Do you ever wish you were a 6’3 WHITE protestant male with an IQ of 150, huge ass WHITE COCK, chiseled jawline...

Do you ever wish you were a 6’3 WHITE protestant male with an IQ of 150, huge ass WHITE COCK, chiseled jawline, God Tier beard genetics, blonde hair, blue eyes, FAT wallet FILLED with cash and credit cards, bulbous muscles and translucent pearly WHITE skin of the Gods?

I bet you do.

>inb4 mad cath*cucks
>inb4 mad orth*dogs

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Silence speaks for itself.

No, I'm Finnish. That map speaks for itself.

I would never accept a lower IQ than the one I have, it scares the shit out of me to ever have my cognitive abilities reduced and stopping perceiving the world the way I do now, it probably would look chaotic and senseless.

>blonde hair
Black is better, more dominant and therefore, more masculine.
>blue eyes
Again, black/brown pigment in eyes is better
As to beard growth, turkic/arab beard growth is better than any european. Also persian and pakistani

>Black is better, more dominant and therefore, more masculine.

Literally what

Women don't like blonde hair, especially if they are blond themselves. Females are trait selectors, while males are trait distributors, it's one of taxonomy's most persistent methodologies that in order to determine which genotypic/phenotypic trait is more basal a female group is presented with various samples, they one that this paraphyletic group of females chose is 99% of cases the most basal trait.
Females don't' care about distributing their own traits, they care about picking the one's they see as the most healthy, basal traits such as dark hair are viscerally percieved as healthy, this is only adventageous from an evolutive perspective.

It's only males who care about having blonde/white/tall/smart kids, females only care about having stability and happiness

There was some studies, but i can't google them right now, there's also a lot of regular talks tho
Like, when a lot of people talk about that, this is partialy true, isn't it?
Just google "dark hair masculine" and you will find a lot of disscussions everywhere

further reading

Of course it's a brown man who tells me this

I'm relatively white, have a 163 IQ and I'm 6'3 feet tall (ironically). I am NOT telling you this, ascendant settlements of sound bibliography on taxonomics, cladistics and ethology tell you this.

further reading

Also pic of me.

I have better beard growth than you, but my beard is turkic it form a trianle around my face, the lower you go, the more beard "puffed out".

Sounds dope I wish I could grow a full beard.
Post it.

Timestamp or it isn't you

I have little post-acne issue, so yeah. Also my mustache is not fully connected to my beard, as you see.

Russki immigrant arrived three months ago with working visa reporting in.

Nah, I'm good at where I am, most male swedes I've met so far are quite cucked.

looking good

>I have little post-acne issue, so yeah.
Stop being so insecure faggot.
Also nice beard

Alright user

Looks dope, beard advice?

I'm 6'5, 120 IQ , Protestant parents , Avg sized cock ~ 6.5 inch , Norwegian - Dutch genetics , IT job with a salary of 5k a month. Pretty gud

what is your ethnicity

looking good, user. first pic looks better tho, keep beard
Also good looking

and a virgin lmao


Yeah, I know but my skin is really irritable so if i don't shave I have abnormal amounts of itching, a dermatologist told me there are some creams that solve this and that its usually a dryness issue

So, Amerindian?

le all peruvians are amerindian meme
I guess what you are asking is what's my genetics? As far as I know my family is mostly spanish and some italian, but there must be some slight admixture too, I wouldn't be dumb enough to deny that, I would estimate something like 75-90% European

is there a correlation between protestantism and homosexuality


unless u knew for a fact all 3 of your grandparents were pure white immigrants I doubt you are 75% european. even most of chiles upper class is less than 75%

No sex before marriage


I’d rather be a Pajeet.

No. All protestants will burn for their heresy.

Yeah, I doubt its 75% either, most of my old family pictures are too white to be that low, its a very pessimistic estimation, I would be more confident with an 80 or an 85% estimate.

Chile is not particularly white, it's a harnizo country.


Does the watermark on the upper-left say "Shitter Stock"




You look like you have a bulbous nose.