ITT post bad CGI

ITT post bad CGI

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What is this? Xavier, Renegade Angel?






>not loving 3d kino


I never understood why for a close up like this they wouldn't just film the actor and then use CG on his arms and legs

Essentially bragging about how good their CG is - even though its shit


Someone post the lost submarine

Can't believe they made a movie about jews in Sweden.

Reminds me of a SCP

Scorpion king.


This is what the animated series should have looked like

Is this real?


You ready?

I remember this looking bad when it came out.


Honestly, Scorpion King wasn't bad, it is just very dated and was too 'obvious', you look at other films at this time and the CGI is about the same, but they used certain angles and lighting effects to make it less obvious. One that comes immediately to mind is Fellowship of the Ring, which came out the same year as the Mummy Returns

Does Gollum still look good today?
It's been a while since I've seen the trilogy.


Gollum still holds up well because of the mo-cap performance.


Reminder that this is not a final shot, it's from behind the scenes. Not defending the prequel trilogy, just hate when people post unfinished renders and try to pass them off as completed shots


Believe it or not user, the extreme close-up shots of the demon thing are practical. You can tell, the textures are too real for the CG at the time.


This looks better than stuff that comes out today. Cough age of Ultron opening cough

That's just a shitty green screen.

Please explain to me how this looks bad. I'm not a DC fanboy, not a marvel or anything fanboy, just curious. My eyes don't detect anything technically "wrong" with this.

the cave troll scene still holds up

highlight of the entire 3 movies

yeah the demon looks good i'd believe that, but that whole scene is an orgy of bad cgi

at least they'll go back and re-do it in 10 years for the special edition

also his final scene actually looked pretty good imo

I remember when this came out it did not look bad, if anything it looked cutting-edge. Same with the scenes on the airship, which now look so green-screened it's almost laughable. Still a good movie though.

Bruh, I know you can see that obvious green screen behind them.. And please don't get me started on Cyborg.

the cars in the background and the quindent

My roommate was legitimately shocked when I told him this was CGI. Apparently some people didn't notice at all.

those shots of the clones and droids in the dust are pretty cool desu

But this looks great.

Most impressive

why couldnt they just have done a couple of shots from the back with his face in darkness?
why the fuck did they have to do this?
it pulls you out so hard

The trident is pointing down

I figured that would be the case, Andy Serkis usually does a pretty good job with that.

they shoulda just started the season with her death this scene was unnecessary

fucking based

I was originally posting this as bad cgi, but its more of a terrible scene. The cgi is better than the Tarkin even.

This was good, fuck you

Will CGI ever be able to replicate reality? This looks very detailed but is still painfully obvious CGI, to the point that it was annoying to watch during the film. Would've rather had them cast a new actor.

Somehow managing to minimize these things


Really, the only time where it was extremely obvious that he was CG was in his first scene.
They didn't even try to conceal his face.
His other 2 scenes where he was more in the shadows looked significantly better.

unironically this

Doesn't look too bad to me. Just the suspension of disbelief is very high in that scene.

giv momy gf

this looks awesome what is it



i honestly think that not being able to recognize bad cgi or when things look unnatural is a sign of a really low IQ person. its probably not a coincidence that poor people and the chinese are the two biggest demographics for bloated cgi hollywood shitfests.

Fuck off, this movie is old as fuck and it looked fine for its time

start memeing about the alien douchebag in the star wars cantina literally being a cheap rubber suit

How about good cgi? This shit is over a decade old and still remains some of the best looking cgi outside of tech demos

lmao no it didnt it has been mocked since its release for looking shockingly bad


Eat shit, it came out almost a decade after Jurassic Park and looks way worse.

Say what you want about Disney but they have some fucking wizards working for them.

Other companies could learn a few things...

I was shocked when I found out this was CG, it looks phenomenal

no fucking way

Took me a minute to realize what was happening

looks like a fucking ps3 cutscene, look at that awful cgi bloom filter shit, its actually worse than lord of the rings. are you 12 years old? what the fuck is wrong with people now its like theyre putting something in the drinking water thats making everybody a braindead moron who laps up garbage i mean JEEEEESUS FUCK

>Practical never looks as good

but how are you not able to notice the unnatural movement clashing with physical objects? Did you think gollum was actually a guy in a suit? have you had your IQ tested?

Pretty sure he was using that image as an example of shitty visual effects.

>the warcraft movie looked worse than the CG bilzzard's in-house team puts together to promote expansion packs

>even overwatch looks better


If this isn't supposed to be a comedy scene I'll be disappointed.

holy shit i totally forgot about the warcraft movie

Where's the CGI?


The Equilibrium one isn't but the In Time one absolutely is CGI.

>Reddit spacing

I don't understand this one.

the In Time one looked like a mix of cgi and a miniature

>they actually had a deer on set but for some reason did something in post to make it look like THIS

This is just sad.

James Bond was in Ice Age?

This was SO bad. How the fuck did they think that looked okay? The lighting is completely off.


Is this Walking Dead? How can a show with a budget like that still manage to look like a home movie?

That looks tight

DAND was such fucking garbage that at times it borderlinded on so bad it's good, like that CGI.

It never made that leap though, and was still fucking awful.

It's a shame that Brosnan was the best Bond we ever had and he only got 1 (maybe 1 and half) good movies.


To make it look like they are face to face they had the rock stand about 8 feet away from manlet co-star so they could be looking each other 'eye to eye' with the camera angle obtuse to mask the fact hes like a gorrolion miles away.

1/10, please apply yourself.

do greenscreens count?

It's just an episode of the Clone Wa- OH FUCK ITS NOT