Why do polacks believe Russia will invade them?

Are they dumb?

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>is poland dumb?
is this a rhetorical question?

Is it true that your country is undergoing a Neo-Nazi revolution or is that all Ruski propaganda?

Trump voters love Russian and hate America. Trumpshits can't wait to surrender the world's greatest superpower to Putin.

No, we aren't. Now they are focused on your lovely Ukraine.

The Jews want WWIII for a variety of reasons.

Is that you John Podesta?

No. They just learnd an inportant lesson. Never trust a russian.


Polish underwear.

Because Poland has been Poland for a total of 120 years over the past 500 years? They once fought for 130 years to restore Poland to their own possession.

Oh, yeah, and they're angry stubborn psychopaths.

Like I give a fuck about hohlostan.

When you repeat a lie long enough, people will believe it


We don't.

It's American warmongering and stupidity of the local farming animals that pretend to be Poles. pic related.


Everyone around Poland has invaded Poland at least once.

They have historical precedence to believe they'll be invaded again, not to mention a whole lot of bitter feelings.

Jewish leaders systematically killed 66 million Russian Christians during ww2 if you didn't know


I will kill your mother, rape your daughter, burn your house, enslave you for a bit and then settle near you and convince we should be friends while constantly meddling with your affairs.

Then you will be a normal, relaxed man.

We are trying to forget that story.

kys :)


no we didn't, neither did the Czechs.

if you don't count taking a few square meters of mountains as invasion of course. which they got back anyway.

When did you start to exist? Oh, yeah, 28 October 1918.

You're not even as old as America.

Fucking awesome, world loves you Ukraine

>american education
yeah we just appeared out of thin air

no you kys!

You got a lot of reasons to be bitter.

Not even gonna stop you.

Before that you were just a bunch of mountain crawling niggers.

Jesus, you americans are stupid.

You have to understand that a lot of polish elites lived during commies and martial law of 1981 so they can get hysterical

Personally I think that Russia is a soon failed state, I don't look at it as a real threat. The thing is that prophecies for Poland say that it will yet again be "from sea to sea" and I wonder how is this going to happen? Will Poland create an economic union with Ruskie sabaki?

i mean yeah, but that doesn't mean we weren't part of the kingdom with our own language and shit


How do I obtain this body type?

look in a mirror, you dilapidated spic.

the (((media))) said so

Calm the fuck down Liberia, I'm just trying to get in shape.

Shovel some more noodles, ya wino.

Why are you so dumb.

Oh-no, the greasy pepperoni is insulting me.


>Burger calling someone greasy

Itialian calling -anyone- dumb.

What's wrong? Didn't you know The United States of America was literally the victor of the first World War????

Don't you remember when we literally did nothing?

Looks like aids skrillex brother or something

Why do "Ukrainians" believe their country is real? Are they dumb?

We all saw your level of education in this thread though.



No. I've been going easy on you.

I could start comparing you to Mexicans, because you both stink alike.

>American telling anyone they stink


>Swamp Germans think they are real

are they dumb?

>from sea to sea
Somehow I got a feeling that we will only have Ukraine, grant them autonomy, win their war, pay their debts and that's how we will be from sea to sea

Weak. Reusing my own insults is pathetic.

What do you find between Italian womens boobs that you won't find on other women?


Can they get more deranged?


Why would you pay our debts or fight our war?

Come on. Is using the insult someone else thought of first the best you can do? Really?

Rub some more olive-oil in your hair, jerky. Maybe it'll grow back.


Hey, maybe you can get a hair transplant from your wife's upper lip.


CONFIRMED FOR BIGGEST KEKS! I thought Americans were cucks but THIS..

americans BTFO

You got nothing. NOTHING.

You've had to re-use the same insult 4 times, and you didn't even think of it in the first place, you lame-ass.

You fucking guidos man, I tell ya.

I got plenty.

Says america

As for you OP, you never know. And it's always a good move to be suspicious of russia

Ukrainians fought as part of the SS, m8.

No, all you have is pictures, you knuckle-dragging chimp with sleep-deprivation.

>it's always a good move to be suspicious of russia
Yeah, but why would russia attack a NATO country? They'll get wiped.

You said we smell bad, I told you that you smelled bad, and now I'm providing proofs.


Hey jerky, I'm talking to YOU, not your shitty bodega you go to for food.

So, when your wife knows you want sex, does she steal your glasses and throw a donkey in the bed for ya?


Eu territory, while sacking the Baltic nations they binde Nato forces in Poland. Better for negations if Russia can force NATO in to them.

Gib all Baltic and you get pooland back.
Its good for negations.

No creativity. No originality. Italians have become a passionless people.

If you can't be bothered to be original, then I have no choice but to be disappointed in your lack of ability.

I'll apologize, because you are pathetic.

My apologies.

Did all this start because you can't tell flags apart?
Is American education really that bad?

No, I was insulting people because it's fun to get a bantz fight going.

I can mouse-over a flag and see where it's from.

Remember when I insulted Slovakia?
When he admitted to being mountain niggers, I just left him alone.

>I can mouse-over a flag and see where it's from.
WOW, can you teach me your ways?

Because that's exactly what Europe and America wants us to believe in. We were constantly under occupation for the last 3 centuries, we were brought down from a great country to what we are today, a puppet. They need to make sure that we don't even think about doing something against their will and "BIG SCARY BOOGEY RUSSIA" is exactly what they need.

and they also killed children, pregnant women and raped old women

wtf I hate ukraine now

It's almost entirely shills.

The globalists running the west want a war.

Putin is far from perfect, but he's at least a temporary ally against the globalist faction.

>"Russia wouldn't invade you xD"

We are not in NATO, and you are. So...

Ukraine is their immediate sphere of influence though, if they're surrounded there with NATO in the Baltics theyre kinda fucked, they don't have a reason to invade Poland

well, 2bh we give them reasons to do that, we are not always the good, oppressed guys

but they do not teach you it at school so...

Oh get over it, Fabianski.

No you dumb motherfucker, It becase history teach us that Ruskie want to go west since they have this big fuckin complex of being asians o something.

Unfortunatly for Poland we are in their way.
This repeat itself oven and over and over.
No one but ruskie made us belive it, not murica not anglos.
EU is way too stupid to deal with them since they respect only strenght as any asian nation.

So you telling me NATO doesn't mean shit. That Russia can attack a NATO state and get away with it?

It's alot simpler than that actually.

NATO wants to hyperinflate their budget, and to do this, they need to artificially raise the threat level. That is why we see all this geopolitical aggression towards Russia

Yeah goy, It was evil Poles that starved milions of Ukrainians.
No you dumb halfwit it was their friends and bros Commies. Yet they act as any jew in WW2 sell your friend, sell your mother, survive 2 days more, get bullet in your head anyway.

Give me example this so called "oppresion"


pls nato is one big jewish party.

They bombed Serbs for fighting for their clay and people.

You're not seeing the bigger picture. Poland is run by a globalist shill. They want to keep it nationalistic because it's their fortress holding the eastern front.

Just remember that should they succeed in their grander plans, Poland will be destroyed to, just like the west.

>Give me example this so called "oppresion"
I don't know, hundreds of years under Poland-Lithuania?



That's the right Treatment after you set up this evil polish-deathcamps. remember Oświęcimia, Matheusz.

Poles were always pretty evil

Dont get me wrong Ivan, I dont have any grudge against you as people other than being angry you listen to dumb fuckes and fight for them.

Im way way against any war other than to defensive war.

And Yes I know jews run this country, you can say shit without being branded. Our new gov isnt cuting taxes, just more gibsmedats to people who dont work for it.
On the other hand they do a nice job here and there but its not anything big or anything that matters.

What is grand plan? 500 mil people?