Why do they have an inferiority complex toward Arabs?


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la creatura...

How does this make you feel, taco?

You're the only retarded trying cause discord

I don't care for Arabs tbqh.



it's not inferiority complex, just hate, that means they seem them as equal and don't like that because a lot of things that are said about arabs can apply to latin americans too

>need for speed 5 soundtrack



>¡No es posible describir! Mutt después de que Mutt entrara por el portal que se abría sobre Ciudad de México. Era increíble, peor que la pesadilla más negra. Muchas personas fueron atrapadas en rincones oscuros o terriblemente corrompidas. Se hizo cada vez más difícil respirar. El hedor era abrumador. Estaba oscuro y todos intentamos salir de la ciudad con un pánico inconcebible. La gente que había sido drenada de su blancura y aquellos que ya comenzaban la transformación fueron pisoteados, Los Ogros nos dejaron o arrebataron a las mujeres y niños de nuestras manos. La cesta con nuestros gemelos cubiertos con símbolos de poder blanco fue arrebatada de las manos de mi madre y la gente detrás de nosotros nos empujó hacia los callejones. Vimos la calle contaminada, las ruinas que caían y la tormenta terrible. Mi madre nos cubrió con una tela negra que encontró en una papelera.

>"Vimos cosas terribles: nuestros compañeros blancos gritaban mientras hordas de perros casi incontables caían sobre ellos, pedazos de brazos y piernas, cuerpos convulsionados que se estaban convirtiendo en Las Creaturas mientras corríamos, familias enteras cubiertas de mierda negra y grasienta y siendo arrastradas a terribles portales que parecían consumir todas las cosas ligeras y terribles corrompidas que alguna vez fueron personas que corrían de un lado a otro, autobuses pegajosos y pútridos llenos de refugiados espasmódicos, rescatadores muertos y soldados, muchos llamaban y buscaban a sus hijos y familias, y mierda en todas partes, en todas partes, mierda, y todo el tiempo el apestoso y malvado viento de la tempestad de truenos devolvió "

>"Me embargó el miedo loco y de ahí en adelante me repito continuamente una frase sencilla:" No quiero terminar como uno de ellos "No sé a cuántas personas me he caído. Solo sé una cosa: que no debo volverme "

-Manuel de Taragona
Superviviente de la tempestad de truenos de la ciudad de México. 2081

Pretty sure it's verifiable fact that Arabs are superior to monkeyzillians and mexishits in every way

I like some rap songs from the game

install gnu/linux joao

I didn't vote for Dilma Roussef.

>tfw ywn be arab

Really? I never ear something about this...

do you have mental problems

Peut-être l'avez-vous vu, peut-être dans un rêve.
Une terre mutée, oubliée.
Un endroit où les hamburgers peuvent réparer votre ventre malade.
Vous allez tout perdre ...
... une fois marqué.
Le symbole du mutt.
Un augure des ténèbres.
Ton passé. Ton futur. Votre très blanc.
Aucun n'aura de sens, et vous ne vous en soucierez même pas.
D'ici là, vous serez autre chose que l'humain.
Une chose qui se nourrit de gènes.
Un bâtard.
Il y a longtemps, dans un pays clos, loin au nord, un grand allié a bâti une grande corporatocratie.
Je crois qu'ils l'ont appelé l'Amérique.
Peut-être que vous êtes familier.
Non, comment pourriez-vous être.
Mais un jour, vous vous tenez devant son allée de partage décrépite.
Sans vraiment savoir pourquoi ...
Comme un papillon attiré par une flamme.
Votre héritage brûlera dans l'angoisse.
Temps après temps.
Car c'est ton destin.
Le sort du mouton.

Uh dude, can you stop calling yourself arab and LARPING as an arab every time you make these threads. nobody in /mena/ gives a fuck about this shit, stop fucking larping.

Eu temo que meu tempo esteja acabando ... Eu posso sentir meu aumento de açúcar no sangue, meu intestino se expandiu até o ponto em que eu só posso usar calças de moletom, e do abismo mais profundo em minhas entranhas, os afilhados mais horríveis escapam para o mercado. Eu estou preso dentro. Não sei por quanto tempo eu fiquei preso neste Walmart, mas cada dia eu sinto meu percentual cair. Minha fome é insaciável, logo não tenho medo de que nem hambúrgueres sejam suficientes ... meus sonhos estão cheios de DNA branco. Eu já fui um humilde pesquisador europeu, acreditando ser corajoso por pisar além do muro fronteiriço americano. Mas os murmúrios, eles me corromperam com sua presença de pesadelo, eu me tornei um deles. Eu tentei o meu melhor para detê-los, mas a luxúria do DNA branco é imparável.

Agora, corra e não volte! Não vai ser muito mais longo antes que eu ...
hnngtth .....
... mais branco do que você, Muhammad ...

They did?
You'd know all about that wouldn't you Spainmutt. Goddamn pimple on the ass of the US.

t eternal gringo

>ywn be this aesthetic
end me lads

I'm fucking Arab you piece of shit

from an historical point, yes, from how their countries are right now, no, they are almost the same

Why do arabs in michigan act and dress like niggers?

Why? How is linux better?

De repente, te despiertas de tu sueño al sonido de un terrible golpe. Abre los ojos a la oscuridad, tarda una fracción de segundo para que su visión se reajuste. Tienes frío, dejaste la ventana abierta. Otro grito te devuelve a la realidad. El Goblino sentado a tu lado, agarrándote la pierna. Tus sábanas ya están manchadas con grasa aceitosa
> "Está bien, Muhammad. Yo también soy blanco".
Dejas escapar un grito que cuaja la sangre. Te levantas y golpeas su pecho para tratar de quitártelo. Su fuerza de hamburguesa antinatural te agarra como un vicio.
Lucha desesperadamente mientras trepa sobre el colchón, inmovilizándote. El miedo te atraviesa Golpea y patea pero no hace nada. Te arañas la cara, pero tus uñas no encuentran adherencia en su piel gruesa y negra. El Goblino comienza a bramar de hambre, de repente su inmenso bulto está sobre ti y su larga lengua comienza a sondear tus fruncidos labios.
Vuelves la cabeza de un lado a otro, rezando para que no pueda encontrar la compra, pero pronto fuerza su lengua entre tus labios y tu garganta. Intenta morderlo para que pare, pero es como un cordón de acero. Ahora estás dolorido también. Empuja él más abajo de tu garganta - tratas de atragantarse pero no puede. Continúa aún más profundo hasta que su lengua está en la boca del estómago.
Usted vomita su ADN blanco directamente en la boca de La Creaturas. Él disfruta cada gota.

Te agarra el cráneo con fuerza entre sus manos rancias, no cederá. El Goblino está disfrutando cada segundo. Sus ojos brillan con renovado deseo.
Te vuelves a despertar en algún momento y no tienes ni idea de cuánto tiempo te has ido ... pero estás tan hambriento y te sientes muy vacío ... tan voraz ... tal vez una persona amable te dará un poco de sabor de su porcentaje también ... Muhammad.

everyone hates arabs

OP is a sower of discord

No you're not. If you really were arab then you'd know that 99% of arabs are huge cucks who absolutely love latin america because of football and latino food. Nobody in /mena/ hates latinos either, it's just you and your incessant autistic larping.

"[inhabitants of sub-Saharan African countries] are people distant from the standards of humanity" "Their nature is that of wild animals...."

- Ibn Battuta
We are biologically superior
fuck off Anglo. I am part German, I will literally demolish you

> Iterum atque iterum eruperunt Mutts in circuitu lutum ex nobis. Timoribus noster pessimus erat ab initio - ut postremo donec perfosso in Europa erant.
> Nos vidi plures ex populo, apprehensa lacinia sucida nigra subigique unguium carminatione, in loco horroris et vastae extraxerunt Ogros de turbis. Et praecurrens minor Goblinos skittered pravis. Atque lactantem mordens labia eorum repente oppressi sunt, proni in terram coram gulose errare facit discerpens nimis prava inciperet ut traducat.

> Populi subito currere incipit, et mox post cadere. Nec aliter salvare. Maxime uxorem a creatura quae repit ex signo vitiose manhole .. capillos iam cadere. Cum parva aquae moles sanctorum ego in situla erant mecum non poterat ut novis epistolis ex aliqua corruptione secretae. Eodem tempore fudit manibus nostris. Meus uxori conquerenti, "Non possum ire. Genes mei perditi chromosomata habet Mea .... "Amica mea non respexit Urbe humanum.

> Cucurrit, sicut fecimus nos et crescentes hominum multitudines Ogros de praeteritis conflata ex quatuor vel quinque homines, descenderunt in ululatu ut corpulentus, mediocris ipsum ingens apparuit sicut haec caro et abominationes suas fuerunt hi ... ad totius familiae naturis conflata velut inquinamentum ac vigilantes visus esset occidendum - peius tamen quod aliquo modo uterque horum. Et aedificia tota vidimus impletur Mutts virorum ad nullam maiorem stragem pinguibus sharts parvulus.

> In omnibus sparsim per silentia tandem invenit mussitantes las creaturas "Soroshills". Arserat et odore adeo nemo clamatis faucibus.

> 30000 alba prorsus mutatum est et occisus. De Iovis consociata cum in lucem solarem Iulii shartstorm delebitur. Ego sum unus de admodum pauci. Ora pro nobis.

Franciscus Fabricius

>how is a real operating system better than literal spyware larping as one

The problem with that is that you look stupid walking around with snapbacks dressing like its still 2005 with a nose so big it looks like a piece of a broken off brick

I don't have anything to hide

Also you didnt answer my question

The problem is that you're still not sucking my dick. Guess I'll have to bend you over instead

>part German

Wow!!! Interesting! Are you also part egyptian, part Chinese, part Colombian?

Or do you just change your true heritage on a whim like most of the baiting retards on this board?

Holy shit that was good.


esos ni siquiera son arabes, maldito proxy hijo de puta

Mexican chicas were made for BIG ARAB COCK

pic related

Ce soir, cependant, quelque chose était différent. L'air de ces dernières semaines était devenu teinté d'un miasme constant de shart, mais au moment où nous nous réveillions pour faire face à un autre raid nocturne, nos narines étaient bombardées d'un parfum bien pire que tout ce qui était arrivé auparavant. Les rues à l'extérieur étaient inhabituellement calmes, aucun "Yeehhaaa" ou coups de feu ne pouvait être entendu. Une ombre se dessinait au loin, ceux d'entre nous qui étaient à première vue nous tendaient les yeux pour voir à travers les ténèbres. Avec le temps, nous avons vu que ce n'était pas une ombre, mais une masse mouvante de Mutts, se dandinant lentement vers notre dernier bastion de défense, et à la tête de la horde, nos pires cauchemars ont été réalisés.

"Il vient!" J'ai crié à ceux qui étaient à l'intérieur "L'obscurité arrive!"

Des cris retentissaient dans l'église, des femmes et des enfants se blottissaient dans les bancs, car nous savions tous ce que cela voulait dire. Le chef des Mutts, commandant de leurs forces, était venu dans notre ville pour nous balayer comme un froc en sous-vêtements.

Pour certains, il était connu comme "Le Bringer of the Dark", pour d'autres "The Black Star of David". Pour les Mutts, bien qu'il était connu comme leur chef, une sorte de divinité: Président Juan Deshawn Trumpowitz Jr.


Lmao guess you dont have any answers huh? You dirty hooknosed goatfucking camel jockey.

>pic related

How does this prove literally anything? All you did was just give me a map of europe and the middle east.

kys disgusting dogfucker


lol weren't you supposed to be omani? kys

>unternenschen arguing over who is more untermensch


keep coping untermensch

Omani and my 23andme test showed that I am part German

lmao, you seriously must be retarded

Because they are as white as snow, and deep down inside they are fully aware that mighty BROWN and BLACK always dominates over weak and pathetic white.

I'd like to live in Oman or Qatar. I think I would make a lot of frens.

Post it

>Why do they have an inferiority complex toward Arabs?
I have never heard this before ever in my life, but you must have touched a nerve considering this thread became utterly bombarded with Amerimutt posting.

NEVER post in another thread EVER again you dirty animal

thank god

Maybe in the monkey exhibit

Kys untermensch

fuck off we're full

B-But be me fren.

>i-i'm german guys, p-please believe
why are araps so pathetic and white worshipping

why are sudacas so easily butthurt

I'll be your fren.

Ok sweaty, I'll be your friend :3 but give bunda first.

Tnx, fren. I rest at ease now.
Frenchip arent to be buy with bunda.

Es arte, 10/10!

I don't like arabs but mainly because I'm opinionated. I wish the western world would just sever ties with them.

But the general Brazilian population just don't care.

Mexicans don't. Lebanese are pretty well liked in Mexico. Recently they've started to no like Syrians though.

are you the same guy who tried applying for an economics job in qatar?

>Recently they've started to no like Syrians though
We did?


Two of my cowkers are from DF and Jalisco and said they've started coming in the last few years and start fights in public and yell at women they don't know.

>start fights in public and yell at women they don't know.

Just like Persians in LA. Truly the trash race of the old world, worse than N*ggers IMO. At least ghetto blacks stay in their containment zones.

>Just like Persians in LA
>he actually gets bullied by a bunch of pussy arabs

Why are whitoids the most pathetic race in existence

I have never even seen a Syrian in my life, geebus I thought we only had like a literal handful of refugees

I'm not White and Persians don't bully, they start fights over dumb shit then get arrested or they harass women and get angry and violent when rejected, then get arrested.

Arabs don't really cause problems here because we only have small numbers of them whom are either rich Christian/Jewish refugees from the Levant or rich Gulf Arabs on vacation.

>or they harass women and get angry and violent when rejected, then get arrested.

lol. Whatever makes you cope with your insecurities, Jonathan.

>An Arab defending Persians

Is this opposite day or are you a Iranian on vacation? Persians being obnoxious vindictive bitches whom get their egos hurt easily is a stereotype know far and wide.

>Arab defending persians

Literally no difference. Before you start hurling the typical 'persians wuz not arabs' bullshit, most iranians will say they're arab directly to your face if you ask them.

I've literally never met a Persian whom refereed to themselves as Arab. Many get offended if you confuse the two.

this is bullshit

Do they actually look different?

You met diaspora. Diaspora are known for having this attitude of clinging onto their ethnic identity in order to stand out from the rest of the crowd. Ethnic iranians say they're arab, iranians here say they're arab. Nobody here gets offended by being called arab, you just met a bunch of LARPers in real life.

t. arab larping as an iranian

Yeah ok, believe whatever you want dude. I'm pretty sure I know more about my own region that I lived my entire life in than you.

prove it

>country is officially called the islamic republic of iran
>they use a language that is almost identical to arabic, follow shia and sunni islam, two predominately arab influenced religions, involve themselves in arab politics, have maintained an anti israel stance for many years

Also, I've never studied persian in my entire life, but I can still read it and translate it to arabic.


They hate most Arab countries

>those other arabs that follow the same religion, speak the same language, eat the same food, have the same culture that me? No i have nothing to do with them
>why yes i am italian. italians shake their hands while talking just like me therefore im italian, hai capito?
Why sandniggers do this?

WOAH!!! Really? Please do tell me more.

kill yourself you autistic monkey

you're an Arab larping

Interesting. Go ahead, tell me more. Tell me about how "persians would kill me in real life if I called them arab", "persians would get offended if you called them arab" or any of the dumb shit you racist ethnic separists on this board usually say.

You were raised in Qatar, a country that is almost 100% Arab. You don't know anything about Iran.

Damn . . . . . . I truly got BTFO.