2k3 was constantly good until "fast forward".

>2k3 was constantly good until "fast forward".

If you don't think it shat the bed before that with the Ninja Tribunal season then you're blinded by your Spectrum Colored Glasses.

Will we see Alopex soon?

I don't think so.

Yeah, season five was weird.

>I don't think so.

April's a shitty character in every continuity, OP.

This shouldn't surprise you.

>every girl has to be a romantic interest when they can't even handle romantic plots

This may be the most annoying thing in the whole series honestly. The show would've been a better off if April wasn't a teenager or if she just wasn't treated as a love interest, and Karai's character would've been at least slightly better if she wasn't a love interest. Same goes for the boys. I wish they would let at least Mikey and Ralph be free of pointless romantic subplots or at least just write one of them as gay...wouldn't be quite as annoying IMO just because it would be different than than almost every other show out there. Write characters as characters, not as love interests especially if you aren't even good at writing romance.